Project Manager Resume

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1650-1 Starratt Road Jacksonville, Florida 32226 (904) 545-7 10 (904) 696-9933 !-"ail# $k%&a'(l)%ellso*t+,net SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS - . %roadl/ e'0erienced 1ro&ect 2ana3er and !sti"ator, +i3+l/ skilled in directin3 co"0le' 0ro&ects, esti"atin3 and costin3 (*nctions, cond*ctin3 co"0etitive %iddin3, contract ne3otiations, 0*rc+asin3, $orkload 0rioriti4in3 and sc+ed*lin3, - Stron3 anal/tical and 0ro%le"-solvin3 a%ilities, $ell or3ani4ed and detail oriented, $it+ e'cellent ti"e "ana3e"ent a$areness and a stron3 interest in 0rocess i"0rove"ent to i"0rove e((icienc/ and lo$er over+ead, - !'ce0tional leaders+i0 and tea" %*ildin3 5*alities $it+ a re0*tation (or s*ccess in "aintainin3 an e((ective ra00ort and 0ro"otin3 coo0eration a"on3 a diverse tea" o( 0ro(essionals, vendors and s*%contractors, - . relia%le and (le'i%le "ana3er o( +i3+ inte3rit/, $it+ e'cellent inter0ersonal and ver%al6$ritten co""*nication skills, - 7o"0*ter literate incl*din3 0ro(icienc/ in 2icroso(t 8ord, !'cel, 1o$er1oint, 9*tlook a00lications as $ell as ind*str/-s0eci(ic so(t$are s*c+ as Hard Dollar (esti"atin3 so(t$are) Quest, Agtek and InSight (esti"atin3 take-o(( so(t$are), EXPERIENCE 0 611J!., Jacksonville, Florida 1resent Construct on Ins!"ctor II - Res0onsi%le (or t+e "aintenance and re0air o( 300 e"er3enc/ 3enerators - :ele3ate re0air a*t+ori4ations to "*lti0le contractors, - ;ns0ect t+e $ork o( contractors to ins*re contract*al co"0liance - Revie$ and s*%"it invoicin3 to "ana3ers (or 0a/"ent, - .ssist ot+er ins0ectors in areas o( e'0ertise


8,R, <o$nsend 7ontractin3, ;nc, St, .*3*stine, Florida For"#$n%O!"r$tor - 90erate vario*s t/0es o( =eav/ !5*i0"ent (or road constr*ction 0ro&ect, - 2aintain all constr*ction (iles (or t+e >1:!S6S8111 0ro3ra", 7ond*ct all ins0ections as re5*ired %/ t+e :e0art"ent o( !nviron"ental 1rotection, For$ard all ins0ection re0orts to co*nt/ a3encies, - Res0onsi%le (or all tra((ic control and "aintenance o( tra((ic as re5*ired (or t+e sa(et/ o( t+e 3eneral 0*%lic and constr*ction 0ersonnel, - .ssist t+e ?eneral S*0erintendent "onitorin3 cre$s and s*%contractors &o% 0rod*ction to "aintain constr*ction sc+ed*le,

