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Utilizing Wikipedia Categories for Document Classification

Timothy Weale
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Abstract article mentions BHP Billiton and European Miner-

als (both mining companies) several times, then we
This paper introduces our technique for integrating
should have greater evidence that this is an article
Wikipedia as a broad-coverage knowledge base for
about mining, rather than about a particular com-
use in document classification. We outline an algo-
pany due to the overlap in concepts among the enti-
rithm for integrating the Wikipedia categories found
ties mentioned.
from named entities in the articles. We then demon-
Taken more generally, an article that discusses
strate this algorithm on a toy corpus, where we are
Angelina Jolie is probably different than one that
able to successfully classify our documents.
discusses the Cleveland Browns in ways beyond the
surface words in the document. However, if we
1 Introduction
want to make an even finer distinction, say among
Traditionally, document classification has been closely related concepts (whose surface words will
based on a variation of the “bag of words”(BOW) overlap), then more information is needed. Ide-
approach. BOW treats all the words in a document ally, documents focusing on one class of entities
as elements in a classification vector. These words {Harrison Ford, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts} (all ac-
can be a boolean decision (found or not) or weighted tors) should be distinguishable from classes of doc-
based on some measure (usually Term Frequency- uments that discuss other, closely related topics
Inverse Document Frequency. A new document is {Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Peter Jackson}
judged to be a member of a class based on how sim- (all directors).
ilar it is to the training documents. Up until recently, there hasn’t been an available
The underlying assumption to this classification resource to capture the underlying information con-
method is that similar documents will exhibit sim- veyed by these named entities. Hand-crafted re-
ilar words. More advanced clustering methods sources (WordNet, CYC, OpenMind) were expen-
(SVMs) and applying linguistic information (stop- sive to construct and limited in scope. The develop-
word removal, stemming, pos-tagging) can get bet- ment of Wikipedia has, however, given us a cheap,
ter results, but these approaches are all more-or-less broad-scoped resource to capture some of the con-
limited to the surface forms of the documents. cepts associated with these entities. In this paper,
Document classification is not about the words we propose to use Wikipedia to extract the hidden
– classes are organized around common concepts. information in entities for more accurate classifica-
That related documents will have similar word oc- tion than would be able if we used surface features
currences is merely a byproduct of the related con- alone.
cepts. The organization of our paper is as follows:
Gabrilovich (GM05) highlights this idea by using In Section 2, we discuss similar attempts to use
document #15264 in the Reuters-21578 corpus, be- Wikipedia as a knowledge source. We outline our
longing to the category “copper”. This is a long arti- algorithm in Section 3 before introducing our data
cle, discussing other mining activities and informa- set and evaluating our algorithm’s performance in
tion about the companies involved in mining. Cop- Section 4. We conclude in Section 5 and discuss
per is mentioned only briefly. Thus, the article is future work in this area.
typically mis-classified when it considers only sur-
face words. If one were able to capture the common 2 Prior Work
concepts behind the words, they should be able to Wikipedia has just begun to be used as a supplemen-
more successfully classify the article. tal text resource, similar to WordNet or FrameNet.
A more specific problem is that the BOW ap- Wikipedia has been used to both compete with
proach oftentimes overlooks the information con- and also bootstrap WordNet. In their 2006 paper
tained in named entities. Named entities carry a (SP06), Strube and Ponzetto use Wikipedia to ex-
lot of informational content about the concepts in a tract semantic relatedness between pairs of words.
document. Going back to the copper example, if the To do this, they utilize Wikipedia categories to
compute path based and text overlap based mea- Bill Belichick
sures of relatedness between two words. In the 1952 births, Baltimore Colts coaches,
end, the resulting relatedness measures are compa- Cleveland Browns coaches, Denver Broncos
rable to WordNet. This work has been extended by coaches, Detroit Lions coaches, Living people,
Gabrilovich and Markovitch (GM07) to process se- New England Patriots coaches, New York Giants
mantic similarity among non-title text, text longer coaches, Phillips Academy alumni,
than one word and with a more sophisticated simi- Croatian-Americans, The NFL on ABC
larity vector. On the other end, Wikipedia has also
been used to effectively extract semantic relation- AFC North
ships in order to extend WordNet (RCAC05). National Football League, Baltimore Ravens,
Wikipedia has been used to train gazetteers for Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns,
named entity recognition (TM06). Toral and Munoz Jacksonville Jaguars, Pittsburgh Steelers,
utilize Wikipedia to speed up gazetteer creation, Tennessee Titans, 2002 establishments
which can be a long and tedious process. Addi-
tionally, they observe that since their algorithm is
language independent, additional languages can be Figure 1: Categories for given entities
added by simply running their algorithm over the
appropriate Wikipedia language set. final output of this step is a list of entities found in
Additional Wikipedia research has looked at its each individual document.
internal link structure. In their 2005 paper, Adafre
and de Rijke (AdR05), they tackle the problem of 3.2 Article Matching
missing inter-article hyperlinks. To do this, they
We then extract category information from the arti-
propose a two-step ranking mechanism, LTRank, in
cle about the named entity. This category informa-
order to cluster similar pages (which should have
tion forms the basis for our classification vector.
similar link structures) and then use these clusters
to identify missing links among the documents. Unlike other categorization resources (such as the
Open Directory Project), Wikipedia categories are
Finally, this work is closest in manner to that of
not rigidly assigned to an overall hierarchy. So, an
Gabrilovich and Markovitch (GM06). In their 2006
entity can belong to multiple categories, each found
paper, they demonstrate a system for text catego-
