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Emplo ment Mar!et: Emplo ment " pe: #oti$e %erio&: 'alar ()ate: %referre& )ole: C*rrent '!ill 'et: %referre& +o$ation,s-: %osition 'o*ght: C*rrent .or! %ermits: "el ,/ome-: "el ,.or!-: "el ,Mobile-: Email 0&&ress: 1ate of 2irth: 'treet: Cit : %ost$o&e: E&*$ation: Gra&*ation 3ear: 1ri4ing +i$en$e:

Gherasim George Marian

07-Feb-2014 12:43

Automotive,Engineering,Manufacturing All Jobs Immediate engineer Catia, SolidWorks, SolidEdge,AutoCad, NX Glasgo

!"#$"#%&&%'' georgemariang(erasim)gmail*com +,-#+-,%%# Number "& , .arbu /autaru Iasi &,$"0& 1ass .ac(elors +#,' 2ES

George-Marian Gherasim
(M, 23, Iasi, not married) Mobile phone: 0755393076 mail: georgemariangherasim!gmail"#om $estMat#h Me#hani#al assistan#e %areer goal &esired a#ti'it( domains: Instit)tions * +iberal pro,essions -raining .perien#e Mechanical assistance (Internship*/ol)nteering) 0eriod: 2005-11 23 2006-05 %ompan( and lo#ation: 4)to Moldo'a, 0iatra 5eamt 6ob domain * o##)pation: -raining d)#ation Master / Postuniversitary degree 7ni'ersitatea -ehni#a 8Gheorghe 4sa#hii8 Iasi (9ear o, st)d( : 1), Iasi ( : o ) m a n i a ) Ma;or: Ma#hine %onstr)#tions University (graduate) 7ni'ersitatea -ehni#a 8Gheorghe 4sa#hii8 Iasi (2009 2013), Iasi Ma;or: Ma#hine %onstr)#tions <=ills &ri'ing li#ense: 9es Knowledge of mechanics, technical drawing, tolerances and control dimensional, technical project management, cold pressing technology, AutoCad, Matlab, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Catia, !" <po=en ,oreign lang)ages: nglish - 4d'an#ed Italian - Medi)m %erti,i#ations (a#ti'ities): >)ali,i#ations ngineer 4)to Me#hani#

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