HFH Const Final

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Mission 1. It is our mission to spread awareness for domestic violence and abuse by educating the community through fundraisers and events on campus. 2. The ultimate goal is to volunteer several times throughout each semester so members can gain first hand experience, become aware, and educate their friends, family, and teachers. 3. Promote peace and harmony in the community. 4. Educate people on how to detect an abusive relationship and how to get help. Core Values 5. HFH is an organization that will be dedicated to spreading awareness through on-campus fundraisers, convocation events, and volunteering at local shelters. 6. HFH is comprised of students who wish to help others, and are kind, caring, empathetic, passionate, and dedicated to our mission. 7. All members must follow these values. Membership 8. Anyone can join HFH at any point throughout the semester. We do not exclude anyone from joining because we want as many people as possible to be educated on this issue. 9. In order to maintain membership, members must volunteer at least once a semester at local shelters, and be available to work all the fundraisers. 10. Members must pay a fee of $10 per a semester for start up fees and to help cover costs. 11. If a member fails to volunteer or work the proper amount of fundraisers then they need to have a meeting with the President regarding whether or not they will continue membership. Meetings 12. There will be monthly or bi-monthly meetings, depending on what fundraisers are happening. 13. There will be Executive Board Meetings every week. This is left up to the discretion of the President. 14. Every meeting will consist of updating members on events and opportunities. 15. During each meeting, every officer will provide an update. 16. There will also be a section of the meeting dedicated to educating members on domestic violence and abuse. Volunteering

17. In order to participate as a volunteer, each member must submit any forms that are required. This could include but is not limited to: volunteer agreement, confidentiality agreement, liability form, and travel fee (if applicable). 18. While volunteering, every member must abide by the Belmont Universitys Statement of Values and Behavioral expectations found in the handbook. If a member cannot handle themselves in an appropriate manner then they will be asked to leave and must have a follow up meeting with the President. 19. Members may refuse to partake in an activity once at the volunteer site. Events 20. There will be a majority rules vote on what events the organization will participate in. However, the President has the right to veto any event, fundraiser, field trip, or convocation event. Executive Board Officers 21. Must have a GPA of at least a 3.0 to be on the Executive Board. 22. Executive Board positions include President, Vice President, Event Services Contact (Same as President), Financial Officer, and Secretary. 23. The President is responsible for leading and holding all the meetings. Frequency of the meetings is left up to the President, but there is a minimum of one meeting a month. The President is also responsible for organizing all fundraisers and making sure every person is doing their job. They must also organize and attend all fundraisers and volunteer field trips. 24. The Vice President is the Presidents assistant. They are expected to assist the President in the planning of all fundraisers and field trips. The VP is also required to attend all volunteer field trips and must attend all fundraisers. They will also need to be in charge of sending out weekly emails to inform members. 25. The Event Services Contact will always be the President because they are responsible for all events. 26. The Financial Officer is in charge of all bank accounts, expenses, and money. They must keep a list of money that comes in and out, and will determine the budget for a given fundraiser. Before they allow any money to leave the bank account, they must get written documentation from the President and/or advisor. 27. The Secretary will be in charge of taking attendance, writing the minutes, and will keep track of all paperwork. Paperwork includes but is not limited to fees, field trip forms, volunteer forms, etc. It is helpful, but not required, if they have graphic design experience and can design posters, tshirts, fliers, etc.

28. If the Secretary does not have graphic design skills then another leadership position will be added called, Merchandise Chair. 29. Each officer is required to attend all member meetings, Executive Board meetings, and any other meeting that the President insists on having. 30. Each officer will rotate in attending the Presidents Council Meeting each month. Executive Board Term 31. Each officer will be in office from August until May unless they resign or are removed. Terms of Removal or Resignation 32. The Advisor has the right to remove an officer who fails to abide by these guidelines presented in the constitution. 33. If an officer would like to resign in the middle of their term then they must have a meeting with the current President. 34. If an officer would like to resign at the end of their term and not return then they may do so. Elections 35. Leadership positions will be re-evaluated each spring. 36. If there is a position open on the Executive Board then the current officers will meet and vote on who will serve on the next years board. Committees 37. There will be subcommittees dedicated to different events that take place. 38. Officers will appoint members to each committee based on their skill set. 39. Each committee is overseen by one of the Executive Board Officers. 40. The different committees are as follows: Fundraising Committee (overseen by Financial Officer), Convocation Committee (overseen by Vice President), Special Events Committee (overseen by President), Merchandise & Publicity Committee (overseen by Secretary), and the Volunteer Committee (overseen by President & Vice President). 41. The Fundraising Committee will be in charge of raising funds for HFH and will help organize drives and fundraisers for other organizations and shelters in Nashville. 42. The Convocation Committee will be in charge of finding speakers and organizing the convocation events. 43. The Special Events Committee will help organize and plan any and all aspects of large fundraisers we do (for example, the concert and awareness week). 44. The Merchandise & Publicity Committee will assist the Secretary or Merchandise Chair.

45. The Volunteer Committee is in charge of finding shelters or events to volunteer at, organizing transportation, and obtaining/distributing forms. Other 46. Non-Belmont students may perform, volunteer, or participate in any fundraiser. Bylaws 47. This constitution will be amended or re-evaluated once a year during the spring semester by the Executive Board.

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