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Match the description to the explorer by drawing a line from one to the other: 1. I explored and claimed Southwest of the present-day United States for Spain. 2. I explored in the name of France and established the settlement of Quebec. 3. I sailed for France and claimed the Mississippi River Valley. 4. I explored for Eastern Canada for England. Circle all of the correct answers: 5. Why did Spain, France, and England explore North America? A. A promise of great riches B. A desire to spread Christianity C. Drive to expand their empires D. To bring Native Americans to Europe E. To learn about other cultures 6. Coronado went on an expedition in 1528 to Florida. La Salle led an expedition in 1681 to search for the mouth of the Mississippi River. How many years later was La Salles expedition? Show your work. A. John Cabot

B. Samuel De Champlain

C. Francisco Coronado

D. Robert La Salle

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