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Reflection on Apocalypto Apocalypto has shown the Mayan civilization and its culture.

In the movie a group of Mayans tearing down villages by piercing their way through its people. The men are captured and chained to long poles and are forced to march to the Mayan temple. Theses men are set to be sacrificed to the god in order to stop some kind of disease. This is how the Mayan people practice their culture and this show how ruthless they are.

For me, the purpose of the movie is to show the cruelty caused on the people by those believed to be more powerful. Culture has influences us so strong that we all do what we do now because of it. We have peaceful traditions and God-fearing customary practices but it is not us that we kill people to feed our beliefs. Our cultures and the Mayans culture are two different things. The movie has also shown the selflessness of humans. We always seek to be on top, to be higher that others and to be considered superior from those who passed misfortune. But it is time for us to end this. Our world has become so selfish that everyone of us only think the benefits that we receive from things and not on what effect it will have on other people.

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