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The Mayan Secret

December 2012 Doomsday Or New Dawn


Table of Content
Forward The Year 2012 Whats All The Big Hoopla? The Mayan Death rophe!y " #s it For $eal 2012 The Apo!alypse or Awa%ening& Who Were the Mayans The 'e!rets o( The Mayan )i*ili+ation Where , How Did the Mayans Disappear? -./et+al!oatl Mayan 0od 1r The 2eader 1( the 34traterrestrials Mayanis5 " 34traterrestrials in the world , 3*iden!e o( Aliens #s There a Mayan )onne!tion with Atlantis Does the 0o*ern5ents 6now More " The 7asa )onne!tion Beginning o( Awa%ening " )ons!io/sness and Dawn o( Tr/th 2012 , The Beginning o( A 7ew Age A8o/t The A/thor


When I saw all the theories floating around about the Mayan prophecy based on the end of their Long Count Calendar, I was intrigued as well as amused that the end of the world could be so near. Since then I have been researching the subject e tensively. !he result is this boo" #$%&$ 'oomsday or (ew 'awn) !he Secrets of the Mayan Civili*ation. !his is not a wor" of history nor is it totally factual as much of the Mayan history is pieced together from the ruins of their civili*ation, their fol"lore and no one can say with accuracy about the origins of the Mayans or their disappearance. Much of the Mayan history remains shrouded in secrecy. !his boo" is my own interpretation of the Mayan civili*ation and the parallels between the Mayans and other ancient civili*ation. I hope the readers would forgive me for the liberties that I have ta"en and my interpretations

of the Mayan fol"lore and legends and just enjoy reading the boo" over their wee"+end and loo" forward to a brave new world. ,eproduction or translation of any part of this wor" without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. ,e-uests for permission or further information should be addressed to the author. !he author and publisher of this .+boo" have used their best efforts in preparing this .boo". !he author and publisher ma"e no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this .boo". !he information contained in this .boo" is strictly for educational purposes. !herefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this .boo", you are ta"ing full responsibility for your actions. / $%&$ Srinivasan 0opal 1 2neMinute3oo" 4ll ,ights ,eserved.

The Year 2012 Whats All The Big Hoopla?

!he year $%&$ is bac" in the news and the media loves the sensationalism brought about by its doomsday theories. !his is because 'ecember $&st $%&$ is the date on which the Mayans ended their calendar. (ow the -uestion that everyone seems to be as"ing is #Is $%&$ the end of the world as the Mayans have ended their calendar with this date5) !he cataclysmic events leading to the end of the world have been forecast on this date and have become much written and discussed subject of $%&$. 2f course no one "nows the answer or ironically everyone seems to "now the answer. With &%%6s of theories floating around choc a bloc" on the internet and boo"stores filled with $%&$ boo"s it seems to be the flavor of the year $%&$.

3eyond all the sensationalism are many important pu**les that need to be solved and the truths that that need to be established. 3eyond everything we need to find answers for the -uestion uppermost in everyone6s mind #Is it the end of the world5) So what is the real truth5 What are these theories and how much water do they hold5 'o we have barely a year to live by5 (o one "nows for real. 3ut to determine whether these are just hyped up myths en+cashing on the doomsday predictions, we need to carefully put together the facts from different sources and then arrive at a decision that is logical. Many people have their opinions on the subject based on their inference of the writings and pictures of ancient men of wisdom and science of the time. !he entire 7end of the world theory6 theory starts with the Mayan civili*ation, considered to be one of the very advanced civili*ations of the world "nown to us. !hey were great mathematicians and e celled in astronomy. !hey predicted the movement of the planets with astonishing accuracy and had a calendar with 89: days. !o begin at the beginning, the Mayans have been carbon dated as far bac" as $9%% 3C from the study of their monuments. !he Mayan Long Calendar begins on a date &&th 4ugust 8&&; 3C and ends on 'ecember $& st $%&$. !his :&$: year cycle is "nown popularly as the Long Count Calendar. Many astronomical alignments and numerological predictions have been made on the basis of this Long Count Calendar as well as the various pictures found on the temples of the Mayans. Is the cataclysmic events predicted and the end of the world really true5

