ED Tech 554technology Plan Evaluation

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Boise School District Technology Plan Evaluation 2008-2010

By Froehlke For ED-Tech 554 Elisabeth Silver September 26, 2010 Teresa

Questions Addressed on District's Technology Plan

1. What is your district's vision or mission statement? Five years from now, would a visitor coming to your school see technology supporting learning and teaching? Would there be an improvement from today? 2. Has the district established levels of proficiency in technology by grade levels? If so, are these proficiencies woven into the academic curriculum? Are they taught in separate stand-alone technology lessons/classes? 3. What are some of the classroom management strategies that work with the amount of technology actually available in the classrooms? 4. Does the district have an inventory system or does one need to be developed to track the type and age of hardware? 5. Are assistive technologies available to students with special needs as well as to other students, such as English language learners, who might benefit from the use of those devices and software? 6. What replacement cycle has been built into the plan? Will adequate funding be set aside for replacements? 7. How does the tech plan address technology proficiencies and information literacy skills? 8. How will the school district know whether implementation of this plan has made a positive impact on teaching and learning? 9. Does the plan address a time frame by which the district proposes to implement the various components of the plan? 10. Do you think this plan has addressed issues such as equity for all students? Please explain your thinking. 11. Does this plan provide tools to help lower the achievement gap? Please explain your thinking. 12. If you could recommend some improvements to your district's technology team regarding this plan, what would they be and why?

Question # 1 What is your district's vision or mission statement? Five years from now, would a visitor coming to your school see technology supporting learning and teaching? Would there be an improvement from today? The mission statement for the Boise School district is as follows: Overview The Technology Plan is based on six goals that reflect State and Federal requirements. Vision We envision a model of education that ensures all students have the knowledge and skills to be successful life long learners. Boise schools are places where students are motivated to learn by integrating technology into quality instruction. Families, the community, and educators collaborate to prepare knowledgeable citizens for the future. Mission - We promote a thorough system of education that models effective design, implementation and evaluation of educational technology to support student achievement. Five years from now, would a visitor coming to your school see technology supporting learning and teaching? The Division of Information Technology, Idaho State Department of Education, provides assistance to schools and districts in integrating technology with teaching and learning. The focus of this department is to promote the use of innovative technology to enhance learning, productivity and creativity in the students attending the Boise School District. Five years from now a visitor would see technology supporting learning and teaching due to the commitment of the Division of Information Technology. The goals of the Boise School District Technology plan include an annual assessment and evaluation of the use of technology to enhance student learning and achievement. The actions that are incorporated into the plan include an analysis of the District in using technology to enhance student learning and achievement. This plan is evaluated on a yearly basis. The objective is to change the process if the student learning and achievement in the use of technology does not improve. The performance will be based on an assessment rubric with an annual report to the Board of Education.

With these goals and objectives in place the district would show improvement

from today. The goals and objectives of the plan are to ensure that the students and faculty of the Boise School District improve in their efforts to use technology. There are additional goals and objectives of the plan that include professional development. If these goals and objectives are met there should be an improvement that can be measured in performance. Would there be an improvement from today? Yes, based on the goals of the Boise School District Technology Plan.

Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 5. Assessment and Evaluation Objective A: Provide an annual assessment and evaluation of the use of technology to enhance student learning and achievement


Target Start and End Date

01/09 ongoing

E-Rate Reference
Criteria 5

Responsible Party
Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-committee,

Performance Measures

5. A.1 Use technology stakeholder committees to provide information on The effectiveness of District efforts to use Technology to enhance student learning and achievement. 5. A.2 Establish yearly goals for the assessment of the use of technology to enhance student learning.

01/09 ongoing

Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-committee,

Assessment Rubric

Question #2 Has the district established levels of proficiency in technology by grade levels? If so, are these proficiencies woven into the academic curriculum? Are they taught in separate stand-alone technology lessons/classes? The district has established levels of proficiency in technology by grade levels. The proficiencies are woven into the academic curriculum. The separate stand-alone technology lessons/classes are on commuter usage and restrictions. The goals and objectives of the Technology plan address the requirement to integrate technology into the academic curriculum. The objectives of goal 3A create and maintain a systemic process for the integration of technology standards within the district curriculum directly addresses this need. The goals and objectives of the professional development also address the need for classroom teachers to integrate technology into their lessons. The following standards were developed by the State of Idaho Department of Education:
8th Grade Idaho Student Information Technology Standards (ISITS) Kindergarten 7th Grade Idaho Information Technology Benchmarks Technology Foundation Standards for all students The Technology foundation standards for students are divided into six broad categories that were developed through the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) project coordinated by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Standards within each category are to be introduced, reinforced, and mastered by students. These categories provide a framework for linking sample applications. These standards and benchmarks are used as guidelines for planning technology-based activities in which students achieve success in learning, communication, and life skills. 1. Basic Operations and Concepts a. Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. b. Students are proficient in the use of technology. 2. Social, Ethical, and Human Issues a. Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology. b. Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software. c. Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. 3. Technology Productivity Tools a. Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. b. Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing publications, and producing other creative works.

