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Ashley Ostendorf Mrs. Travers Thursday, January 16, 2014 LESSON PLAN OUTLINE JMU Elementary Educat on !

ro"ram . T#T$E%T&!E O' $E((O) *ultures of *olon al + r" n a, -elocat on of the ca. tal . *O)TE/T O' $E((O) A)0 U)1-A!!#)2 O' T3E (TA)0A-0 Th s s ate 4ecause the fourth "raders 5 ll already have 4een ntroduced to th s to. c. The students have .rev ously learned a4out colon al l fe and the l festyles of the Euro.eans, Amer can #nd ans, and Afr cans. They also have .r or 6no5led"e of - chmond, 1 ll ams4ur", and Jamesto5n for they have already 4een on f eld tr .s to those .laces. Th s f ts n 5 th 5hat # 6no5 a4out ch ld develo.ment 4ecause most of the students are n ! a"et7s concrete o.erat onal sta"e of develo.ment. Th s means that they can demonstrate lo" cal and concrete reason n". They also understand that the r o5n thou"hts are un 8ue. . (TA)0A-0( O' $EA-)#)2 +(.4c The student 5 ll demonstrate 6no5led"e of l fe n the + r" n a colony 4y c9 n n" the reasons for the relocat on of + r" n a7s ca. tal from Jamesto5n to 1 ll ams4ur" to - chmond. . $EA-)#)2 O;JE*T#+E( Understand < (tudents 5 ll understand the reasons for mov n" + r" n a7s ca. tal.

=no5 < (tudents 5 ll 6no5 that the ca. tal 5as moved from Jamesto5n to 1 ll ams4ur" 4ecause dr n6 n" 5ater 5as contam nated, there 5as unhealthy l v n" cond t ons, and f re destroyed the 4u ld n"s.

0o < The student 5 ll 4e a4le to llustrate the reasons for 4oth ca. tal moves.

(tudents 5 ll 6no5 that the ca. tal 5as moved from 1 ll ams4ur" to - chmond 4ecause .eo.le 5ere mov n" 5est, - chmond 5as more

The student 5 ll 4e a4le to locate the three c t es on a + r" n a ma.

central >ed, and d stant from a sea attac6

. A((E((#)2 $EA-)#)2 Objective The student 5 ll 4e a4le to llustrate the reasons for 4oth ca. tal moves. The student 5 ll 4e a4le to locate the three c t es on a + r" n a ma. (tudents 5 ll understand the reasons for mov n" + r" n a7s ca. tal.

Assessment M n fl .?4oo6

Data Collected # 5 ll collect the students .osters that 5 ll have 5r tten nformat on as 5ell as . ctures dra5n. # 5 ll see that the students have dra5n and la4eled the ma. that s .ro@ected on the Act v;oard. # 5 ll collect the 2?1?1 e: t cards. (tudents should have 2 facts they learned, a 5o5 fact, and 5hat they 5ant to 6no5 more a4out. # 5 ll collect the students .osters that 5 ll have 5r tten nformat on as 5ell as . ctures dra5n. # 5 ll collect the students .osters that 5 ll have 5r tten nformat on as 5ell as . ctures dra5n. # 5 ll collect the 2?1?1 e: t cards. (tudents should have 2 facts they learned, a 5o5 fact, and 5hat they 5ant to 6no5 more a4out. # 5 ll collect the students .osters that 5 ll have 5r tten nformat on as 5ell as . ctures dra5n. # 5 ll collect the 2?1?1 e: t cards. (tudents should have 2 facts they learned, a 5o5 fact, and 5hat they 5ant to 6no5 more a4out.

+ r" n a ma. creat on 2?1?1 chec6 for understand n" M n fl .?4oo6

2?1?1 chec6 for understand n" (tudents 5 ll 6no5 that the M n fl .?4oo6 ca. tal 5as moved from Jamesto5n to 1 ll ams4ur" 4ecause dr n6 n" 5ater 5as contam nated, there 5as unhealthy l v n" cond t ons, and f re destroyed the 4u ld n"s. . (tudents 5 ll 6no5 that the ca. tal 5as moved from 1 ll ams4ur" to - chmond 4ecause .eo.le 5ere mov n" 5est, - chmond 5as more central >ed, and d stant from a sea attac6 2?1?1 chec6 for understand n" m n ?ma. fla.4oo6

