Ubd Adapations Stage 2

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Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show that students understand? Performance tasks: How does adaptation assist survival? (Explanation) Animal discovery Pretend that you are a scientist who has just discovered the first of a new species of animal. They are new to the dense, humid, wet, and diverse tropical rainforest. This species must find ways to adapt in order to ensure their survival. You know that they can change the way they look and act in order to survive and thrive. Think about their structures and their functions, and how they relate to the physical environment. Write a detailed brochure describing its characteristics that help it find food, protect itself, cope with harsh environments, and reproduce. ou must include their structure, function, how they have adapted to their physical environment, and a picture. ou will present your brochures to the class and in front of an !thologist "a scientist who studies animal behaviors#. The brochures will be your way of telling the !thologist about this new species$ How could we use adaptations to overcome obstacles threatening our survival? (Application) Human relocation The human population is being relocated to outer space because !arth%s natural resources have been depleted. ou are part of a selected group being sent to one of the & planets and must figure out how to survive. ou know that there is no gravity or o'ygen in outer space. (reate a broadcast news video informing those back home describing the problems you have come across and how you were able to solve them through adaptation. These broadcasts will be looked at by several )*+* representatives as possible solutions for future relocation and life sustainability in outer space.

What other evidence will be collected in light of +tage , -esired .esults? /ui00es1 (hildren will identify and describe the difference between natural and learned behavior by filling out a venn diagram 2ui0. +tudents will take a written 2ui0 on the different types of adaptations, as another check for understanding. 3bservation1 *necdotal records will be taken during table talks or group discussions when discussing adaptations and the different types. Homework1 (hildren will complete and practice with flashcards to help review the vocabulary: mimicry, dormancy, camouflage, hibernation, and migration. Work +amples1 Throughout the unit samples of student work will be collected evaluate student understanding
*dapted from Wiggins, 4. 5 6cTighe, 7. "899:#. Understanding by design (2nd.ed.). *le'andria, ;*: *ssociation for +upervision and (urriculum -evelopment.

+tudents +elf1*ssessment and .eflection: 7ournal writing1 *t the end of each learning e'perience and after each P<! = will ask the students to self assess their learning for the day in their >ournals. = will ask the students to assess themselves as a learner, by identifying what they did well or what they need to improve on for future lessons. -iscussion groups1 +tudents will break off into small groups discuss the information that they have been given amongst themselves. They will go over things that they understand and other aspects that may be a little unclear. This will allow the students% to gain perspective on their own interpretation and those of their classmates as well. !ffort scale1 *t the end of each performance task, the students will be asked to assess their level of effort on a scale ,1?, , being the lowest level of engagement and ? being the best work they could have turned in. =f they give themselves anything lower than a ? they will write what they could do better to create a better product. !'it (ards1 4iven at the end of each day to check for understanding on topics that we covered in that day%s lesson. They must include two things they have learned from that days lesson. =nformal check1 *fter the end of each lesson = will do a 2uick check for understanding with the students. = will ask them if they had a clear understanding of what we >ust learned. =f things were clear they will put one finger up, if things were a little confusing they will put two fingers up, and if they are completely and utterly lost they will put three fingers up. This will be used as a 2uick informal check for understanding. =f there are a lot of three%s in the air we will have a group discussion on what needs to be clarified more.

*dapted from Wiggins, 4. 5 6cTighe, 7. "899:#. Understanding by design (2nd.ed.). *le'andria, ;*: *ssociation for +upervision and (urriculum -evelopment.

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