2r is it the transformation of the world that is about to ta"e place5 Is the Long Count Calendar only one part of the huge galactic and planetary alignments that the world is about to witness on that particular date5 2r is the Long Count Calendar and the Mayan <rophecy a mere figment of the hyperactive imagination of the pseudo architects 5 !he truth may be much more interesting than all the myths around the year $%&$ predictions and ma"es for a thrilling discovery which may beat any =ollywood movie to the 2scars.

The Mayan Death rophe!y " #s it For $eal

3efore we get carried away with the doomsday prophecies just because the last calendar of the Mayas ended with $&st 'ecember $%&$, it important to understand the Mayan calendar. 2ne of the important discoveries from the ruins is that Mayans had several calendars. 2ne of their calendars is the Long Count Calendar. !he Long Count Calendar is reset to >ero once in every &,?@$,%%% days "nown as the 0reat Circle. !his is appro imately :&$: years. !his is e-uivalent of one Sun or one World 4ge. !he Mayan mythology tal"s of : such Suns or : World 4ges. .ach 7Sun6 represents a total transformation of the world in physical terms, changes in the solar and planetary movements as well as transformation of the consciousness of man"ind. : 0reat 7Suns6 of : world ages represent 2ne 0rand Cycle. !he 0rand cycle is of $:,9$: years. 4ccording to interpretations of the Mayan 7<opol Auh6, a compilation of the Mayan community mythology, legends and stories which are mainly centered around the creation theories propounded by the Mayans, we are in the fourth World 4ge. 4s per these mythological stories the prior 8 world ages are the failed worlds thus each of the world got destroyed and a new world order began. 4ccording to the theory we are about to witness the end of the ;th World 4ge and the beginning of a new or the :th World 4ge. !his would complete the 0rand Cycle of Creation.

(owhere in their mythology is there a mention of destruction of the ;th World 4ge. 4ll the discoveries of their ancient paintings, hieroglyphics and paintings indicate only a (ew World order, perhaps a new awa"ening and dawn of consciousness or arrival of as yet un"nown and unimaginable Bnowledge which would change the world. Could they be the return of the e tra terrestrial intelligences which played a major role in the lives of man"ind who had departed the planet .arth5 4re they now e pected to return to the earth as the ;th World 4ge or the change of the ;th 7Sun65

2012 The Apo!alypse or Awa%ening&

(ow lets ta"e a loo" at another of the interesting facts or facet of the Mayans. Mayans were great 4stronomers who were able to chart the movement of the planets, the constellations and even understood the fact of the Mil"y Way 0ala y. !hey had accurately charted the movement of the heavenly bodies and their calendar is one of the most scientific calendars "nown to man"ind. Mayans either understood or were told about the movement of the heavenly bodies and the magnetic impact they had on the world and the man"ind. We have already understood the principle of the 0rand Cycle of $:,9$: years which e-uals five World 4ges. (ow it is interesting to note that this is also the e act time it ta"es for the world to travel one complete precessional cycle. What is this precessional cycle. We can try to understand this principle in simple terms. In the Solar system the precessional cycle is a rotational movement of an astronomical body, in this case the .arth which traces a conical path as the sun revolves around its own star and earth is held in gravitational pull of the sun and traces an elliptical path around the sun . !his is generally referred to as the precession of the e-uino es or the precession of the .-uator. !his continuous but slow change in the orientation of the earth ta"es appro imately $9%%% years to complete. Without getting into too many technicalities about the precessional movement of the .arth and Sun, we can say this period of $9%%% years is one great cycle of time which alters the direction of the <olar 4 is.

