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Subject Code

12 CTE-11


Reva institute of Technology and Management Bangalore -560064 TEST PAPER TEST NO. : Internal Assessment III COURSE /BRANCH: M Tech/Transportation Engineering SUBJECT TITLE: Traffic Engineering 1 Answer any THREE full questions Assume missing data suitably 1 2 a) Explain the types of traffic signs. b) Distinguish between pavement markings and object markings. a) The spot speeds at a particular location are normally distributed with a mean of 55 kmph and standard deviation of 8.9 kmph. What is the probability that the (i) speed exceeds 60 kmph and the speeds lie between 40 and 70 kmph (ii) what is the 85th percentile speed? b) The spot speeds at a particular location on an expressway are known to be normally distributed with a mean of 80 kmph. A new radar speedometer was bought by Traffic Department and a set of 100 observations of speeds was taken. The mean speed observed was 77.3 kmph and the standard deviation was 15 kmph. Is there any evidence to prove that (i) new speedometer might have been faulty and (ii) the new speedometer is showing lesser speeds than actual? a) Explain the procedure for signal design by IRC method. b) Explain with the help of sketches how safety can be improved at an intersection by provision of traffic islands. 4 a) Explain the following terms with reference to parking survey (i) Space inventory (ii) parking load (iii) parking demand (iv) parking regulation (10) (10) b) Explain the various design factors in road lighting. Illustrate with sketches, the layout and lamp sizes for a right angled intersections 5 A three phase signal has to be installed at a right angled crossing of two city roads. The approaches are 12 m wide between kerbs. One of the phases should be a pedestrian phase only occurring at end of each cycle. Starting delay = 2s. An all red time of 4s is to be provided after each vehicle phase to allow clearance of right turning vehicles left over in the crossing. The design hour traffic volumes in PCU/hr are given in the table. Calculate the optimum cycle time. Sketch the phasing diagram and timing diagram for all the phases. Assume amber time of 2 sec.
From To PCU/hr E 40 N S 800 W 80 S 80 E W 500 N 52 W 60 S N 660 E 60 N 70 W E 680 S 60


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