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FIGURE 4-47 The AWS and ASME classification and specifications of this aluminum electrode wire is attached to the


GMAW (Axial Spray) Parameters 4043/5356 ALUMINUM Shielding Gas 100% Argon Gas Flow 3545 CFH (1721 LPM) CTWD ~ ~ 19 mm) ~ 3/4 inch ( ~ Position All Thickness Electrode Diameter, Inch (mm) Voltage Amperage WFS IPM (mm/sec) 1/8 in 3/16 in (3 mm 5 mm) .035 (0.9) 1923 110120 315385 (135165) 3/64 (1.2) 2024 115145 225275 (95115) 1/4 in 5/16 in (6.5 mm 8 mm) 3/64 (1.2) 2125 125155 270330 (115140) 1/16 (1.6) 2226 160200 150190 (6580) 3/8 in 7/16 in (9.5 mm 11 mm) 3/64 (1.2) 2327 190230 335415 (145175) 1/16 (1.6) 2329 200240 200240 (85100) 1/2 in and up (13 mm and up) 3/64 (1.2) 2430 205255 425525 (180220) 1/16 (1.6) 2531 250310 225275 (95115)

TABLE 4-18
Note: Travel speeds and deposition rates are twice that of short-circuiting. CFH = cubic feet per hour (LPM = liters per minute) CTWD = contact to work distance IPM = inches per minute (mm = millimeters) WFS = wire feed speed

lowers the melting temperature of the filler and promotes a free-flowing puddle. ER4043 wires have good ductility and high resistance to cracking during welding. ER5356 This electrode has improved tensile strength due to the major alloying element of magnesium, ranging from 4.55.5%. The ER5356 has good ductility but only average resistance to cracking during welding. This filler metal is often used as a substitute for ER4043 on 6061T-X.

TABLE 4-19.


Gas Carbon Dioxide Argon Oxygen Nitrogen Helium

Molecular Weight 44.010 39.940 32.000 28.016 4.003

Remarks Reactive shielding gas for ferrous metals, providing deep weld penetration. As the amount increases transition current decreases. Increases puddle fluidity. Increases corrosion resistance in stainless steels. High ionization potential increases penetration when blended with argon in nonferrous metals.

TABLE 4-19

Oxygen, argon, and nitrogen gases are obtained from the atmosphere and cooled and liquefied. Because each gas has a different boiling point, they can be separated and purified. Carbon dioxide is manufactured by various methods of burning, production of chemicals, or fermentation. Helium is found and extracted from natural gas. Purification of all shielding gases is essential and must be at least 99% pure.

weld pool from atmospheric contamination. Without this protective shield, the weld metal will exhibit porosity and embrittlement. Depending on the choice of shielding and the flow rate of the shielding gas, there is a pronounced effect on:

The way the weld puddle wets out The depth of penetration and bead profile (see FIGURE 4-48) The width of the weld puddle The characteristics of the arc The mode of metal transfer that can be achieved The end mechanical properties of the weld metal The weld metal efficiency The cleaning action on the base metal

It is important to set the proper flow rate, depending on the shielding gas density (proportional to its molecular weight), to obtain an adequate shielding without wasting gas, creating discontinuities, or changing the mechanical properties of the weld. Insufficient flow rate will cause porosity and a brittle weld metal (see FIGURE 4-49). Excessive flow rate will also cause porosity by forcing the shielding gas into the molten weld pool. Depending on the shielding gas density, the flow rate will vary. A flow rate of 35 CFH (17 LPM) for argon may compare to 100 CFH (47 LPM) of a gas that is primarily helium because of the density difference.

