Sub Plans

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Sub Plans November 12, 2013 Thank you so much for coming in to help me out today!

The students should know our schedule well and will assist you with any questions you may have. Students arrive at 8:00am and are to follow the directions to the morning work. You may want to write on the board so that they can follow instructions in order. 1) Do your lunch count (back of the class whiteboard) 2) Get homework out 3) Problem of the day (attached to this plan; may be displayed with the document camera or written on the board) Students have a worksheet they are supposed to record their problem of the day on 4) Finish DLR- reading worksheet 5) Silent read Use the homework check off list to record who has completed their spelling and math homework for the day. Those who did not do their homework must put an R on the chart behind the classroom door. The announcements will come on at 8:20am and students will recite the pledge and the cub run character counts pledge as instructed. After the announcements students will switch classes. You will receive a new group of students and the homeroom class will return after reading. Our Wednesday schedule is as follows: Reading 8:30-9:25 The reading class enters and gets a few minutes to get settled. Hand out chapter 15 & 16 Hatchet reading response worksheet (attached to this place) Write the word sarcasm on the board. Discuss what sarcasm is. Ask students if they know what this word means or have any examples. Direct their attention to the bottom of the worksheet to answer the sarcasm box questions on the back of the worksheet. Students may talk quietly at their tables. Pass out writing notebooks located on the side bookshelf (marbled notebooks) You may have a student pass them out. Write the following root and secret code words on the whiteboard- ask students if they recognize each word or know what they mean. They are to write these root words in their writing notebooks along with the definition and example. Mega [great]: megaphone Psych [mind]: psychology Scrib: [write]: scribble Spec [look]: inspect, specimen Sphere [ball]: hemisphere Terra [earth]: terrain, terrestrial

Therm [heat]: thermal, thermostat Tox [poison]: toxic Vis [see]: supervise Zo [animal]: zodiac, zoology Ask a student to collect the writing notebooks when this is finished and students are to complete chapter 15 & 16 hatchet questions. They must read chapters 15 and 16 and complete the worksheet. Students are all in different parts of the book but should be finished with chapter 14. Reading ends at 9:25 and students will switch classes again. Science 9:30- 10:45 The homeroom class enters. They will have a few minutes to get settled. They are to complete the social students explorers quiz (matching, very short) first. Early finishers to the quiz may read for a few minutes. Students should not take a long time on this. Collect the quizzes and place them on my desk. Pass out their ocean features test. They have already completed this test. They are to, at their tables, go over each question on the test. They are to discuss each question and its answer as a group. They are to correct the test using a different color pencil. This will be their final answer. This should take a long time. Each question needs to be correct before they hand it back to you. If they do not know the answer, they are to use their notes or whatever resources they have to correct their answers. Collect the tests as they are done and place them on my desk. When everybody finishes place the ocean DVD that is attached to this lesson plan. Early finishers to the ocean test discussion may read. SILENT reading time 10:45- 11 Students may sit wherever they want in the classroom to read but it must be silent Lunch 11-11:27 Students can get themselves through the lunch line. Science (for second group) 11:30-12:45 The homeroom class will go to math and another group of students will come in for science. This group will do the SAME exact thing has the first science group at 9:30. Recess 12:45-1 If recess is indoor, students are allowed to switch classes. There is to be no horseplay and it should be relatively quiet. Board games are located in the grey drawers by the sink. Computer time is allowed but is ONLY 5 minutes per person. Students will need to be told when their 5 minutes is up. Students need to return to their classrooms and will have SILENT reading time from 1:00-1:10

Music 1:15-2 Remind students that they must take their music binders with them. Writing 2:05-2:45 Instruct students to take out their writing journals. They are to complete a free write during this time period. Write the following prompt on the board: Imagine a local newspaper reporter wants to know about your favorite school event. Write to describe the event and explain why it is your favorite. This free write should AT LEAST a page long. They are not to complete this assignment in five minutes. If students say they are done make sure they have written at least a page, legibly, and free of grammatical errors. If you see one send them back to correct their writing. The checklist for writers box underneath the prompt on the worksheet should be displayed on the document camera so that students know what they need to do before they are actually complete. Anybody that has finished may read until it is time to pack up. Planner and pack-up time 2:45-3:00 Students must write in their planners to do their spelling and math homework. Students will have different math homework because they are in different classes. Ask the students what they are supposed to complete for math. You are to sign off in their planners that they have written down their homework. Go table by table until everybodys planners are signed. You may dismiss students by table to pack-up their things. Walk students down at 3:00 to the buses Cautions/comments: The rolley chair has been an issue lately. Students are to not use the rolley chair and will make a point to call out those who are trying to use it. Playing cards have also been an issue. Cards are to be put away as they come into the classroom in the morning and not seen again until pack-up time. If there is extra time during pack-up they may use their playing cards. As always, students must be silent in the hallway. If this is a problem you may instruct them to go back to the classroom and try again. Most students are very helpful. If you need anything or have any questions do not hesitate to ask! Perla has volunteered to help you with anything you may need! Thank you so much again! If you have any questions or problems you may reach me at: Mr. Heishman

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