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Pupils Advantage Learning Services (PALS)

Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying

Worksheet/Novel Study: Grades 2, 3, and Home Schooling
This 8-page worksheet encourages students to make personal connections
with Junie B. Jones experiences and practices the following skills:
adjectives, nouns, reading for details, vocabulary, spelling, verb tenses,
plurals, irregular plurals, compound words, and using a dictionary.

NAME _____________________________________________________

If there is a book in this series or any other for which you would like a
worksheet composed, with a specific set of skill sets, please dont hesitate
to ask. For queries or requests for individual worksheets, please

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1. How does Junie B. define spying?

2. These two words, except and quiet, are used on page 4, and sound close to
the words expect and quiet. Write four sentences using the words.
a. Except___________________________________________________
b. Quiet____________________________________________________
c. Expect___________________________________________________
d. Quite____________________________________________________
3. Have you ever spied on anyone? Explain.
4. Why did Junie B.s mother get upset with her?
5. Why did Junie B. blow on her brothers face?
6. Are you the eldest, youngest or the middle child in your family? How do
you treat your siblings? If you dont have any siblings ask your mother or
father about their experience.
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7. What time is Junie Bs bedtime? What time is your own bedtime? Does
that change on the weekends? What do you do with the extra time?
8. Find the word sample on page 27 and read the sentence in which it is
being used. Make one sentence using the word sample and one sentence
using the word example.
9. A contraction is a shortened version of a phrase
For example: Its_____It is
There are several contractions in this book. Find ten contractions, write the
page number where you found it, and write out the contraction in its whole
a._________________________ f. _________________________
b._________________________ g. _________________________
c._________________________ h _________________________
d._________________________ i._________________________
e._________________________ j. _________________________
10.Why is Chapter 3 entitled, Secret Mystery Guy?
11. What is your opinion of Junie Bs behavior towards her mother?
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12. A compound word is a word that is formed by combining two words.
Make a list of ten compound words from the book.
f. __________________
g. __________________
h. __________________
i. __________________
j. __________________
13.Which vegetable is Junie B. calling brockly and Sue Keeny? Write the
correct spellings below.
14. A noun is a person, animal, place, or thing. Make a list of ten nouns.
Use the examples below as a guide
Person: friend, boy, hero
Animal: zebra, horse
Place: mall, office, house
Thing: purse, train book, lotion, month
a. __________________
f. __________________
b. __________________
g. __________________
h. __________________
i. __________________
j. __________________
15. SPELLING AND VOCABULARY BOOST. There are several words in
the story that may be challenging to spell on the first try. Read the sentence
where the word has been used and memorize the spelling. The page
numbers are provided in parentheses. Use a dictionary to help you find the
definitions of the words and write them below. Then use five of the words in
a sentence. This will help you to remember both the meaning and the
allowed (12)
behave (12)
regular (23)
pretended (37
neighbor (11) compartment (17)
aisle (26)
pressure (44)
disappointed (47)
scuffle (60)
sudden (42)
difference (30)
sudden (42)
delicious (36)

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16. In many cases when a word ends in an e, the vowel that comes before
that final e is pronounced by the name of the letter. The final e makes
the vowel say its name. Pronounce/ sound out the words below, and listen
for the difference in the words that end with an e. For example:
Fin Fine
Breath Breathe
Bit Bite
Hat Hate
Not Note
Fat Fate
Make a list of 14 words in the book that take a final e the way the
examples above do.
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________
6. __________________
7. __________________
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9. __________________
10. __________________
11. __________________
12. __________________
13. __________________
14. __________________

17. Correct the following sentences from the book. Write the corrected
sentences below. The part of the section that needs to be corrected is
a. After that I got sended to my room (23)
b. So thats how come I accidentally blowed on his nose (6).
c. Thats because I hided behind the water fountain speedy fast (34).
d. Then she said the word eggzactly(54).
e. Then I bended my head over the fountain (31).
f. Me and him know each other very good (46).
g. And Mother runned into his room (7).
h. Teachers are supposed to be perfecter than that!(40).
i. Then I holded my head real tight with my hands (45).
j. Only my mother never even finded out (56.
Rhyming Fun. Sometimes one of the ways to help you to spell is to
find words that rhyme with each other. Sometimes you only have to add a
letter to spell another word. For example: house: mouse. Look at the list of
words from the story and write at least one word that rhymes; you may write
more than one.
a. fountain _____________________________
b. carts ________________________________
c. round _______________________________
d. mouth _______________________________
e. cream _______________________________
f. tight ________________________________
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Fill in the columns with either the missing singular or plural.




19. An adjective modifies, describes or tells you more about a noun. The
adjectives are underlined in the examples below. Janice wore long yellow
pajamas with thin black stripes to her friends party. Write fifteen adjectives
from the book.
a. _________________ f. _________________ k. _________________
b. _________________ g. __________________ l. _________________
c.__________________ h. __________________ m._________________
d.__________________ i. __________________ n._________________
e.__________________ j. __________________ o._________________
20. Make a personal connection to one of the scenes in the book. For
example, or have you ever seen your teacher at the supermarket or got sent
to your room for something? Write a paragraph that explains the connection.

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21. If you could ask the author a question about the character or the story
what would you ask?
22. What is your favorite part of the story? Explain
23. Write a paragraph that tells a different ending to the book.

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