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Episode 4

Scene 1
While you watch
1 Tick (3) the things they talk about doing. a b

Scene 3
While you watch
4 Circle the correct answer for each question 13. 1 Is there a bus to Watergate Bay Campsite? 2 Which bus stop does it go from? 3 How long does it take to get to Watergate Bay? a Its the number 26 in five minutes. b About ten minutes. c About half an hour. d The one in South Street. e The one in the High Street. f Its the number 140 in ten minutes.

Can you remember?

5 Circle the correct options to complete the sentences. 1 Anna and Mark liked the film / didnt like the film. 2 The bus trip to Watergate Bay is quick / slow. 3 Mark / Mark and Anna doesnt / dont want to wait. 4 They decide to wait for the bus / walk. 5 Mark doesnt have the ticket / any money.

6 Work in groups of three. Read the cinema information. Then read the instructions and act out the dialogue using the language in exercise 2.

Scene 2
While you watch
2 Complete each phrase with two words. 1 Can I have ________________ for Pirates of the Caribbean, please. 2 How ________________ they? 3 Have ________________ students cards? 4 What ________________ it start? 5 Enjoy ________________.

Die a Little More The new James Bond movie starts at 6.45 Spiderman 4 Starts at 8.00 One More Love A romantic comedy starts at 8.30 Tickets: 6.50. Student tickets: 5.00

Student A: Ask for the price of tickets to the film.

Can you remember?

3 Complete the information about the film.

Student B: Ask what time the film starts. The time is now 7.30. Students A and B: Decide which film to watch and buy tickets. Student C: Sell Students A and B tickets to the film and give them information.

TITLE: Pirates of the Caribbean STARRING: Johnny Depp TIME: ________________ TICKETS: ______ STUDENT TICKETS: ______

Pearson Education Ltd. 2010 PHOTOCOPIABLE


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