within its own hierarchy and corresponding to a dif-
rization and use Wikipedia to overcome the bottle-
ferent piece of information about the entity. For ex-
neck generated by limitations of the Open Direc-
ample, “Bill Belichick” belongs to categories relat-
tory Project. Their system uses a multi-resolution
ing to his high school, career as an NFL coach and
feature generator to classify documents using infor-
birth year. This allows us to capture a wide variety
mation at the word, sentence, paragraph and doc-
of high-level information about an entity cheaply.
ument level. Their final classifications are signifi-
cantly better than previously published results. In our implementation, entries that returned zero
queries were discarded, as they were usually mis-
3 Feature Construction named entities. If a disambiguation page was
reached, the named entity was also discarded. This
Our features are constructed by extracting all named is a limitation of our current system, and will be dis-
entities from our corpus. These entities are then cussed in Section 5.
matched (if possible) to a Wikipedia article, where At the end of this step, we have a list of categories
the category information is used to generate the doc- present in the document. These will then be turned
ument features. into our vector for classification.
3.1 Named Entity Extraction
4 Evaluation
As we have argued before, one of the major
strengths of Wikipedia is that it contains informa- The evaluation was done with the Wikipedia data
tion about a specific entity in the world, not avail- dump from November 11, 20061 . After decom-
able through other resources. Therefore, the first pression, the resulting XML file was 6.6GB in size.
step in our algorithm is to extract entities from the We used MediaWiki’s import routines to populate
documents. a MySQL database, which we used to process our
To do this, we run an named entity recognizer named entity queries.
over each document in the corpus and extract the
named entities to be used for article matching. The
4.1 Data Set Decision trees are models that make incremental
The evaluation of our method was done on a toy cor- checks on vector elements to decide the class of an
pus consisting of 40 training documents(30 positive object. The algorithm finds the most distinguish-
/ 10 negative) and 4 testing documents(2 positive / ing element from the vector and splits based on that
2 negative) gathered from Google news. We have element. Then, it recursively finds the most dis-
a very hard corpus – all documents pertain to the tinguishing element of its subsets, until a sufficient
2006 NFL season and therefore share many words level of generalization is found. Decision trees have
and have a high concept overlap. Positive examples many benefits – the results are easy to interpret, eas-
are those in which the article mentions a current or ily human-reproducible and can provide generaliza-
former coach of the Cleveland Browns. Negative tions with little hard data. However, they can be
examples are those that fail to mention a Browns prone to over-fitting. We use the C4.5 decision tree
coach. algorithm, which is based on the ID3 decision tree
4.2 Category Discovery
4.4 Results
We ran the LingPipe Named Entity Recognizer2
over our data set in order to get our named enti- In our experiment, we compared the output of three
ties, an off-the-shelf named entity recognizer. The things: an un-optimized bag-of-words model, a bag-
named entity model was obtained from their MUC- of-named-entities model and bag-of-categories. All
6 training model. input vectors consisted of boolean values – either
After running our named entity recognizer over the item was found in the document, or it wasn’t.
the dataset, we noticed that some of the training Word Entities Concepts
documents failed to capture the desired entities. We SVM 50% 50% 75%
then reconfigured our training examples based on C4.5 – 50% 100%
the results of the entity recognition process, result-
ing in a 28 positive / 12 negative training split. Table 1: Classification Accuracy
The resulting named entities were queried against
our MySQL database containing the Wikipedia en- As expected, the BOW classification and the
tries. In the case of multiple result queries, only named entity classification struggle with the con-
the highest-numbered result query was used (corre- cept overlap in the data set. In all of these cases, the
sponding to the latest version of the topic). classifiers tried to include all the testing examples.
The resulting classification vectors are based on With the category-based SVM vectors, the clas-
all categories found somewhere in our training set sifier was able to disregard one of the testing exam-
(rather than all possible categories). Any addi- ples. Our negative example set was simply too small
tional categories found in the testing set are dis- for it to pick out the appropriate features for classi-
carded. Since the number of categories is enumer- fication. With more negative training examples, we
able through a search of the Wikipedia dataset, we should see improved performance from the SVM.
may wish to expand our vector to include all possi- C4.5 was able to distinguish the appropriate cat-
ble categories in the future. egory with ease and generated a one-level decision
tree. If “Cleveland Browns coaches” category was
4.3 Classifiers
found, then the document was classified as a pos-
In our evaluation, we decided to try two different itive example. This is expected, given the corpus
types of classifiers: Support Vector Machines and involved.
Decision Trees.
SVMs are linear classifiers that attempt to split 5 Conclusions and Future Work
the input space into a hyperplane delineating all pos- In this paper, we have introduced a method for doc-
itive examples from negative examples. Vectors are ument categorization using Wikipedia as a large-
considered as a whole. In SVMs, we are looking for scale knowledge base for information about named
hyperplanes with a maximum margin between the entities. We have also demonstrated this algorithm
positive and negative examples. For our evaluation, on a toy dataset, where it successfully performs the
we utilize the SVMlight classifier3 and the C4.5 de- expected categorization.
cision tree algorithm4 .
There is a lot of work to be done in this domain.
2 Our first step is to rebuild the Wikipedia database.
3 While MediaWiki was able to successfully popu-
4 late our MySQL database, the provided database
New England Browns Green Bay Packers Packers Bengals
Patriots Romeo Crennel Green Bay Green Bay Marvin Lewis
Bill Belichick Charlie Frye Matt Hasselbeck Forrest Gregg Cleveland
Tom Brady Terry Pluto Brett Favre Milwaukee Chris Perry
Chicago Georgia Dome Seattle William Perry Browns
Train 2 (+) Train 20 (+) Train 36 (-) Test 1 (+) Test 3 (-)

