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Study Guide : State and Local Government Test

Use your notes, Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 in your book to answer the questions. 1. Georgias Constitution divides the state government into ______ bran hes. !. "he ___________ bran h o# Georgias government makes $aws. %. "he ___________ bran h o# Georgias government is responsib$e #or arrying out $aws. &. "he ___________ bran h o# Georgias government is responsib$e #or interpreting the Constitution o# Georgia. 5. "he __________ bran h o# Georgias government is the $argest. 6. 'ho assumes $eadership o# Georgias e(e utive bran h i# the Governor and )ieutenant Governor are unab$e to serve* +. ,e retary o# ,tate -. +ttorney Genera$ C. ,peaker o# the .ouse /. 0resident o# the ,enate 1. 0ub$i uti$ities in Georgia, su h as te$ephone ompanies and e$e tri governing group* +. "he 0ub$i ,ervi e Commission -. "he ommissioner o# $abor C. "he se retary o# state /. "he $ieutenant governor 2. Georgias governor an serve _____ onse utive terms in o##i e. 3. "he governors term o# o##i e is ______ years. 14. + state $egis$ators term o# o##i e is _____ years. 11. "he genera$ session o# the Georgia Genera$ +ssemb$y $asts _______ days ea h year. 1!. "he o##i ia$ name o# Georgias $egis$ature is the _______________________________. 1%. 5embers o# the state senate must be _________ years o$d at the time o# their e$e tion. 1&. 5embers o# the state house o# representatives must be ________ years o$d at the time o# their e$e tion. 15. "he presiding o##i er in the senate is the ____________________. 16. "he presiding o##i er in the house is the ____________________. 11. "he $egis$ative ommittee that hand$es bi$$s and $aws invo$ving #unding, budgets, and e(penditures is the ______________________ Committee. 12. 'hen the house and the senate adopt, or pass, di##ering versions o# a bi$$, a ____________________ ommittee works out the di##eren es between the two versions. 13. 0rote tions given to iti6ens a used o# rimes, su h as the right to a $awyer and the right to a speedy tria$, are prote tions known as ___________________. !4. + serious rime punishab$e by a year or more in prison, a #ine o# at $east 71444, or both is a$$ed a ___________________. !1. Courts that hand$e ases o# persons under the age o# seventeen are a$$ed _______________ ourts. ompanies, are regu$ated by whi h person or

!!. Courts that hear ases invo$ving the wi$$s o# de eased persons are a$$ed_________________ ourts. !%. "he individua$ who hand$es most o# the day8to8day operations o# ounty government is a$$ed a ounty __________________. !&. "he ma9or sour e o# #unds to support ounty government budgets is _________________. !5. + ity that has its own government is a$$ed a _____________________. !6. 5ost o# Georgias iti6ens now $ive in _________________ areas o# the state. !1. :n the __________________ #orm o# ity government, the e$e ted ity oun i$ is responsib$e #or making $aws and the e$e ted mayor a ts as the itys hie# e(e utive o##i er and is responsib$e #or seeing that $aws are arried out. !2. :n the __________________ #orm o# ity government, the voters e$e t a ity oun i$ that estab$ishes $aws and hires a ity manager who is responsib$e #or the day to day operations o# the ity. !3. + _________________ is reated #or a sing$e 9ob or a sing$e group o# tasks su h as a s hoo$ system. %4. )o a$ governments sometimes raise revenue by o$$e ting a ta( on the sa$e o# onsumer goods and servi es a$$ed _____________. %1. + ourt ase on erning a vio$ation o# #edera$, state, or $o a$ $aw is a$$ed a ________ ase. %!. + ourt ase on erning a dispute between two or more persons or groups is a$$ed a ________ ase. %%. + ____________ is a serious rime su h as a murder or burg$ary and is punishab$e by a year or more in prison, a #ine o# at $east 71,444 or both. %&. + ____________ is a $ess serious rime punishab$e by $ess than a year in prison, a #ine o# $ess than 71,444 or both. %5. + ____________ determines whether or not persons a used o# rimes shou$d be indi ted ;o##i ia$$y harged< and required to stand tria$. %6. + ______________ is a group o# iti6ens who 9udge a person who has been o##i ia$$y harged with a rime. %1. + 9uveni$e is a iti6en under the age o# __________. %2. :n a 9uveni$e ourt, a ________________ is something that wou$d be onsidered a rime i# it was ommitted by an adu$t %3. :n a 9uveni$e ourt, a ___________ re#ers to an a t that wou$d =>" be onsidered a rime i# ommitted by an adu$t su h as #ai$ure to attend s hoo$ or underage onsumption o# a$ oho$. &4. Georgias ?,even /ead$y ,ins@ + t made it possib$e #or a 9uveni$e o##ender to be treated as an adu$t o##ender i# a serious rime has been ommitted. =ame ea h o# the ?,even /ead$y ,ins@ under this $aw.

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