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Unforgettable Words

The sun
The bun
The whisky and
The Rum

A ship has sailed

A train can run
The words spoken
From a muzzle of
A gun
Life is precious
Life is cheap
Kill kill kill
This land is fun

Night and day

The dead......

The dead.......

The dead.......

In tons

The sun
The bun
The whisky and
The Rum

Don’t you know?

Abu Ghreab has
Physically gone?
Don’t you know?
A play in torture
Will last forever
Creating a loop
For a lasting Hell?

Oh dear son
Don’t forget
To light
A candle
To pray for
For a good job

The sun
The bun
The whisky and
The Rum

Najib Altawell
© Altawell 2008

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