FIGURE 4-48 Effects on weld profile with various shielding gases



FIGURE 4-49 Air current, wind, and improper shielding gas flow settings can cause porosity

Selection of the type of shielding gas can reduce surface tension. Surface tension can be reduced by the use of argon gas because it is a cleaning gas. However, surface tension can be best eliminated by cleaning the mill scale off steel surfaces. Surface tension can be recognized when the weld puddle does not fuse to the base metal and appears to separate (cold lap).


gas composition and flow rates are critical components of a welding procedure. While some gases and gas combinations are more common than others, it is important to select a gas based on need rather than on what is popular. Consider choices for welding carbon steels: Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ): This is a common shielding gas for any of the ERXXS-X electrodes. Carbon dioxide is composed of 72% oxygen and 29% carbon. It is the least-expensive shielding gas to purchase for welding plain carbon steel with the GMAW process. It is a reactive gas that produces deep penetration, a rough bead profile, and more spatter than the blended shielding gases used for GMAW. It is also the least efficient shielding gas to use for steel electrodes. Depending on the quantity of welds produced, a blended shielding gas, with its greater efficiency, compensates for the initial purchase price and is less expensive to use in the long run. Short-circuit transfer is the only suitable mode of transfer that is achieved when using carbon dioxide. Globular transfer may also be achieved. However, with the decreased efficiency of globular transfer coupled with being able to only weld in the flat butt and flat/horizontal fillet weld positions, globular transfer is impractical. At elevated arc welding parameters (higher heat input), the reactive carbon dioxide gas burns out deoxidizers (alloying elements) that are added to steel electrodes. This can cause the weld metal to be more brittle, leading to service failure. If high voltage/high amperage settings are used with CO2, an electrode with higher amounts of deoxidizersi.e., use ER70S-6 as opposed to ER70S-3is a better choice. Also, at these elevated-welding parameters, an increased diffusion of carbon into the weld metal results. An increase in carbon into the weld metal may result in excessive weld metal hardness and brittleness.


Argon/Carbon Dioxide: When two shielding gases are mixed, they may also be called dual blends or binary blends. There are many advantages for using a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide. By optimizing the amount of CO2 in the argon mixture, the fluidity of the weld puddle can be controlled to give good bead shape in a variety of welding positions. It allows for good control and speed when in flat, horizontal, or vertical welding positions (up or down). Because Argon/CO2 mixtures provide an arc that remains more stable when welding over light mill scale or residual oil, there is a significant reduction of the possibility of weld porosity occurring. Also, by increasing the percentage of CO2 in a mixture, there is a greater tendency to remove some material contamination in advance of the arc, which can improve overall weld quality, particularly when coated steels are used. As the amount of CO2 in the mixture is increased, penetration will broaden and become less fingerlike. This provides for greater tolerance to poor fit-up and mismatch. Finally, argon is an inert gas and not reactive like CO2. Because it is not reactive, oxidizers in the filler metali.e., electrodesare not burned out at elevated operating parameters. Argon/CO2 mixtures offer versatility. With the correct blend, solid wire can be used in the short arc, spray, or pulsed-spray transfer modes. Most sources agree that the correct blend must exceed 80% argon in order to achieve axial-spray or pulse-spray transfer. Below 80% argon, only short-circuit or globular transfer is achieved. In comparison, argon/oxygen mixtures are restricted to spray transfer. All argon mixtures significantly reduce fumes. There may be a reduction in fume levels by as much as 25%50% when using an argon/CO2 mixture as opposed to using 100% CO2. Any mixture of the two shielding gases can be created. For example, 93/7, 60/40, and 50/50 mixtures can be purchased if desired. The suppliers of shielding gas will mix any percentage the customer requires. However, when mixing special orders, the price of the special mixture will be reflected. The more common mixtures are:

75% argon/25% CO2 80% argon/20% CO2 85%argon/15% CO2 90% argon/10% CO2 95% argon/5% CO2

The weld in FIGURE 4-50 was short-circuited by using 85% argon and 15% CO2 shielding gas. The weld in FIGURE 4-51 was made with the spray transfer mode by using argon/CO2 (85/15). Argon/Oxygen: There are advantages and disadvantages to using an argon/oxygen mixture. The advantages include:

The addition of oxygen to argon lowers the spray transition current and thus allows spray arc transfer at lower average currents than argon/CO2 mixtures. Oxygen reduces the surface tension of the weld pool and enhances its flow characteristics. On thin material, travel speeds can be increased when using a spray transfer mode due to the lower voltage required.