Leaving the astronomical mumbo jumbo alone what it all means is that the change in the orientation of the earth in relation to the sun will dramatically alter the entire planet .arth. Some of the renowned Indian Sages have divided this period in $ parts of &$%%% years each. In one part of &$%%% years man"ind is in a state of decline. !his is roughly the first three great Suns described in the first chapter when man"ind e perienced a decline of the mental faculties can comprehend only the grossest of the material creation. We have already mentioned in the chapter two that according to the Mayan legend the first 8 worlds of :&$: years were failed worlds and accordingly they got destroyed. In the second phase of &$%%% years man starts to ascend the mental plane and develops the mental faculties to an e tent that man"ind can comprehend all, including the mysteries of the 0od or Spirit. We are in the second and the final phase of the :&$: year cycle. 3y all indications we are now poised to enter a uni-ue new world which would spiritually and intellectually be reaching the *enith and the man"ind may well be ready for development of the world and the society which we can never imagine possible with our current "nowledge levels. 3ut we are almost thereC 4ccording to the Mayan principle of the : 0reat Suns we are near the end of the ; th Sun and perhaps ready for the beginning of the journey through the : th 0reat Sun to touch the heights of human virtue and evolution of the spirit. !hrough this advancement man"ind will be able to comprehend the very sublime nature and spirit or reach godhood.

Who Were the Mayans The 'e!rets o( The Mayan )i*ili+ation

!he Mayas were a distinct and well advanced civili*ation spread over the south eastern Me ico, 0uatemala, 3eli*e and =onduras. <opularly "nown as the Mesoamerican civili*ation they had influence over many other South 4merican countries. 4s per the Mayan lore itself the civili*ation began or rather re+ emerged from an earlier failed world around 8%%% 3C which is appro imately the period corresponding to the 4ge of the Mayan ;th 0reat Sun. !he Mayans were not the typical native tribe but a well advanced densely populated society which was culturally and scientifically developed. !here "nowledge of astronomy was ama*ing and surprisingly far ahead of the technological development of the time. !hey had a well developed language system of the time. !hey were also great architects and built their massive temples, public places and their homes on very advanced architectural systems which even today are wonders of the world. !hey had advanced political governance based on city states with independent chieftains as the head of specifically assigned or inherited territory. !he union of the Mayas was based more on culture than political system.

!he Mayan culture reached its pea" period during D%% 3C to 8%% 4' after which period there seems to be sudden decline and disappearance of the original Mayan culture. 'uring the pea" of its culture, the Mayans built e traordinary edifices of their architectural s"ills in the form of temple+pyramid comple es dedicated to Euet*alcoatl, their supreme god of creation and life. !he sculptures on the walls of their monumental buildings were ama*ing for their e pressive depiction of the contemporary life. !he temple walls had great art forms which depicted the development of the society, their "ings, and leaders and their gods. !here are also mysterious depictions which are now identified as spaceships and astronauts in spaceships. !here are also distinguishing paintings and sculptures which clearly indicate non humanli"e alien forms which cannot be just brushed aside as creative or artistic e pressions. More and more proof is coming to light on the basis of the advanced astronomy and science of the planets and the gala ies which Mayans possessed could not but be the contribution of a far more advanced civili*ation than our .arth can ever conceptuali*e yetC We shall be seeing this mysterious aspects further on which may perhaps throw more light on their scientific and astronomical prowess. !here is enough proof to show that the Mayans had contact with e tra+terrestrials as evidenced by documents which are in possession of some of the south 4merican governments. =ow else did the Mayans e cel at astronomy and the impact of the celestial bodies that influenced the human beings as well as the

world5 'id they have the scientific wherewithal to discover these principles5 2r were they told and taught about it by another more intelligent and advanced race or beings that were present at the time and "new about such astrological and astronomical phenomenon. <erhaps the decline of the Mayan civili*ation around 8%% to D%% 4' is also an indication of the departure of the last of the e tra+terrestrials who greatly contributed to the Mayan advancement. !here is also evidence which suggest the return of these e traterrestrials and this perhaps is the end of the Mayan Calendar which may have been greatly contributed by these scientifically advanced e tra+terrestrial civili*ations, and $%&$ 'ecember is the period when we may witness the contact of these e tra+terrestrials with the human"ind once again. Is this the secret of the Mayans civili*ation5 We shall see more astonishing facts in the coming chapters.

