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Basic House-training

Always place your puppy in his "Safe Place" when you are not at home or at night while you sleep. The best "Safe Place" we know of, is a crate that is large enough to contain bedding and a small food and water dish. Your puppy can safely be left in his crate, even during the first days you have him her, for up to three to four hours. As the weeks travel on, this time period can be increased up to ! hours but, by that time, he she will be about ready to "burst at the seams" to go potty so, be sure that is the "#$Y %&$ST thing you do as soon as you get home. The "Potty Stop" should A'(AYS be the first thing) (hen you will be leaving your puppy in the crate for these hours, it is best not to place any food or water in the crate with him her. This will curtail the urge to eat drink which will reduce the need to potty. *enerally, a puppy is not mature enough to have full control of his her bladder and or bowels until they reach +,! months of age. (hatever the si-e your puppy, be sure the crate is and will be large enough, for at least several months to come to accommodate his standing fully erect, being able to turn around easily, and stretch out within. (estie puppies dogs as well as most any other breeds do not like to soil their area of sleeping and eating. This is why having and using a crate works so well. .eing confined within it helps to teach the pup to control his her release of urine and feces. . (hen your puppy is loose within your home, restrict him to one room where you will keep a close eye for signs of his needing to potty. Another way to keep a close eye on him is to connect a three foot lead to his collar and attach the other end to yourself /at

the waist0. This way, he is never more than three feet away and you aways know what he1s up to. *enerally, as we have mentioned before, young puppies need to potty about every 2 to 3 hours of "awake time" and always upon awaking, eating, and drinking. 4any times while playing, the pup will become so involved with what is happening that he will not pay any attention to his need to potty. (hen this need overwhelms him, there will be very little warning for you to notice. Things you1ll need to watch for may be5 turning in a tight circle, seeming to be stretching out in a standing position /males0, spreading the back legs apart and s6uatting /females0, whining, or even possibly going behind something or into a corner. Any given puppy may do any or all of these or give other signs not listed. You1ll need to be very observent to learn which signs your puppy will give. The moment you see any of these signs, you need to 6uickly scoop him up and while carrying him /being sure not to be s6uee-ing his belly0, keep saying something like "7utside Potty". This is the wording we use and have used on your 'a Terra 8ios Puppy prior to your taking possession. (e have only touched the tip of this training during the last couple of weeks before he went home with you so, it is up to you to pursue it into reality. . 7nce you are outside in the area where you wish your pup to use, place him on the ground and offer the command "*o Potty". 79'Y use this command at this one spot. &t may be good to say it several times as you wait, but don1t over use it to the point that it becomes meaningless. %or training purposes, you will want to use the same potty place #"#$Y T&4#. This is where a portable, folding fence works very well. These are steel, hinged, 3:" ; 3:" ; < panel fences can be placed and or moved very easily. &t is best to obtain one which has a door in it for later use. 7ne unit, creates a small ! s6uare foot area which will work for a small

puppy but, as the pup grows, you may want to add another set of < panels to form a larger area. A fence of two sets of panels is plenty for an adult (estie and the 3:" hight is fine for small dogs up to adult (estie si-e, but larger breeds will need it taller and probably larger pens. They1re available up to : ft. high and you can connect as many as you wish together. . 9ow, a moment ago, & made a statement about being sure you purchase a fence which incorporates a gate. After your puppy has made the transition into being fully house trained, and you have used the portable fence as & mentioned above, during that training, that little fence may and probably will become a fantastic aid to Y7=. >ow you ask? (ell, being that inside that fence is the only area you puppy dog has ever been allowed to potty, he is now in the habit of going there to do his business. #ven though his play yard is fully and safely fenced, as it should be, if that little fence is located within the yard /even if you move it from time to time, but not to far from the old spot0 and the door is left open, he will most likely seek it out to use as his potty area. 8ogs, especially (esties, are creatures of habit. @ust think how this could save you considerable time by not having to walk all over the yard looking for the "presents" he she left behind. The chances of this working, if you follow the procedure eAactly, are about <+,B+C. 4uch better odds than the local 'ottery) . .ack to the house training. . 7nce the young puppy completes his business in the little pen /with the door latched0 be sure to offer sincere praise. 'et him know this is a really good thing he has done and should you happen to have a small treat, /the key word is small0 on your person, this would be an eAcellent time to offer one /20. After the

