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Spring Is Here

(Sung To: Are You Sleeping)

Sub. by an Unknown Friend

I see robins, I see bird's nests, Butterflies too, flowers too. Everything is growing, The wind is gently blowing. Spring is here, spring is here.

Spring Poem
By Sharon Siegelman

Some days seem like winter, Some are nice and warm. Rainy days and windy days, Maybe it will storm. Warm or cold or wet or dry, What will the weather be? I think Spring is trying to play Peek-a-boo with me

Beautiful Rainbow Came

Submitted by Nina

One day the sun was shining bright (hold up right hand like blocking sunlight) But some clouds came along and it became black as night (Hold up left hand for the clouds) Then the rain began to sprinkle onto the ground (wiggle fingers for the rain coming down) And soon it was raining all over the town. But when the clouds had passed on by (move both hands to one side) A big beautiful rainbow stretched across the sky (make a rainbow arc with your hands)

The Days of Spring

(Sung to: Farmer in the Dell)
Submitted by Hollie

The days of Spring are here, Warm, sunny days are near, Flowers and bees, and birds in trees. The days of spring are here.

Caterpillar Change
Submitted by an Unknown Friend

There was a little caterpillar crawling all about. (Walk with fingers on arm) He worked and he worked without a doubt. (Wiggle fingers)

Wrapping himself in a snug cocoon.(Wrap other hand around fingers) Waiting and waiting, will it be soon? (hold fingers) Look, he's coming out, my oh my! (raise arms in excitement) For now he's become a beautiful butterfly (Cross thumbs and flap hands like wings)

The Flower Song

Submitted by Jennifer

The flower has some petals, the flower has some petals. The petals call the birds and bees, the flower has some petals The flower has some leaves, the flower has some leaves. The leaves will catch the rain and sun, the flower has some leaves. The flower has a stem, the flower has a stem. The stem will make it stand up tall, the flower has a stem. The flower has some roots, the flower has some roots. The roots will carry food and drink, the flower has some roots.

Submitted by Paula

There was a day when we were blown And windy was the weather-O, W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y, W-I-N-D-Y, And windy was the weather. Continue

Popcorn Popping
Submitted by Trish

I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn, popping on the apricot tree. Spring has brought me such a nice surprise Popcorn popping right before my eyes I can take a handful and make a treat A popcorn ball that smells so sweet It wasn't really so, but it seemed to be Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

Planting Seeds
Submitted by Beverly

First you take the seed and you plant it in the ground (pretend to plant seeds in hand) Next a rain cloud comes and waters all around (Use one hand to simulate rain) Next the sun shines brightly, without a sound (use fingers like sun) And in just a few days, a flower is found (open hand like flower)

Caterpillar in a Box
Submitted by Courtney

A fuzzy caterpillar wiggled down a tree He wiggled long, he wiggled short, he wiggled right at me. I put him in a box and said Please don't go from me, But when I looked again, I saw a butterfly not he.

Now I could never make a butterfly, even if I tried. Cause only God in Heaven, can make a butterfly.

Colors up in the Rainbow

Submitted by Lisa

Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too. All the colors that we know, live up in the rainbow. Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too.

Let's Go Fly A Kite

Submitted by Jen

Let's go fly a kite Up where it's clear and bright Let's all go fly a kite Let's go fly a (pick a color) kite Up where it's clear and bright Let's go fly a (pick a color) kite

Rain on the Grass

Submitted by an Unknown Friend

Rain on the green grass, Rain on the tree, Rain on the house top. But not on me.

The Caterpillar
Submitted by Tina

The fuzzy little caterpillar went up into a tree (act like your climbing) spun his cocoon and then (yawn) went to sleep (spin hands) While he was sleeping he dreamt that he could fly (making flying motion) When he woke up (loud, excited) he was a butterfly.

Hunting Bugs
Submitted by Pam

A-hunting we will go A -hunting we will go We'll catch a (insert any insect here) and put it in a box(loudly) and then we'll let it go!

The Little Caterpillar

(Sung to "Itsy, Bitsy Spider")
Submitted by Sarah

The little caterpillar crawled up into a tree, Spun his cocoon and slept so quietly, All through the winter he didn't make a sound,

He dreamt of his new life when he'd be flying all around. While he was sleeping the snow did gently fall, Winter came and went, then her heard the robin's call, Come on Mr. Butterfly, out of your cocoon Spread your wings and fly for me, while I sing my tune.

Colors of the Rainbow

Submitted by Paige

Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue I can sing a rainbow.. . I Sing a rainbow... and so can you. Red, and Yellow and Pink and Green, Purple and Orange and Blue I Can Dance A Rainbow... I Can Dance A Rainbow... and so can you

Planting Flowers
Submitted by Tawna

Planting flowers, planting flowers In the ground, in the ground, Water them and they grow, Water them and they grow, All around, all around.