Where , How Did the Mayans Disappear?

It is surprising that a well advanced civili*ation consisting of beautifully developed cities, a highly culturally advanced society with a good governance system could simply leave their cities en mass and disappear into the blue s"ies. 2r is that what happened5 It is hard to believe all the theories that the Spanish con-uerors pushed them further inland or theories of mass destruction through floods and earth-ua"es or an epidemic as there are so such signs of a major natural calamity. !here is also the theory that overpopulation and lac" of water "illed the Mayans due to the lac" of water and food shortages. It is estimated that during the Mayan civili*ation the population of the cities were not more than :%%%% at best and the total population of all cities put together is estimated at $ million. !he overpopulation theory does not hold water as the population of some of the cities li"e 0uatemala today is much more. <opulation of 0uatemala is over @.: million today and it does not suffer from any undue food shortages and has sufficient rainfall and water resources to sustain such a large population. !he popular theory that Spanish con-uistadores ran over the entire Mayan cities li"e !i"al, Coba and <alen-ue and destroyed the very fabric of the society and its institutions may not be true. We have con-uerors and marauders attac"ing many civili*ation, countries and societies which have rebuilt with vigor and thrived in adverse war li"e situations.

So why did the Mayans let their cities be claimed by the jungle5 Could it be that the entire civili*ation that lived in the Mayan civili*ation aliens from another planet who simply too" the form of the original inhabitants5 !hey came to .arth in huge numbers perhaps for a reason and lived among the original inhabitants for a period of time. !hey built the huge temple+pyramid comple es and lived their culture till they were ready to depart. 'id they simply leave for their original planets when they could return bac" for whatever reason and the Mayans now present on earth are the original inhabitants who were not as advanced as the beings or e traterrestrials that left the planet .arth5 It would seem so as we dig deeper into the mythological fabric of the Mayans.

Quetzalcoatl Mayan -od .r The /eader .( the 01traterrestrials

It is interesting to note in this connection the Mayan 0od Euet*alcoatl and the legends associated with him. =e is described as bearded and light s"inned, very tall and perhaps sported some "ind of serpent li"e hood over his head or is it a device re-uired for him to adapt to the atmosphere of the .arth. =e is the serpent headed god who is associated with learning and "nowledge. =e is also related to the gods of wind perhaps a reference to the whirlwind speed of the craft in which he might have traveled to .arth. Euet*alcoatl is credited with creation of the worlds. =e created the ; worlds and created the humans. =e is also described as the lawgiver F a clear reference to his organi*ing the society and the lawlessness that was prevalent in the aboriginal state of the original inhabitants of the period. =e is also the patron of art and culture. 4nother interesting portfolio of Euet*alcoatl is agriculture and he has been credited with inventing the 3reeds of Mai*e. Legend associates Euet*alcoatl as the god of dawn or associates him with morning star whereas his twin brother olotl is referred to as the evening star or with northern Aenus during the setting of the Sun. !his is clearly symbolic association of the god being from a far planet. =e is associated with the invention of boo"s and the Mayan Calendar.

It is interesting to note that in the period of : th Sun Euet*alcoatl went to the Gnderworld Hperhaps a reference to the spacecraft in which he retiresI or the underground laboratory that he might have created to conduct his e periments. =e is said to have created the new man"ind with the bones of the earlier remains of human beings and putting life into the creation by spraying or injecting his own blood. Could these be the scientific references to the rejuvenation of the man"ind after their destruction in some catastrophe by putting together the biological and genealogical edifice necessary for a life form5

Many of the paintings and sculptures of the Mayan period depict object and beings which are very unli"e anything that resembles any structure the world that had been created in that period. Many of them loo" li"e the spaceships of the $& st century. !he headgear worn by the characters or the gods in those sculptures very much resemble the spacesuits. !here are pictures to show a being lying in a state similar to what we see of the astronauts in spacecrafts of the current times. Euet*alcoatl is supposed to have burned himself and his heart appeared in the s"ies as the morning star or planet venus when it appears in the east before sunrise. Could this be an e traterrestrial that disappeared in his spaceship in a bla*e of fire as the roc"ets thrusters lifted it to the s"ies in the early morning and disappeared is associated with the bright planet Aenus visible in the morning s"ies just before dawn.

