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R.R. onnelley !

Sons" #he igital ivision

Presented by Jay Sarda Ashish Agrawal Leopold Kammerer Jubin Mehta Rushik Sonigra Naman sanghavi

*ompany etails
$ounded in %&'( Ma)or *ustomers"
telephone operating +ompanies retail and dire+t mail mer+handisers publishers o, books ! maga-ines

.t was organi-ed in"

/& divisions0 & business groups ! were part o, / business se+tors i.e. *ommer+ial

Print1 Network Servi+es ! .n,ormation Resour+es

Manu,a+turing And Sales were its +ore ,un+tions

6uestion %
2ow should S+hetter and S+hneider +onvin+e the 3ooks 4roup that the igital ivision o,,ered them a better opportunity5

Print on demand

Rapidly migrating to retail

#ailored marketing ! mass +ustomi-ation

$aster delivery o, the work

7olume is+ounts

*ost per +opy lower ,or short run

6uestion :
., you were John 8alter1 what ( steps you would have taken to see that internal threat to igital ivision is +onverted into internal allian+e to promote igital ivision as a new9e+onomy +orporate entrepreneurship5 .s he doing a good )ob o, building and leading a high9te+h organi-ation5

.nternal #hreats
Managers and employees not working ,or the same goal

igital division is not wel+omed in the whole


organi-ation. Reasons"

unproven te+hnology su++ess is doubt,ul la+k o, +on,iden+e ,rom senior management

.ntense ,inan+ial pressure

Steps to be taken
igital printing as part o, the regular port,olio o, servi+es

*hange in marketing and sales ,or+e

;du+ating people about the why they should +hoose digital printing over o,,set printing

Allow the various divisions to move to the igital ivision on an e<perimental basis initially

igital division +ould attra+tive more +ustomers by o,,ering outstanding servi+es

.s John doing a good )ob5

No allo+ation o, responsibility o, ,unds and no +hange in the

in+entive s+heme
No proper ,ollow up with the resear+h team Pro)e+ts approved on the basis o, +lout rather than value it brings to

#he initial approa+h o, not +onsidering the +ustomer needs1 le,t a

negative impa+t
2en+e1 the entire approa+h was mismanaged and lead to +on,usion

among the sta,, and +ustomers

And the survey ,or te+hnology was not e+onomi+al or organi-ed.

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