Plant A Little Seed

Submitted by Julie

I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground (Squat down pretend to plant) Out comes the yellow sun, big and round (Put arms above head like sun) Down come the raindrops soft and slowly (dancing fingers) Up comes the flower grow, grow, grow (jump as flower emerges)

(Sung To "Row, row your boat")
Submitted by Jenny

One caterpillar , two caterpillars, three caterpillars today. Four caterpillars, five caterpillars eating all the day. One cocoon, two cocoons three cocoons today. Four cocoons, five cocoons sleeping all the day. One butterfly, two butterflies three butterflies today. Four butterflies, five butterflies, flying, flying away.

A Seedlings Song
Submitted by Florence

I am only now a seedling planted with hands so very young I have but just one wish, to reach and touch the sun My little leaves are fragile, my stem is very new My roots can barely hold me up, but you can help me through.

I need only a few things, to keep me alive and well Some water, love and sunshine, Then time will surely tell. If my leaves look kind of droopy, something to drink will do the trick And feed me a little fertilizer, to prevent me from getting sick. This pot I live in now is a temporary hold; I'll need to be replanted, as I will soon grow old. The hardest thing to do my friend is to sit and watch and wait For the wonderful surprise I'll bring, Please be patient and have faith For your effort, love and support will all be over soon; Visit me in a month or two and I'll reward you with a bloom. But please don't cut me down I can surprise you once again, Let me finish my flower and seed and next year, I'll be back my friend.

The Gardening Song

Submitted by Betty

First you take a shovel, a rake, and a hoe Plant a little garden, Plant seeds in a row Water them and weed them through all the summer heat And then you'll have some flowers or vegetables to eat.

Fuzzy Caterpillar
Submitted by Tina

The fuzzy caterpillar curled up on a leaf. Spun her little chrysalis and then fell fast asleep. While she was sleeping, she dreamed that she could fly. And later when she woke up, she was a butterfly.

The Flower Song

Submitted by Jennifer

The flower has some petals, the flower has some petals. The petals call the birds and bees, the flower has some petals The flower has some leaves, the flower has some leaves. The leaves will catch the rain and sun, the flower has some leaves. The flower has a stem, the flower has a stem. The stem will make it stand up tall, the flower has a stem. The flower has some roots, the flower has some roots. The roots will carry food and drink, the flower has some roots.

Six Silly Spiders

Six silly spiders standing in a row (Hold up three fingers on each hand) They just do not know where to go (Wiggle fingers.) But when someone comes to spray (pretend to spray water) They will be off on their way (wiggle fingers away.)

In the sea are seven seals. (Hold up three finger and four fingers.) Swimming and splashing are some of their skills. (Pretend to swim.) Soon the seals are surprised (Throw hand up as surprised.) By a fish thats twice their size. (Hold arms wide) Swim, little seals, as swiftly as you ca (Pretend to swim fast.) Or there may be only six in your clan (Hold up three fingers on each hand)

Buzzing Bees
Submitted by Bonnie

Bees, Bees, Bees, Bees Buzzing in bushes and buzzing in trees Buzzing around, wherever they please There's nothing so sweet As sweet as a honey bee.

I Plant A Seed
(Sung to: I'm a Little Teapot)
Submitted by Betty

I plant a little seed in the cold, cold ground. Out comes the yellow sun, big and round. Down come the raindrops soft and slowly Up comes the flower grow, grow, grow! Planting Flowers (Sung to: Ferez Jacques) Planting flowers, Planting flowers, In the ground, In the ground, Water them and they grow, Water them and they grow, All around, All around.

April Rain
Submitted by Carol

Dance little raindrop (wiggle fingers) Tap with tiny feet (tap feet) The seeds will awaken (pretend to sleep and awake) When they hear our beat (cup hand over ear) Grow little seeds (sq And see the cloudy sky (point to sky

Some Rabbits
(Sung To: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean)
Submitted by Nancy

Some rabbits have bright shiny noses. I'm telling you now as a friend. The reason their noses are shiny

Their powder puffs on the wrong end. Wrong end, wrong end, their powder puffs on the wrong end.

The Ants Go Marching

Submitted by Melissa

The ants go marching one by one. . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching one by one. . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching one by one The little one stops to suck his thumb And they all go marching Down, to the ground Boom, Boom, Boom The ants go marching two by two . . . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching two by two . . . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching two by two The little one stops to tie his shoe And they all go marching Down, to the ground Boom, Boom, Boom The ants go marching three by three . . . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching three by three . . . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching three by three The little one stops cause he skinned his knee And they all go marching Down, to the ground Boom, Boom, Boom The ants go marching four by four . . . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching four by four . . . Hoorah, hoorah The ants go marching four by four The little one stops to shut the door And they all go marching Down to the ground Boom Boom Boom

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