We may well remember that the ancient humans were still not as literate as the intelligent life that visited the .arth. !hese ancient men depicted the acts of the scientifically advanced e traterrestrials as 0ods in their paintings and sculpture. !heir legends described the acts of these intelligent beings in the terminology which they understood best. 4ll these legends and mythology has widely held the belief of Euet*alcoatl6s return.

Mayanis2 " 01traterrestrials in the world , 0*iden!e o( Aliens

Is there a greater cosmic reality than what we "now of as the human life on earth5 Is human life form merely accident or just evolution shaping man"ind into higher intelligence5 Is it possible that the comple life sustaining ecology of the earth just a natural creation5 If so why haven6t the same conditions brought about in other planets or star systems which have now been e plored -uite widely but we are no where nearer to discovering another such life sustaining planet yet. !here are millions of such -uestions which beg for answers. 3ut one thing is certain. !he evolution of earth and the human and animal forms are not accidental. !he comple mechanism of the human biology could never be e plained away by science as the process of adaptation and evolution over the millenniums. (either is it fully understood by us as new "nowledge destroys the e isting scientific facts. =umanity has now reached a point where we have to accept a greater cosmic reality of which .arth and its beings are a very small part. <erhaps just a small spec" in the cosmos. 4s the human consciousness rises to newer heights, the mystery of our cosmic e istence will slowly dawn on us. 3ut before that the collective consciousness of the humanity has to evolve to accept the revelations of our cosmic relationships and our part in the scheme of things.

Coming bac" to the Mayans, the stories of the <upul Aoh are not just fables concocted by some creative genius hallucinating his mind out. 4ll tales have some truth in them. !he <opol Aoh or <upul Aoh is a collection mytho historical narratives on the creation of the world and man"ind. !he e cerpts of the translation of the mythology as provided by Wi"ipedia is given below.
"This is the first account, the first narrative. There was neither man, nor animal, birds, fish, crabs, trees, stones, caves, ravines, grasses, nor forests; there was only the sky. The surface of the earth had not appeared. There was only the calm sea and the great expanse of the sky. There was nothing brought together, nothing which could make a noise, nor anything which might move, or tremble, or could make noise in the sky. There was nothing standing; only the calm water, the placid sea, alone and tranquil. Nothing existed. There was only immobility and silence in the darkness, in the night. nly the creator, the !aker, Tepeu, "ucumat#, the $orefathers, were in the water surrounded with light. %...& Then Tepeu and "ucumat# came together; then they conferred about life and light, what they would do so that there would be light and dawn, who it would be who would provide food and sustenance. Thus let it be done' (et the emptiness be filled' (et the water recede and make a void, let the earth appear and become solid; let it be done. Thus they spoke. (et there be light, let there be dawn in the sky and on the earth' There shall be neither glory nor grandeur in our creation and formation until the human being is made, man is formed. %...& $irst the earth was formed, the mountains and the valleys; the currents of water were divided, the rivulets were running freely between the hills, and the water was separated when the high mountains appeared. Thus was the earth created, when it was formed by the )eart of )eaven, the )eart of *arth, as they are called who first made it fruitful, when the sky was in suspense, and the earth was submerged in the water."

