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Ashley Ostendorf Mrs.

Travers, Margaret Brent Elementary January 24, 2014

LESSON PLAN OUTLINE JMU Elementary Education Program A. TITLE/TYPE OF LESSON Colonial Virginia: A review game B. CONTEXT OF LESSON This is lesson is appropriate in that it acts as a test review for the end of the unit test on the culture of Colonial Virginia. Students have completed multiple lessons and smaller assessments on this topic. In this lesson, students are not learning and new information but are recalling information they have learned over the last few weeks. C. STANDARDS OF LEARNING VS.4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of life in the Virginia colony by a) explaining the importance of agriculture and its influence on the institution of slavery; b) describing how the culture of colonial Virginia reflected the origins of European (English, Scots-Irish, German) immigrants, Africans, and American Indians; c) explaining the reasons for the relocation of Virginias capital from Jamestown to Williamsburg to Richmond; d) describing how money, barter, and credit were used; e) describing everyday life in colonial Virginia.

D. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Understand Students will understand the culture of colonial Virginia. Know Students will know the importance of agriculture, the institution of slavery, the origins of European immigrants, Africans and American Indians, Jamestown, their forms of exchange, and every day life of colonial Virginia. Do Students will be able to verbally recall information learned in the unit.

. E. ASSESSING LEARNING What will your students do and say, specifically, that indicate every student has achieved your objectives? Remember every objective must be assessed for every student! Objective Students will understand the Croak culture of colonial Virginia. Students will know the importance Croak of agriculture, the institution of slavery, the origins of European Assessment Data Collected Students will verbally answer a review question. Students will verbally answer a review question.

Ashley Ostendorf Mrs. Travers, Margaret Brent Elementary January 24, 2014

immigrants, Africans and American Indians, Jamestown, their forms of exchange, and every day life of colonial Virginia. Students will be able to verbally Croak recall information learned in the unit. F. MATERIALS NEEDED Frog stuffed animal Dice Review questions Frog cards with point values on them G. PROCEDURE (CONTENT)

Students will verbally answer a review question.

This lesson is a review game and serves as a test review. Instructions for how the game follows: I will have the game set up before the students come in, in the morning. The value frog cards will be placed in the pocket chart and the dice will be on the back table. First, I will split the room in half to create two teams. A member of each team comes up and rolls the dice. Whoever rolls the higher number is the student who answers the question. If the student gets the question wrong or does not know the answer the opposing player will get to answer the question. If the student gets the answer right they will choose a frog card. On the back of the card, which is hidden by the pocket chart, has a value on it. There is a number value, a croak, or a ribbit on the back of the card. If students pick a croak, their team loses all of their points. The student then gets to hold the frog stuffed animal at their desk for comfort. If a student picks a ribbit their whole teams score doubles. Before we start the game we will have a discussion about sportsmanship. We will make sure to remind the students that they cant help what numbers they roll. Scores will be recorded on the ActivBoard Students are able to have their notes on their desk and can highlight what is reviewed. This game will take the entire social studies block. H. DIFFERENTIATION Describe how you have planned to meet the needs of all students in your classroom with varied interest and learning readiness, English language proficiency, health, physical ability, etc. How will you extend and enrich the learning of students who finish early? How will you support the learning of children struggling with your objectives? I have planned to meet the needs of all the students in my classroom. No student can finish early because this review is whole group. Students that are struggling with the review will know that they need to study more for the test. The students in my class enjoy friendly competition so this game caters to their interest in that way. I have taken readiness into account since they have been learning

Ashley Ostendorf Mrs. Travers, Margaret Brent Elementary January 24, 2014

about this topic for two weeks now. This review will help the students sort through the information that they need to know for their end of unit test. I. WHAT COULD GO WRONG WITH THIS LESSON AND WHAT WILL YOU DO ABOUT IT? Students may treat each other unfairly if someone on their team draws a croak. The talk at the beginning of the game attempts to control that kind of behavior. I will remind the students that we need to treat each other with respect if that is to happen. Students that draw a croak themselves may feel sad that they caused their team to lose points. The frog stuffed animal attempts to control that emotion from happening. Students may try and cheat by whispering answers to their teammate. This will not be tolerated, as that team will lose their points.

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