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Place a next to the sentences that apply to you

________ I love crossword puzzles and other word games. ________ I often listen to music in my free time. ________ I enjoy studying about the earth and nature. ________ I love projects that involve acting or moving. ________ I love painting, drawing, or designing on the computer ________ I love the challenge of solving a difficult math problem. ________ I am known for being neat and orderly ________ I dislike working alone.

Circle the letter that explains what YOU would do in each situation:
If I have to learn how to do something, I learn best when I: a) Watch someone show me how. b) Hear someone tell me how c) Try and do it myself When I read, I often find that I: a) Visualize what I am reading in my mind b) Read out loud or hear the words inside my head c) Move around and try to feel what I am reading. When solving a problem, I: a) Write or draw diagrams to solve it. b) Talk myself through it c) Use objects to help me think the problem through.

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