4re these the first accounts of the 4liens who visited earth and started their coloni*ation plans of the planet earth5 !his description of the early world is typical of every ancient mythology which describes the formation of the world and how the gods created the world. While the supreme 0od is described as one in all religions, we see multiple gods in most of the ancient mythology whether it is the Christian scriptures or Aedas of the =indus. .very mythology in the world describes each god as vested with special s"ills or responsible for certain facets of the life. While it is yet another boo" altogether, one may comfortably interpret the gods who visited the earth and participated in the development of the world could be none other than beings from far more scientifically advanced civili*ations than what we can begin to imagine even in the $&st century. It would re-uire another boo" to describe all the scientific evidence of e tra+terrestrials who visited earth and now available all over the world.

#s There a Mayan )onne!tion with Atlantis

!he earliest reference to 4tlantis is found in <latos dialogues Timaeus. 4s is common in 0ree" literature which is dominated by the mighty gods, Timaeus mentions in his account of creation of the Gniverse and how it is structured and the division of the land among the gods. 4ccording to the dialogues by <lato !imaeus mentions that the land at the 4tlantic 2cean was be-ueathed by the gods to <oseidon. <oseidon fell in love with Cleito who bore him five children. !he eldest of these was 4tlas who was made the "ing of the island at the 4tlantic 2cean named so in his honour. !he Island is what is now "nown as 4tlantis. It is described as per the translation e cerpted from Wi"ipedia +there lay an island which
was larger than (ibya and ,sia together; and it was possible for the travelers of that time to cross from it to the other islands, and from the islands to the whole of the continent over against them which encompasses that veritable ocean. $or all that we have here, lying within the mouth of which we speak, is evidently a haven having a narrow entrance; but that yonder is a real ocean, and the land surrounding it may most rightly be called, in the fullest and truest sense, a continent. Now in this island of ,tlantis there existed a confederation of kings, of great and marvelous power, which held sway over the entire island, and over many other islands also and parts of the continent-.

While there are many accounts of the 4tlantis, its riches and a powerful highly developed society, ultimately was destroyed and sun" in the wars of the gods. 4ccording to some Mesoamerican scholars these powerful and scientifically advanced inhabitants, who are e-uated to the descendents of the gods, moved to the Me ico and 0uatemala where they established the grand civili*ation and created a new world order. Many have described the civili*ation of 4tlantis as a powerful scientifically advanced society, which had built ships and aircrafts powered by a mysterious energy from crystals. Jrom all accounts it might well be possible that the 4tlantean society was well aware of the nuclear energy. !he 4tlanteans themselves could be highly evolved and advanced beings from other gala ies who coloni*ed the earth and made it their home and evolved the civili*ation and created man"ind in their own li"eness. World over the stories of the great and mythical civili*ations are similar. Whether it is the Mahabharata of India or the destruction of 4tlantis or the disappearance of the Mayan Civili*ation, it is obvious that there were much more powerful beings who were using the earth as a place of sojourn and engaged in conflict with similarly powerful beings who were well versed in high technology including usage of nuclear weapons, space ships, flying machines and other as yet unimaginable technologies which are often e-uated to magic. !he common themes in all mythology such as physical demateriali*ation and appearing in altogether different locations, wars in the s"ies, great fires which could be e-uated to a nuclear holocaust or even flying in and out to the heavenly realms and abodes of the gods could all be indicative of the intelligent beings who made the earth as their homes temporarily.

What better place for the aliens than a topography that contained both highlands of the south with its porous volcanic mountains and limestone shelf and lowlands in the northern and central part of the Kucatan peninsula. !he lowlands consisted of rich rainforests and the biodiversity of the geographic location helped life with its rich soil, water and the wild animals providing enough food and the rich mineral wealth of the mountains providing the important source of commerce.