FIGURE 4-50 An etched crosssection of GMAW steel with the short-circuiting transfer

FIGURE 4-51 An etched crosssection of GMAW steel with the spray transfer

Because spray transfer can be achieved at lower voltage levels, it is possible to use a larger wire size with argon/O2 mixtures than is possible with argon/CO2 in a similar application and still maintain fine droplet transfer. If argon/O2 is compared with argon/CO2 using solid wire, fumes are reduced by 15%.

However, there are some disadvantages to the use of argon/O2:


There can be problems with undercutting and incomplete fusion due to bead rolling at the bottom edge of fillet welds. The very fluid weld puddle makes bridging gaps more difficult. In addition, there is a greater tendency for crater cracking due to bead shape and puddle fluidity. To achieve stable spray transfer and minimum weld porosity, the material surfaces must be clean with no scale or residual oil film. Arc instability is a common cause of weld defects and irregular weld bead shape. The power supply slope must be steep for acceptable starting. Arc voltage and tip-to-work distance must be carefully controlled to minimize spatter, manage bead shape, and attain good arc stability. This requires a higher level of operator skill and attention. In addition, there must be little or no variation in travel speed as burn-through may result on thinner material.


Argon/Carbon Dioxide/Oxygen: Mixing argon/CO2/O2 is known as a tri-mix shielding gas or a ternary blend. A common mixture of this tri-mix gas is: 90% argon, 8% carbon dioxide, and 2% oxygen. Other mixtures of tri-mix gases exist for welding on plain carbon steels, but there is usually only a slight deviation in the percentages. This mixture can be used in the GMAW process with all modes of metal transfer (spray, pulsed-spray, shortcircuiting). It produces good arc characteristics and excellent weld mechanical properties. The advantage of this mixture is its ability to use any metal transfer mode to shield carbon steel and low-alloy steel of all thicknesses. On thin gauge metals, the oxygen constituent assists arc stability at very low current levels (3060 amps), permitting the arc to be kept short and controllable. This helps minimize excessive melt-through and distortion by lowering the total heat input into the weld zone. The disadvantage of this mixture is expense. It also offers no real advantage over dual blend shielding gases of argon/CO2 capable of all modes of metal transfer already discussed. Straight, or 100%, argon is never used for shielding when welding on plain carbon steels. At least 1% of either carbon dioxide or oxygen is needed to stabilize the arc. With 100% argon, the transfer mode jumps around from short-circuit transfer, spray transfer, and globular transfer. TABLE 4-20 shows a Sheilding Gas Comparison Chart for Carbon Steels.


Traditionally, there have been two types of shielding gases for stainless steel: one tri-mix shielding gas for a short-circuit transfer and one dual-mixed shielding gas

Shielding Gas Comparison ChartCarbon Steels Shielding Gas 100% CO2 75 Ar/25 CO2 80 Ar/20 CO2 85 Ar/15 CO2 Short Circuit Yes Yes Yes Yes Spray/Pulse No No Lower Limit Yes FlowCFH 1525 2535 2535 2535 Characteristics Deep penetrating Operates well at higher parameters Marginal at spray transfer parameters A good choice for those wanting all transfer modes with the higher energy of CO2 Upper limit for FCAW if choosing one shielding gas for everything A good choice for those wanting all transfer modes Works great with metal-cored composite electrodes Mixture more tolerant to mill scale and a more controllable puddle than an argon-oxygen mixture Addition of oxygen to argon lowers the transition current Good penetration, high efficiency, pleasing appearance Ability to use any metal transfer mode to shield carbon steel and low-alloy steel of all thicknesses

