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Ultima Weapon

Aura; Strong Universal, CL 20th, weight; 10 lbs. Ultima Weapon can be wielded as a one-handed, twohanded, or light weapon. It is also treated as a short sword, long sword, or great sword for weapon proficiencies, class abilities, and feats. Every attack made with this weapon requires rolls on the following tables to determine the weapons properties. Base Damage (d8) 1d3 1 1d4 2 1d6 3 1d8 4 2d4 5 1d10 6 1d12 7 2d6 8 Critical Threat Range (d6) 20 1-2 19-20 3-4 18-20 5-6 Critical Hit Damage Multiplier (d4) x1 1 x2 2 x3 3 x4 4 Damage Type (d6) 1-2 Bludgeoning 3-4 Piercing 5-6 Slashing Special Material (d10) Adamantine 1-2 Cold Iron 3-4 Elysian Bronze 5-6 Mithral 7-8 9-10 Viridium Enchantment Bonus (d10) +1 1-2 +2 3-4 +3 5-6 +4 7-8 +5 9-10 Energy Burst Type (d10) Corrosive Burst 1-2 Flaming Burst 3-4 Icy Burst 5-6 Psychokinetic Burst 7-8 9-10 Shocking Burst Alignment Type (d4) Anarchic 1 Axiomatic 2 Holy 3 Unholy 4 Bane Type (d100) Aberrations 01-05 Animals 06-09 Constructs 10-16 Dragons 17-22 Fey 23-27 Humanoids (pick one subtype) 28-60 Magical Beasts 61-65 Monstrous Humanoids 66-70 Oozes 71-72 Outsiders (pick one subtype) 73-88 Plants 89-90 Undead 91-98 99-100 Vermin

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