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Seville Snape se1049 Ravenclaw Official Assignment Lesson 1 (30 points) . 1.

What was the Lords prayer used for in the Middle Ages? It was used as a charm against disease, pestilence and personal misfortune. 2. What are the names of the objects that are mistakenly called lucky charms? Amulets or Talismans. 3. What is the name of the book in the Hogwarts Library that would be a good charm reference? Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes. 4. Do you need to know the location of the object you call when you Accio? No, but it is preferred for you to know, otherwise the charm may not turn out as you have intended. 5. What Latin word does Lumos originate from and what does it mean? Lumen meaning light. Bubble-head Charm Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 26, Page 434 The bubble-head charm was used by Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament. In this particular task they had to be able to breathe underwater to retrieve a loved one that had been tied up at the bottom of the Black Lake. The charm, when cast, creates a protective bubble of oxygen around the castors head which enables him/her to breathe underwater or avoid bad smells.

Extra Credit Lesson 1 (30 points) 1. Replicare Poterit Pronunciation: Re-pli-kar-ee Po-te-ree-te (emphasis on the first syllable of each word) Performed by making a circle around the object with your wand, the first half of the circle has to be completed with the first word, and the second half with the second word. Used to make a exact replica of an object. 2. Refrigeret Descendit Pronunciation: Re-fre-ghe-re-te Di-chen-deet (emphasis on the "ghe" and "chen" syllables) Performed by pointing your wand at the person/object and saying the incantation. Used to cool a person/ object down (literally, not figuratively, thus do not use on a angry person, it would only anger him/her further). Do not use on a potion for it may have some unforeseen effects. 3. Temporaria Velit Pronunciation: Ti-em-po-rar-i-a Vel-i-et (emphasis on both "i" syllables) Performed by pointing your wand at the person's feet and slowly moving it up to his/her head while saying the incantation (works best if the second word is said while pointing at the neck and head of the person) Used to temporarily age a person ten years older he/she really is.

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