90 Ar/10 CO2 95 Ar/5 CO2 95 Ar/5 O2 98 Ar/2 CO2 90 Ar/8 CO2/2 02 TABLE 4-20

Yes Upper Limit No No Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

2540 3040 3040 3040 2540



for a spray or pulse-spray transfer. However, there are several shielding gas combinations that allow all three modes of metal transfer. Helium/Argon/Carbon Dioxide: The common mixtures for short-circuit welding are:

90% helium, 7.5% argon, and 2.5% CO2 90% helium, 8% argon, and 2% CO2

There is little difference between these two mixtures. Both exhibit excellent characteristics. When appropriate voltage, amperage, and travel speeds are employed, the weld bead exhibits a rainbow of blue and gold colors. When excessive parameters are travel speeds are too slow, the bead will appear much darker, taking on a blackish color. One drawback to these two mixtures is that they are limited to the short-circuit transfer mode only. Another drawback is the worlds limited supply of helium. It has been predicted that the worlds supply of helium will be exhausted before the year 2020. Carbon dioxide content is kept low to minimize carbon absorption and assure good corrosion resistance, especially in multipass welds. For every 5% CO2 added to argon, there is an increase of 2 points (0.02%) of carbon added to the weld metal. Any increase in carbon to stainless steel is significant, and additions of more than 5% CO2 should be avoided whenever possible. The argon and carbon dioxide additions provide good arc stability and depth of fusion. The high helium content provides significant heat input to overcome the sluggish nature of the stainless steel weld pool. It also provides increased puddle fluidity for good bead shape and faster travel speeds. Argon/Oxygen: Two shielding gases that may be used for spray and pulsespray transfers in stainless steels are:

98% argon/2% O2 99% argon/1% O2

These mixtures are used for spray transfers on stainless steels. One percent oxygen is usually sufficient to stabilize the arc and improve the droplet rate and bead appearance. As the oxygen increases, the weld puddle exhibits a better wetting action. Weld mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of welds made with either oxygen additions are similar. However, bead appearance will be darker and more oxidized as the percentage of oxygen increases. Tri-Mixed Shielding Gases: There are many different tri-mixed shielding gases for stainless steel. The combinations vary in percentages; however, the major gas is argon. This combination works well in the short-circuit, spray transfer, and pulse-spray transfer modes. Some mixtures are:

Argon/helium/CO2 Argon/nitrogen/CO2 Argon/CO2/hydrogen

Argon/Helium/Carbon Dioxide: Note that the shielding gas listed first is the main constituent. The argon mixture for this shielding gas may range from



6080%; helium from 15% to near 40%; and the balance of CO2 from 1%5%. This tri-mix provides a high welding speed, a broad weld with a flat crown and good color match, reduced porosity, and excellent alloy retention with good corrosion resistance. This mixture can also be used for the robotic welding of stainless steel. The argon and helium with controlled additions of CO2 will produce an excellent weld bead appearance with minimum spatter. Higher amounts of argon, near the 80% range, allow better arc starting characteristics. Also, the higher percentage of argon reduces the transition current, allowing spray and pulse-spray transfers to occur at lower parameters. As mentioned previously, the disadvantage of this mixture is the worlds limited supply of helium. Argon/Nitrogen/Carbon Dioxide: This mixture exhibits very good arc stability, low levels of welding fume, improved color match, very good shortcircuiting performance with minimal spatter, and very good performance in a pulsed-spray transfer, with good bead shape and optimized travel speed. It produces excellent quality welds when joining light gauge material with a shortcircuiting transfer. With its controlled CO2 content, this mixture can be utilized in most austenitic stainless steel applications, particularly where weld metal carbon control is required. The addition of nitrogen enhances arc performance by increasing its stability, improving weld penetration, and reducing distortion in the welded part. It also assists in maintaining weld metal nitrogen levels for materials such as duplex stainless steels where such chemistry control is critical to maintaining micro-structural integrity and increased corrosion resistance. The weld in FIGURE 4-52 was made with an argon/nigtrogen/CO2 shielding gas. Voltages are generally 2 to 3 volts less when welded on the same thickness compared to helium/argon/CO2 blends. The axial-spray transfer weld in FIGURE 4-53 was made with argon/helium/CO2 shielding and appropriate welding parameters. Argon/CO2/Hydrogen: This mixture is designed for all-position welding of austenitic stainless steels by using axial-spray and pulsed-spray transfers.

