Webquest On The Iliad and The Odyssey Unit 1b

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Write complete answers to the questions below. Where can you find the information? I'll
try the wikipedia. Remember! If you can't understand a paragraph in English, try
another language first ...

There are 24 questions

1. Who is Homer?

2. Although there is controversy, when were these two works written?

3. Where can we place Ithaca, the home of Odysseus in a map?

4. Is the Iliad a tragedy or an epic poem? And the Odyssey?

5. Who is the main character in the Iliad?

6. What is the major theme in the Iliad?

7. How long does the action of the Iliad cover?

8. Who sends a plague against the Greeks?

9. Who is Agamemnon?

10. Which three ancient myths is the Iliad connected to?

11. How many books are there both in the Iliad and the Odyssey?

12. Can you name some of the elements of Achilles's s Shield?

13. An English writer used the plot of the Iliad for his play "Troilus and Cressida".
What's his name?

14. Which loose film adaptation of the Iliad was released in 2004?

15. Who is Odysseus?

16. Can you give the Roman name for Odysseus?

17. How long does it take to Ulysses to get to Ithaca?

18. Who were Telemachus and Penelope?

19. Who were Athena and Zeus?

20. Who is Odysseus's enemy in the sea?

21. Who is Calypso?

22. What is Ulysses's best quality?

23. How does the Odyssey end?

24. What is a myth?

Write these questions and the answers in a Word document and upload it as an
assignment in the link below.

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