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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, USA, July 26, 2008


A Novel Ultra-wideband Bandpass Filter

I-Tseng Tang1 , Ding-Bing Lin2 , Chi-Min Li3 , and Min-Yuan Chiu3

Department of Environment and Energy, Nation University of Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan 2 Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan 3 Department of Communications and Guidance Engineering Nation Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan

Abstract A novel ultra-wideband (UWB) band-pass lter (BPF) with a fractional bandwidth
(FBW) of about 110% is proposed using a microstrip structure. The proposed UWB band-pass lter structure using ve short-circuited stubs with reverse double U-shape defected ground structure (RDU-DGS), which employ a very wide bandwidth from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz and very wide notch band in the undesired band. The new proposed lter has a good performance, including an ultra-wideband bandpass (3.110.6 GHz), a small size, a low insertion loss, and sharp rejection. The lter also demonstrated an UWB reject band from 12.31 GHz to more than 20 GHz at 20 dB. 1. INTRODUCTION

In 2002, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the use of ultra-wideband (UWB) (range of 3.110.6 GHz) for commercial purposes [1]. Recently, the development of UWB enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption, and simple hardware conguration in communication applications such RFID devices, sensor networks, radar and location tracking, have received attention. This rise in the eld of UWB technology has pushed for the development of new UWB lters has increased via dierent methods and structures [26]. In order to accurate, lter design already from lumped elements (resistance, capacitance and inductance) to microstrip components. Lumped-element lter design is generally unpopular due to the diculty of its use at microwave frequencies along with the limitations of lumped-element values [7]. Hence, conventional microstrip lters are often used. The new proposed lter design based on quarter wavelength short-circuited stub. In order to reduce lter size, bending connecting line and let ve short-circuited stubs via the same hole. Consequently, hexagon UWB lter was modeled. Nevertheless, spurious mode also excited out-of-band, for dispose of spurious band that used reverse double U-shape defected ground structure (RDUDGS) to eliminate spurious bands. Cascade dierent dimension of RDU-DGS can act dierent attenuation poles in the dierent frequencies, which consist of a wider band-notch. Here, a novel UWB BPF structure with wide upper stopband is proposed. The structure is also compact in microstrip line direction than those reported in [810].

The lter using ve short-circuited stubs was designed for an optimum distributed high-pass lter whose connecting lines are non-redundant (C = 2S ) [11]. Thus, the lter can exhibit a frequency selectivity equivalent to that of a conventional 9-pole Chebyshev lter. But an optimum distributed high-pass lter requires a greater area. In order to reduce the lter, the connecting line had been

Figure 1: Conventional of ve short-circuited stubs lter.


PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 26, 2008

reduced C = S is shown in Fig. 1. Thus, let 9-pole decrease to 5-pole, even though frequency selectivity of 5-pole is not better than 9-pole. However, circuit dimension can be reduced very much. The characteristic impedances of these short-circuited stubs are dened by Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , Z4 , and Z5 , and the characteristic impedances of the connecting lines are dened by Z1, 2 to Z4, 5 . The terminal impedance is dened as Z0 . The electrical length was chosen to be C = S = 35 for the connecting lines and the short-circuited stubs at 3.1 GHz. The characteristic impedances of these short-circuited stubs and the connecting lines, which are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: Circuit parameters for UWB band-pass lter with ve short-circuited stubs when C = S = 35 . Stub line impedance Z1 = Z5 = 106.62 Z2 = Z4 = 75.65 Z3 = 69.04 Connecting line impedance Z1, 2 = Z4, 5 = 50 Z2, 3 = Z3, 4 = 50 Z0 = 50


Simulation design for the proposed UWB band-pass lter is carried out on the full wave simulator. To reduce the size of the conventional lter, the microstrip line was bent as a hexagon, and also these quarter-wavelength short-circuited stubs are all connected to one common via-hole, as shown in Fig. 2. There is not eect when connecting line has been bent. The ve short-circuited stubs hexagon lter with a fractional bandwidth of more than 110% are presented, is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 2: Structure of the novel proposed UWB lter.

Figure 3: Simulation of the novel proposed UWB lter.

Microstrip line structure often produced periodic spurious bands, although it is an important issue when design microstrip lter. In this study, the UWB BPF added RDU-DGS to eliminate

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, USA, July 26, 2008


the spurious bands, is shown in Fig. 4. There are three RDU-DGS in the ground plane, which have been set the left side of fed-in line, between the middle short-circuited stub and connecting line, and the right side of fed-in line. Those reported in [12], resistance, inductance and capacitance value can be calculated, furthermore the length of the RDU-DGS was been found. Dimension of left side of the RDU-DGS a = 2.7 mm, b = 2.1 mm, c = 1.5 mm, dimension of middle side of the RDU-DGS a = 2.62 mm, b = 1.7 mm, c = 1.42 mm, dimension of right side of the RDU-DGS a = 2.7 mm, b = 1.5 mm, c = 1.5 mm, the gap between of inner and outer U-shape is 0.3 mm. Besides, the left section of b = 2.1 mm, which is suppressed 1315 GHz, the middle section of b = 1.7 mm, which is suppressed 1517 GHz, and the right section of b = 1.5 mm, which is suppressed 1720 GHz. Therefore laid aside these three RDU-DGS to be allowed out-of-band 1120 GHz suppression below 20 dB is shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 4: Structure of the novel proposed UWB lter with RDU-DGS.

Figure 5: Simulation of the novel proposed UWB lter with RDU-DGS. 4. CONCLUSIONS

New proposed UWB band-pass lter with a FBW of about 110% has been successfully demonstrated. The lter design was based on a circuit model for a quarter-wavelength distributed bandpass lter comprised of ve short-circuited stubs separated by bend redundant connecting lines. In order to improve the out-of-band performance of the lter, RDU-DGS band-stop lter was added. As such, an attractive UWB band-pass lter with ve transmission poles and low insertion losses less than 1.5 dB are realized in theory and conrmed via experiment. In addition, the proposed UWB band-pass lter with RDU-DGS has a very small overall length of 16.67 mm that is approximately equal to one full wavelength at 6.85 GHz.

This work was sponsored by the National Science Council under the contract number of NSC 95-2221-E-024-025.


PIERS Proceedings, Cambridge, USA, July 26, 2008

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