. MATE-#A$( )EE0E0 A com.uter B2C9 A construct on B2C9 A Act v;oard A mar6ers A #nteract ve notes A ma. of +A 3. !-O*E0U-E B*O)TE)T9 A # 5 ll .ass out the f ll n 4lan6 notes. (tudents 5 ll .artner u. 5 th the .erson ne:t to them and tal6 out loud a4out 5hat they th n6 "oes n the 4lan6s. Th s s only a .a"e lon". 1e 5 ll "o over the 4lan6s and they 5 ll .ut these notes n the r 4 nder. The notes are nteract ve and use Act v;oard features. (tudents 5 ll 4e chosen v a Dtal6 n" st c6sD to reveal 4lan6s from the Act v;oard. )otes 5 ll address the follo5 n" 8uest ons%mater al, A 1here 5as the or " nal ca. tal of + r" n a locatedE Jamesto5n. A 1hat 5as 5ron" 5 th the dr n6 n" 5aterE The 5ater 5as contam nated Bunsafe to dr n69. A 1hy d d the leaders of the colony loo6 for a health er locat on for the r ca. tal c tyE The leaders of the colony loo6ed for a ne5, health er locat on for the ca. tal c ty 4ecause Jamesto5n had contam nated 5ater, mos8u toes that carr ed d seases, and fre8uent f res. A 1hy d d they name the ne5 ca. tal 1 ll ams4ur"E 1 ll ams4ur" after the current = n" of En"land. A 1hat made 1 ll ams4ur" a health er locat on for the r ca. tal c tyE 1 ll ams4ur" 5as a health er locat on for a ca. tal c ty 4ecause t had fresh 5ater, less mos8u toes, and safer 4u ld n"s. A 1hy 5ould the mos8u to .o.ulat on 4e less of a .ro4lem n 1 ll ams4ur"E a h "her elevat on than Jamesto5n and t d d not have marshy land. A 1hy 5as the .o.ulat on of + r" n a mov n" 5est5ardE The .eo.le 5ere nterested n e:.lor n" and settl n" ne5 lands. There 5ere more and more .eo.le mov n" to the colony and they needed s.ace to l ve. A 1hy d d the ca. tal move a"a nE .eo.le 5ere mov n" 5est and the "overnment should 4e n a central locat on. A 1hat c ty 5as chosen as the ne5 ca. talE - chmond 5as chosen as the th rd ca. tal. A 1hat made - chmond a 4etter cho ce than 1 ll ams4ur"E t 5as further nland and safer from ;r t sh naval attac6F t 5as a more central locat onF and t 5as also a center for trade and commerce. A 1hy m "ht the En"l sh navy attac6 the colon stsE They 5ere not not "ett n" alon" so 5ell n 1GCH. The colon sts had 4e"un to f "ht for the r nde.endence from ;r ta n. A (tudents 5 ll then rece ve a . ece of com.uter and dra5 an outl ne of + r" n a. 1e 5 ll then locate the three ca. tals and mar6 them on the ma. @ust so that they have a . cture of the three c t es n the r note4oo6s. A (tudents 5 ll also rece ve a . ece of construct on They 5 ll use th s to ma6e the r m n fla.?4oo6. (tudents 5 ll fold the r nto th rds and llustrate the reasons for the

move from Jamesto5n to 1 ll ams4ur". 1e 5 ll share some of these . ctures. (tudents 5 ll 4e a4le to reference the r notes to create the r llustrat ons. On the other s de students 5 ll llustrate the three reasons for the move from 1 ll ams4ur" to - chmond. They 5 ll have t me to f n sh th s later on n the day f t s not com.leted dur n" the 40 m nute t me 4loc6. A Mus c 5 ll 4e .layed softly dur n" th s llustrat on t me. A To 5ra. u. the lesson # 5 ll as6 the students to com.lete a 2?1?1 act v ty on a notecard, A 2 th n"s you learned, 1D1O1ID facts, and 1 th n" you 5ould l 6e to 6no5 more a4out. . 0#''E-E)T#AT#O) Th s lesson .lan s d fferent ated 4y nterest n that t caters to all of learners. = nesthet c learners "et to move around to reveal 4lan6s n the notes as 5ell as tal6 5 th the r ta4lemates dur n" llustrat on t me. + sual learners 5 ll have 5r tten notes as 5ell as dra5n notes. Aud tory learners have heard an oral h story lesson and also have mus c to 6ee. them focused dur n" the second half of the lesson. Those students 5ho f n sh early 5 ll 4e nstructed to 5r te a .ro.osal for the movement of the ca. tal a fourth t me. They 5 ll choose the .lace and must n 5hy they th n6 th s .lace may 4e 4etter. They 5 ll dra5 u. the .et t on and rece ve s "natures. Those 5ho do not f n sh 5 ll have t me at the end of the day to com.lete them. . 13AT *OU$0 2O 1-O)2 1#T3 T3#( $E((O) A)0 13AT 1#$$ &OU 0O A;OUT #TE (tudents may not 4e nterested n th s to. c 5h ch # 5 ll try and "au"e the r attent on throu"hout the lesson. # have catered to v sual, aud tory, and 6 nesthet c learners n th s lesson. #llustrat ons may 4e va"ue 5h ch # 5 ll attem.t to control 4y hav n" a model done as 5ell as .refac n" the 8ual ty # 5ould l 6e for the r 5or6. (tudents may not 4e focused dur n" the f ll? n?the?4lan6 "uess n" d scuss on. Th s s o6ay 4ecause they 5 ll st ll 4e forced to hear the content n the "rou. .resentat ons and 5hen # "o over the f ll? n?the?4lan6 ans5ers. 1e may and .ro4a4ly 5 ll run out of t me to com.lete everyth n" n th s lesson .lan, 5h ch s o6ayI Th s lesson may run nto the follo5 n" day.

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