Seville Snape 4

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Seville Snape se1049 Ravenclaw

Option 1 - Multiple Choice Questions (5 points) 1) Which stage of Ancient Chinese were the Analects of Confucius written in? B) Late Archaic

2) Which group of people were partly nomadic, partly agricultural? B) Zhou

3) Under which dynasty did the title emperor first appear? D) Qin

4) What does jinwen refer to? D) bronze script

5) Which of the following is one of the Five Classics? C) Spring and Autumn Annals

Option 2 - Short Answer (10 points)

1) What are the four stages of Ancient Chinese (according to syntactic criteria)? Old Chinese, Early Middle Chinese, Late Middle Chinese, and Early Mandarin. 2) Name the states that existed during the Warring States period. Chu, Qin, Qi, Yan, Han, Wei, Yue and Zhao. 3) What were the different colours used for painting pillars and who was allowed to use those particular colours? Different colours were used to identify the individual's rank for example, rulers had their's painted black, noblemen painted their's red and other people painted their's yellow or not at all. 4) When was the Great Wall built and why? Most of it were built in during the Qin dynasty, in defense against various nomadic tribes. 5) Why did people choose to live in semi-subterranean homes? It served as protection against the desert winds. Option 4 - True or False (10 points)

1) The Zhou Dynasty can be divided into the following periods: the Western Zhou Period, the Hsin Dynasty, and the Warring States Period. False, the Zhou Dynasty can be divided into the Western Zhou Period, the Spring and Autumn period, and the Warring States Period. 2) A drought led to the last leader of Hsia dynasty being overthrown False, a nobleman overthrew the last leader of the Hsia dynasty because of his corruption. 3) Ancient Chinese has one set of periodization. True. 4) The Later Han Dynasty made use of geometric designs for their pottery. False, prior to the Shang dynasty, pottery were made with geometric designs. 5) Stone was the primary material used for buildings during ancient times. False, wood was the primary material used for building. Option 6 - Puzzle (15 points)

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