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Human Relocation Rubric

Value 15 points Dimension Explanation/content Criteria You took on the role of a news broadcaster who is relaying important information from space to Planet Earth. You included details about what life is like in outer space. You describe the problems you have faced being a human in a new environment. You explain how you would change the way you live, look, live, etc. to survive in outer space. You include tips for adaptations that future inhabitants should think about. You have created a video that a person with no experience in outer space could have a clear understanding of how to survive, what to expect, and what to bring (if they need to bring anything). You have provided legitimate adaptations for survival in outer space. You did a dramatic performance of your broadcast and created a feeling of hope and excitement about the relocation. You took the broadcast seriously and put yourself in the role. Your product was submitted on time. It was evident that you put thought into the assignment and spent an adequate amount of time filming. Comments:

10 points


5 points


Total: 30 points

Your Score: ________/30

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