11605 10609

.2!R;7.> S;<! @ A<;B;<;!S, ;>7,, Jacksonville, Florida Pro&"ct M$n$'"r%Est #$tor - Si"*ltaneo*sl/ oversee all as0ects o( "*lti0le 0ro&ects, avera3in3 C200,000 to C3,5 "illion eac+, "aintainin3 eac+ 0ro&ectDs (ile o( corres0ondence, 0er"its, %id doc*"entation, 0ro0osals, c+an3e orders, 0*rc+ase orders, contracts and s*%contracts, and 3eolo3ical re0orts, - Solicit, revie$ and a00rove6disa00rove %idsE ne3otiate ele"ents o( contracts $it+ ?eneral 7ontractors, $rite 0*rc+ase orders and ad&*st contract ter"s as necessar/E "eet $it+ Site S*0erintendents to set sc+ed*les and coordinate $it+ en3ineers and ot+ers to resolve con(licts, - =andle "aterials so*rcin3 and site lo3isticsE 0ersonall/ visit &o% sitesE $ork directl/ $it+ individ*al 0ro&ect "ana3ers and revie$ all 0ro&ect %illin3 (or acc*rac/, - ;n role o( !sti"ator, $ork $it+ "ini"al s*0ervision to constr*ct 0ro&ect esti"ates (or 0F o( all 0ro0osals, and solicit ?eneral 7ontractors (or *0-co"in3 %id sc+ed*les (or o$nerDs revie$ - ;ss*ed all 7+an3e 9rders, <rans"ittals, 0*nc+ list, notice o( co""ence"ents, notice to o$ners, corres0ondence, .;. doc*"ents, and contract doc*"ents, FB9R;:. ?R9A>:89RGS, ;>7,, Jacksonville, Florida Pro&"ct M$n$'"r%Est #$tor - Si"*ltaneo*sl/ "ana3ed 3-7 0ro&ects, eac+ avera3in3 C700,000 to C1,9 "illionE "aintained *0 to 14 0ro&ect (iles (or c*rrent 0ro&ects *nder constr*ction, - 7onstr*cted esti"ates (or 90F o( all 0ro0osals and solicited ?eneral 7ontractors (or *0-co"in3 %ids in t+e 0rivate sector, - 8orked closel/ $it+ clients, (ield 0ersonnel, and internal sta(( to (oster tea" s0irit and close coo0eration, Notable Achievement: - .ttended colle3e ni3+t classes and earned .ssociate o( Science in H*ildin3 @ 7onstr*ction 2ana3e"ent <ec+nolo3/, S9A<=!R> :!I!B912!>< 79R1,, Jacksonville, Florida Jr. Est #$tor - ;n a +i3+-vol*"e, deadline-driven environ"ent, s*ccess(*ll/ co"0leted all take-o((s and received all 5*otes (or 45-55 0ro&ects ann*all/, avera3in3 C ,0- ,5 "illion in reven*es, - .dvanced to 0ositions o( increasin3 res0onsi%ilit/ in t+e take-o(( and esti"atin3 (ields, and 3ained additional +ands-on e'0erience in "aintainin3 0ro&ect (iles, orderin3 "aterials and "onitorin3 (ield lo3istics, - 2aintained all *tilit/ locate (iles (or 0ro&ects *nder constr*ction, - .00lied tec+nical kno$led3e ac5*ired t+ro*3+ colle3e classes $+ile 0*rs*in3 de3ree in H*ildin3 @ 7onstr*ction 2ana3e"ent,

09602 11605

09600 09602

EDUCATION ( PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE A>;I!RS;<J 9F >9R<= FB9R;:., Jacksonville, Florida B$c)"*or o+ A!!* ", Sc "nc" D"'r"" Pro'r$# n IT M$n$'"#"nt :e3ree con(er"ent e'0ected .*3*st 2014 FB9R;:. 7922A>;<J 79BB!?! .< J.7GS9>I;BB! Assoc $t" o+ Arts, L -"r$* Arts

:e3ree co"0leted to %e iss*ed 2010 ?1.# 3,3 Assoc $t" o+ Sc "nc", Bu *, n' ( Construct on M$n$'"#"nt T"c)no*o' "s :e3ree con(erred 2005 ?1.# 3,2 Assoc $t" o+ Sc "nc", C . * En' n""r n' T"c)no*o' "s :e3ree con(erred 2002 ?1.# 3,2 S<.<! 9F FB9R;:. Storm Water Management Inspector Advanced erti!ied N"D#S Inspector $#%pires &une '()*+ Advance erti!ication , M-. $#%pires &une '()/+ ommercial Driver0s 1icense 23N". endorsements Notar4 "ublic $#%pires 5ebruar4 '()6+ Excellent References Available Upon Request

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