Does the -o*ern2ents 3now More " The 4asa )onne!tion

S.,AI, is a Spanish acronym for ,egional Aisuali*ation and Monitoring system for Mesoamerica. !his is an organi*ation which is based in <anama and engaged in the study of and monitoring the environmental impacts of the region and possible natural disasters in the region. !he control room of the S.,AI, collaborates with (4S4 and uses images from various satellites and other data sources to develop a predictive capability to prevent any major natural catastrophe fro re+ occurring in the Mesoamerican region. If you recall in one of the earlier chapters we have mentioned that the Mayans perished due to the e cessive use of the natural resources, its jungles and destruction of the ecological shield of the place. It is assumed that the civili*ation collapsed due to the e cessive use of jungles and its trees for construction and the resultant floods and ravages of the nature due to the ecological imbalance. While this theory is highly debatable for an advanced civili*ation such as the Mayans, who also understood the Gniverse the planetary and solar systems so well and being advanced in astronomy and mathematics could be so naLve as to destroy their own fertile plains by massive deforestation, felling the entire forests and then simply abandoning the area to be gobbled up by growing jungles. =owever the (4S4 bac"ed S.,AI, is involved in and enables the use of .arth observations and predictive models for timely decision ma"ing through regional platforms in Mesoamerica, .ast 4frica, and the =indu+Bush =imalayas.

In this connection (asa6s website 4s" 4n 4strobilogist at httpMNNastrobiology.nasa.govNas"+an+astrobiologist has over ;%% answers posted to various -uestions on the end of the world theory by its senior scientist 'avid Morrison. The questions posted are ./0.1 2eginning of the *nd or 3hy the 3orld 3on4t *nd5 6ould phenomena occur where planets align in a way that impacts *arth5 3hat is the polar shift theory5 7s it true that the earth8s crust does a 09/:degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours5 7s there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or ;lanet < or *ris that is approaching the *arth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction5 Oand many more. 4ll these -uestions are answered abd bac"ed by the scientific data available with (4S4. .ven if we are to go by all the mythology associated with Mayans and other ancient civili*ations such as the Sumerians and AedicN=indus, there is no mention of the destruction of the world. 4ll the mythology is only about the end of the civili*ation as we "now it and the dawn of a new consciousness and discovery of as yet un"nown phenomenon referenced as the return of the gods.

Beginning o( Awa%ening " )ons!io5sness and Dawn o( Tr5th

!he parallels between many of the ancient civili*ations and its mythology is stri"ingly similar. 4s we saw earlier Euet*alcoatle or Bu"ul"an was the creator of the civili*ations and considered as Light who turned into the morning star of Aenus so is Bal"i the god of creation in his various prior 4vatars who shall return to rescue man"ind from the dar" ages of the Balyug through which we are passing through currently and lead them to light and the dawn of a new civili*ation. Wasn6t the birth of Christ foretold to the wise men by the eastern star of the morning s"y and traveled all the way to 3ethlehem to bless the divine child5 Similarly we have the return of the Christ who will lead the Christians to the Bingdom of =eaven I #I Pesus... am the root and the offspring of 'avid, the bright morning star H,evelation $$M&9I Oagain reference to the morning star Aenus which denotes the power and light of god. !he Christian 3oo" of ,evelations prophecies a ,ider on a White =orse interpreted as the second coming of Pesus Christ is very similar to the Bal"i Maha 4vatar which projects the image of rider on a white horse brandishing a sword of fire to burn all impurities or the destruction of negativities, van-uish all sins and establish a reign of righteousness.

!he parallels between different mythological stories are unmista"able. 4ll the mythological stories tal" about their gods as deliverer of man"ind from the oppression and tyranny of the forces of evil and raising them to the "ingdom of heavens. Whether it is Pesus Christ or Lord Brishna, Bu"ul"an of the 4*tecs or Euet*alcoatl of the Mayans and Bal"i or =indus, they all share a common tradition indicating a shared tradition originating from an age far beyond what history has been able to record. Most of these traditions tal" about the rampant corruption brought on by the evil that has set in the world and forces of goodness that delivers man"ind unto a new evolution where man evolves into godhood F the dawn of a new age. !his new age and evolution of human consciousness has been described as Satya Kuga by the =indus, creation of the :th world by the Mayans or the ascension into a heavenly "ingdom by Christians. (one of the traditions tal" about the destruction of the earth but only destruction of decadence and negativity. !he ancient visionaries or seers have been able to integrate the spiritual vision with the scientific principles of evolution of the world. In spite of the geographic divide of these cultures there is a well integrated and commonality of the "nowledge of the planetary movements and evolution of the astronomy and shared vision of the future of man"ind among all the religious beliefs across cultures. Science has well established the principles of collective consciousness. !here have been enough e periments whereby "nowledge and learning which has spread into a particular geographic area suddenly jumps the seas and becomes a common "nowledge. What had been un"nown suddenly becomes common "nowledge globally without any conscious communication of the subject.

