Milias Work

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Chapter 2




Vocabulary Words

1.)Kino 2.)Juana 3.) Kino Grandfather

1.) Juana prays silently that Kino will find a pearl in the water big enough to pay a doctor. 2.) Kino is skilled and can stay under water for two minutes, expertly choosing the best oysters.

Kino and Juana slide the canoe into the water. Juana climbs in, and Kino pushes the boat away from shore.

Significant My Quotations Reaction to this Chapter 1.)Preserved He When I 2.)Vagueness watched read this 3.)Undulating the ants chapter, 4.)Speculatively moving, a I just had little different column of thoughts them near about to his foot, Juana and he put and Kino his foot in their path.

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