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at Rp. 200.000,-++/portion
Minimum 100 portions
Makanan Pembuka Appetizers Pilihan dari 2 macam Hidangan Choice of 2 dishes Potato & Chicken Salad Asinan Jakarta Assorted fruit salad Salada Ulang tahun Spicy Thai Chicken Salad Gado-gado Betawi

Sup Soup Pilihan dari 1 macam Hidangan Choice of 1 dish Cream of Chicken Soup Sup Ayam Jamur Soto AYam Lamongan Sup Makaroni Sayuran dan Bakso Chicken and Corn Soup Tom Yum Soup

Daging - Meat Pilihan dari 1 macam Hidangan Choice of 1 dish Stir Fried Beef in oyster Sauce Stir Fried Beef with Black pepper sauce Beef Rollade with mushroom sauce Bistik Daging Rendang Daging

Ayam Poultry Pilihan dari 1 macam Hidangan Choice of 1 dish Roasted Herb Chicken Ayam balado Chicken Kung Pao Chicken in Oyster Sauce Ayam Panggang kecap

Fish Ikan Pilihan dari 1 macam Hidangan Choice of 1 dish Deep Fried Snapper with XO Sauce Hot and Sour Snapper with Pineapple Stir Fried Snapper with Lemon Sauce Gurame Asam Manis

Price is based on minimum order of 100 persons Price is subject to 21% Government Tax and Service Charge
Updated on 6 September 2013

at Rp. 200.000,-++/portion
Minimum 100 portions
Sayuran - Vegetable Pilihan dari 1 macam hidangan choice of 1 dish Cap Cay Tumis Buncis dengan Tahu Tumis Buncis dengan Daging Cincang Camio cah Bawang Putih Kailan cah Janur Tumis Sayur Acar Kuning

Pelengkap - Staples Pilihan dari 1 macam hidangan choice of 1 dish Bihun Goreng Mie Goreng Singapore Chinese fried rice Soun Goreng Mie Goreng Ulang Tahun Indonesian fried rice

Penutup Dessert 3 Macam Pilihan Choice of 3 Item Sliced Fresh Fruits Assorted Pudding Assorted Pastries Assorted Jajanan Pasar

Price is based on minimum order of 100 persons Price is subject to 21% Government Tax and Service Charge
Updated on 6 September 2013

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