Figure 2: Example Named Entities from Corpus

structure is not optimal for our needs. Article links, CAI), pages 1048–1053, Edinburgh, Scotland,
Wikipedia categories and other pertinent informa- UK, August 2005.
tion should be pre-computed and available within Evgeniy Gabrilovich and Shaul Markovitch.
our SQL queries. Overcoming the brittleness bottleneck using
Disambiguation needs to be handled. In our cur- wikipedia: Enhancing text categorization with
rent system, we discard entities that need disam- encyclopedic knowledge. In Proceedings of
biguation. Obviously, this needs to be handled. The 21st National Conference on Artificial
Perhaps a two-pass method that gathers all non- Intelligence (AAAI), pages 1301–1306, Boston,
ambiguous entities first, and then does disambigua- July 2006.
tion based on the article text and the disambiguated Evgeniy Gabrilovich and Shaul Markovitch. Com-
article pages. puting semantic relatedness using wikipedia-
Additionally, we wish to run our algorithm on ad- based explicit semantic analysis. In Proceedings
ditional data sources. Our toy corpus was used to of The 20th International Joint Conference on
demonstrate the initial concept, but we need to see Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Hyderabad, India,
how this might work in a more general classification January 2007.
context. To this end, we have obtained the RCV1 Maria Ruiz-Casado, Enrique Alfonseca, and Pablo
corpus, and will be running experiments to see how Castells. Automatic extraction of semantic rela-
our algorithm works on this corpus. tionships for wordnet by means of pattern learn-
Finally, we should investigate additional weight- ing from wikipedia. In NLDB, number 3513 in
ing algorithms. The boolean classifier was sufficient Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 67–
for the toy corpus, but established methods such as 79, 2005.
TF/IDF may show some improvement, especially Michael Strube and Simone Paolo Ponzetto.
on a corpus such as RCV1. Wikirelate! computing semantic relatedness us-
Further out, there is a lot of potential work. Ar- ing wikipedia. In AAAI, 2006.
ticle consistency needs to be checked to ensure that Antonio Toral and Rafael Munoz. A proposal to
appropriate inter-article links are maintained. For automatically build and maintain gazetteers for
example, the article on “Bill Belichick” lists him named entity recognition by using wikipedia. In
as a living person. Yet, the article for the current Workshop on New Text, 11th Conference of the
Browns coach (as of this writing) “Romeo Crennel” European Chapter of the Association for Compu-
does not. Such consistency needs to be maintained. tational Linguistics, Trento (Italy), April 2006.
Then, we should be able to use the link structure to
find a the relatedness of different articles, based on
what we have seen before. Also, we would like to
implement the Gabrilovich and Markovitch (2006)
algorithm, which would provide us with the closest
comparison to state-of-the-art in this field.

Sisay Fissaha Adafre and Maarten de Rijke. Dis-
covering missing links in wikipedia. In Link-
KDD, Chicago, Illinois (USA), August 2005.
Evgeniy Gabrilovich and Shaul Markovitch. Fea-
ture generation for text categorization using
world knowledge. In The 19th International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJ-

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