!he Mayans as well as the Sumerians, 4ncient =indu saints and seers, Muslim fa"irs and Sufis have "nown the dawn of the consciousness when transformation of the world will be an evolutionary process just waiting for a certain trigger.

2012 , The Beginning o( A 4ew Age

It may perhaps not be very fashionable to say in light of all the controversial reports about the end of the world that, this theory is just a big hoa . We all li"e to read sensational news and generally e pect only the worst to happen. Sensationalism, negativity and scary are always more e citing and gives scope for stirring up our imagination in an otherwise boring world. In the entire Mayan fol"lore or the calendar, there is nothing that predicts the end of the world. 4t best they only indicate the end of one period and beginning of a new age. !he so called alignment of the planets in $%&$ leading to the destruction of the world is yet another internet hoa . While such alignments do happen there is never a perfect alignment nor has it destroyed the world at such earlier alignments. Such predictions of alignments leading to destruction of the earth are only feeding on mass hysteria by a group of publicity see"ingO <lanet Q or the planet does not e ist. .ven if such a planet is to discovered today in the far gala ies where our telescopes haven6t yet reached, it would ta"e its own time to reach the earth assuming that earth and such a planet was on a collision course. !he blac" hole theories even if such blac" holes e ist in the centre of gala y are too far away to gobble up the earth in its magnetic jaws.

It may safely be concluded that doomsday theorists are a temporary breed who will have their moments of e citement and limelight till $&st 'ecember and vanish into ignominy thereafter. If anything instead of doomsday, everywhere we can see signs of a positive movement towards peace and harmony, end of the brutalities that the world has faced from its world wars, racism geographic and political divisions and terrorism. .verywhere there is restlessness and yearning for peace, a unification of the values that could lead to the emergence of a new world order. 4uthoritarian regimes are being brought down through bloodless mass uprisings and protests, onset of democratic processes and a respect for personal freedom and freedom of choosing leaderships across the world. .c"hart !olle writes in 4 (ew .arth, R4 significant portion of the earthSs population will soon recogni*e, if they havenSt already done so, that humanity is now faced with a star" choiceM .volve or die. 4 still relatively small but rapidly growing percentage of humanity is already e periencing within themselves the brea"up of the old egoist mind patterns and the emergence of a new dimension of consciousness.R Most ancient religions and spiritual traditions including the Mayan fol"lore perhaps tal" about the rise of this new consciousness as the end of the world as we "now it and not the end of the physical manifestation of the world. #!he new spirituality, the transformation of consciousness, is arising to a large e tent outside of the structures of the e isting institutionali*ed religions) and that is the end of the .arth as we have "nown for hundreds of centuries. +, new heaven- is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness, and +a new earth- is its reflection in the physical realm- = *ckhart Tolle.

A6o5t The A5thor

'rini*asan -opal is (5ll ti2e 2anage2ent pro(essional and p56lisher7 He has a5thored and p56lished a n526er o( 8how to 6oo%s7 He lo*es tra*eling and has *isited 19 !o5ntries in!l5ding parts o( 05rope: ;3 and )hina7 He ta%es a %een interest in h52an de*elop2ent iss5es and spea%s widely on the s56<e!t7 Yo5 !an read so2e interesting arti!les on personal de*elop2ent at www7srini*asangopal7!o27 He 2ay 6e !onta!ted at his 2ail at srini*asan=srini*asangopal7!o2

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