FIGURE 4-52 An etched crosssection of GMAW stainless steel with the short-circuiting transfer



FIGURE 4-53 (A) An etched cross section of a GMAW stainless steel weld made with the spray mode of transfer. Note the deep root penetration in the etched cross section. (B) A GMAW stainless steel weld made with the spray mode of transfer


are only two shielding gases used for welding with aluminum electrode wire with the GMAW process: argon and helium. Where argon works well on thin gauge metal, the addition of helium requires higher voltage parameters, making it more suitable for welding heavier plate. A blended shielding gas of argon/helium requires at least 50% argon in order to achieve spray transfer. Common shielding gases are:

100% argon 75% argon/25% helium 50% argon/50% helium

The only suitable modes of transfer with GMAW with aluminum electrode wires are the axial-spray and pulse-spray transfers. Short circuit should only be used on the thinnest of metals where, even with the smallest electrode diameter, burn-through occurs when using spray transfer and only if pulse spray is not an option. Because of aluminums ability to dissipate heat readily, short circuit does not allow proper penetration and fusion. Cold lap and insufficient penetration are two defects that often occur when short-circuiting on aluminum (see FIGURE 4-54) compared to the spray transfer weld in FIGURE 4-55. 100% Argon: Argon provides the best arc starting characteristic compared to argon/helium mixtures because of its lower ionization potential. The ionization potential, or ionization energy, of a gas atom is the energy required to strip it of an electron. That is why a shielding gas such as helium, with only 2 electrons in its outer shell, requires more energy (higher voltage parameters) for welding. The ionization potential of a shielding gas also establishes how easily an arc will initiate and stabilize. A low ionization potential means the arc will start relatively easy and stabilize quite well. A high ionization potential has difficulty initiating and may have difficulty keeping the arc stable. Argon is also a cleaning gas that



FIGURE 4-54 The short-circuit transfer on aluminum does not allow adequate penetration due to aluminums ability to dissipate heat. The lack of root penetration can be seen in the etch cross section in this weld

FIGURE 4-55 When the spray transfer mode is used on aluminum, root penetration is greatly increased. Spray transfer on aluminum can be performed in all welding positions helps cut through some of the oxides that form on aluminum. Oxides on aluminum form immediately, even after cleaning, and continue to build up as time goes on. These oxides melt at approximately 3600F (1980C) as opposed to the aluminum base metal, which melts around 1250F (675C). For maximum penetration and fusion, oxides should be removed prior to welding. There are a variety of methods for cleaning the base metal, ranging from chemicals, such as acetone, to mechanical grinding. The axial-spray transfer aluminum weld in FIGURE 4-55 was made with 100% argon. Argon/Helium: As the helium content increases, voltage parameters and travel speeds are increased. The increase in helium makes it easier to achieve greater penetration on heavier material, such as 1/2 inches (13 mm) plate to 1 inch (25 mm) and thicker. Although an increase in helium does increase voltage parameters compared to argon, 50% helium is the maximum amount before spray transfer is no longer achievable. A mixture of half argon and half helium is suitable for high-speed welding on material under 3/4 inches (19 mm) thick. Other Mixtures: As with other metals, shielding gases for aluminum are not restricted to the three listed. Any percentage of argon/helium can be mixed to satisfy the requirements of the customer.



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