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Pastoral Care and Discipline

We operate a Positive Behaviour/Discipline Policy and emphasise to our pupils that:

They have a right to learn without disruption Teachers have a right to teach Everybody has a right to safety (physical and psychological) Everybody has a right to dignity and respect

We regularly praise our pupils and catch them being good, we use the language of choice, we attempt to build every childs self esteem and we build a rapport with children in our care. In conjunction with childrens rights we discuss responsibilities, which lead to positive or negative choices and consequences. We incorporate our five school rules into our daily teaching and set basic routines, all of which are designed to teach our children good citizenship skills. Anti-social forms of behaviour are not acceptable in school, e.g. gang membership, racist abuse, bullying and verbal and physical abuse. We encourage children to learn to demonstrate self discipline, independence and self-confidence. We promote good, consistent standards of behaviour. We are aware that the social and emotional needs of individual children can have a bearing upon their behaviour. In order to implement our behaviour policy, which is integral to our school delivery plan, a shared understanding of the values and expectations of pupils, staff, parents, governors and the wider community must be achieved. We build positive relationships between adults and our pupils and encourage them in the skills which will enable them to relate well to each other is a key component of our positive Discipline/Learning policy. Indeed, we believe that everything that happens in a classroom is by invitation, we cannot make pupils do things in a power struggle or purely be coercive. Our staff take primary responsibility for being proactive in ensuring the relationships we achieve in class/school are as positive and empowering as possible. We use SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) which offers a whole-curriculum framework for teaching social, emotional and behavioural skills to all children and is organised into seven themes which can be covered within a school year: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) New beginnings Getting on and falling out Bullying Going for goals! Good to be me Relationships Changes


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