praise and treat, allow a few minutes of playtime as a secondary reward if that1s what he seems to want. After a good potty stop, reward with whatever works for him. . (hen you find a mistake your puppy has made in the house, that you didn1t see happen, you1re going to have to consider this to more of your mistake than the puppy1s. 9ever make any kind of fuss about potty accidents you didn1t observe first hand and only seconds ago. (ithin seconds after a puppy potties, his thoughts are on to other things and he will have no idea why you are upset. Should you become upset with him at sometime after the fact, in his mind you are Dust being a nasty person and if this keeps happening, he will learn not to trust you or maybe even dislike and be hostile toward you. Surely, this is not how you want your little one to feel) >e needs to know that you are the "A'P>A" in his life but also, you are the one he can always turn to for his needs5 %ood, water, love, comfort, guidance and security. This is not unlike what a human child wants and needs. >e &S your new child, $&*>T? Eleaning =p The Accidents . After removing the worst of the "soil", and before using any other cleaning agent, it is strongly advised that you treat the spot deeply and throughly with a bacterial en-yme oder eliminating product. 7ne of the best on the market is "9ature1s 4iracle". 9othing else has been proven to destroy the sent of the urine and or feces. Any remaining sent will draw the dog to use the same area again. Always use the oder eliminator %&$ST and be sure to use enough to saturate the area. &f you use another cleaner first, the chemicals

in it will generally kill the little bacteria that are supposed to destroy the oder) . %ood and Parasites . .e sure to feed your puppy top 6uality food and that he is free of intestinal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, coccidia and giardia. Poor 6uality food, that is full of fillers and such, can cause intestinal up,set leading to unstable bowels and other potty related problems. Any of the aforementioned can severely compromise your house,training efforts. Young puppies will urinate about every hour or so which means they will also be drinking possibly more water then you may think they would be. .e sure to keep their water dish clean and filled. &f you believe your puppy is urinating eAcessively, it may be a good idea to catch a urine sample /a very large, 2 : cup, spoon works well0, place it in a very clean, sealed container, and take it to your "et. for analysis. The sample must be taken to the "et. soon, while the urine is fresh /within, at most, 3 hours of collection0. =rine samples that are over 3 hours old will not yield true results. 7ne thing that many new owners find very confusing is the fact that a puppy can "hold it" for even up to !,< hours during the night and many times even while your away at work /try 9#"#$ to make your puppy wait < hours though. &t1s really hard on their bladder0 but, they seem to need to potty every hour or so when your at home, awake and with him her. The reason for this is5 8uring the hours of sleep, nature 6uiets the bladder and bowels. This is done to allow for thorough long periods of rest. &t1s normal for puppies and dogs to sleep 2:,2! hours per day. So, the same

hold true for the hours your away at work. 4ost of that time will be spent sleeping. 7nce the puppy or dog awakes, the body need to "catch,up" on the function of the kidneys which is the cleaning the blood, so ,,,,, the pup will probably need to "go out" at least twice in the hour or so after this eAtended period of "holding it". &f you have to leave your puppy to go to work, after he has been asleep for a considerable time, be sure to take him her outside at least twice, with 2+,3F min. between each time, prior to your leaving the house. . Almost every puppy dog can be house trained if you work in the right "direction". That "direction" is not always the same for every puppy dog. Sometimes what works for one dog may not have any effect on another. &f what your doing is minimi-ing the "accidents" through providing proper supervisionG treating the "accident spots" properly with en-ymesG letting your puppy know that you A$# "#$Y pleased and offering praise for a "good Dob done"G letting your puppy know your 97T pleased with his "accidents"G and the .&**#ST T>&9* 7% A'' ,,,, 9#"#$ '77S&9* Y7=$ T#4P#$) 9#"#$) (hen you lose your temper, you lose control of the situation. (hen you loose control of the situation, you1ve lost "the game". #verything in that episode is lost) T7 4=E> 7% T>&S A98 Y7=1'' 97T #"#9 .# &9 T># $=99&9* %7$ T># "P'AY,7%%S") You must be %&$4. You must be A'P>A. Y7= 4=ST .# &9 E79T$7' ,,, AS T># S># (7'%)

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