Advettising Creatives 1

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Advertising Creatives General Instructions: The Student should submit this assignment in the handwritten form (not in the

e typed format) The Student should submit this assignment within the time specified by the exam dept The student should only use the Rule sheet papers for answering the questions. The student should attach this assignment paper with the answered papers. Failure to comply with the above Four instructions would lead to re ection of assignment. Specific Instructions: There are four !uestions in this assignment. The student should answer all the four questions. "ar#s allotted $%%. &ach !uestion carries equal mar#s ('( mar#s) unless specified explicitly. Question 1 a) )hat are the primary reasons for the emergence of the *ntergrated "ar#eting +ommunications, b) -iscuss the #ey parameters to #eep in mind while selecting an .dvertising agency for your company. Question 2 a) /lease discuss the various strategies for .dvertisement 0udgeting. b) Reach is the ultimate measure for a media vehicle in advertising. 1indly comment

Question 3 . company ran its Television commerical on a popular channel for a period of Four wee#s. $% random respondents were chosen to understand how many times were each of these respondents able to watch the commercial. The following table gives us an understanding wee#2wise which respondents were able to view3recover the advertisement. Respon . dent )ee# $ 7es 0 yes + & yes F yes 4 yes 5 yes * 6

)ee# ' )ee# 8 7es )ee# 9

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes

1indly compute the following on basis of the data in the table: $. Reach '. Frequency 8. 4R/ 9. TR/ (; of Target 4roup is '%;)

Question 4 +omment on the following a) b) c) d) e) f) +ompetitive parity method in 0udgeting <rban =egends 0u>> creation Subliminal "essages *nformercials T&.RS "odel

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