4. Technology Communications Tools . Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences. b. Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. 5. Technology Research Tools a. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. b. Students use technology tools to process data and report results. c. Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. 6. Technology Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Tools a. Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions. b. Students employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems in the real world. 8th Grade Idaho Student Information Technology Standards (ISITS) Kindergarten 7th Grade Idaho Information Technology Benchmarks Idaho Student Information Technology Standards Rationale Students will live, learn and work in an increasingly complex, technology-driven society. These technology standards are designed to identify foundational skills and processes that students need in order to be productive and successful. It is essential that computer and technology education be integrated in all grade level content standards. All educators share responsibility for student success. The eighth grade was chosen because it is considered to be the culmination of the elementary/middle grades and sets the standard for a student entering his or her high school career. Therefore, the following standards are what we expect an eighth grader to know and be able to do in the area of technology. (Retrieved on September 20, 2010 from http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/tech_services/tech_services_docs/04Standards0317.pdf).

Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 3. Technology Literacy Objective A: Ensure delivery of technology education in conformance with State and District Standards. Action Target Target Start and end date

E-Rat e

Responsible Party

Performa nce Measure s

TIP 2008 initiative project

3. A.1 Create and maintain a systemic process for the integration of technology standards within District curriculum structure.

Chief Information Officer, building technology coordinators and Curriculum Core Committee

3. A.2 Maintain curriculum committee made up of CORE supervisors, classroom teachers.


Chief Information Officer, Administrator of Curriculum

Continual Meetings

3. A.3 Evaluate hardware delivery systems for maintenance and upgrading capabilities.


Criteria 4

3. A.4 Maintain and update a list of technology tools (hardware & software) to address classroom curricular ongoing


Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-committee, Assessment Rubric Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-committee, Annual Report to Board Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators and Central Services Work Group

Inventory system, Technolog y Acquisition List

Inventory system, Technolog y Acquisition List

3. A.5 Develop capabilities for faculty to support the instructional environment of students through the use of and access to web-based technology Support.


Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators and Project Lead

District Education Server (DES), Zophia web-based tool, Infinite Campus Student/pa rent Portal Annual Survey

3. A.6 Develop assessment or rubric for demonstrating student technology competency.

10/1/08 ongoing

Chief Information Officer, Stakeholder committee, and building technology coordinators

Goal: 6. Professional Development Objective B: Provide appropriate and timely training that enables staff to integrate technology that enhances the educational setting. Action Target
6. B.1 Re-assess the present practice and approach to technology training in a. Student literacy b. Teacher literacy c. Curriculum integration

Target Start and End Date

1/1/09 - yearly

E-Rate Reference

Responsible Party
Building Technology Coordinators, curriculum staff and technology department

Performance Measures
Technology Training Survey

6. B.2. Based on assessment, create an action plan to target professional development goals in technology.


Building Technology Coordinators Curriculum staff and technology department

Technology Committee- PD

6. B.3. Review and update the District technology professional development program to address assessment funding

9/1/08 - ongoing

Building Technology Coordinators, curriculum staff and technology department

Goal 6. Professional Development Objective A: Review and establish policies and procedures concerning professional development in technology. Action Target
6. A.1 Evaluate and Update policy statement concerning procedure and priority for professional development in the areas of technology integration and literacy.

Target Start and End Date


E-Rate Reference
Criteria 2

Responsible Party
Chief Information Officer, Professional Development Administrator

Performance Measures
Comprehensive Professional Development Plan

Question #3 What are some of the classroom management strategies that work with the amount of technology actually available in the classrooms? Most of the schools in the Boise School district use a computer lab for the classroom management strategy for using technology. This is the organization for grade schools and for high schools. The students that use a resource room have computers available in the resource room. The teacher usually shows the instruction with the use of a LCD projector or in some cases an over-head projector. Students in the computer lab are either working on projects led by the teacher or on software programs that are part of the school district curriculum. The skills the computer programs are developing are the math and reading skills. Teachers are using technology as a reward and as a punishment. The students who complete their other work are given computer time and students who are disrupting classes are removed from the computer lab.


Question #4
Does the district have an inventory system or does one need to be developed to track the type and age of hardware? The district does have an inventory system in place that tracks the type and age of hardware. They utilize a Technology Inventory System that is mentioned in the Technology plans in the following goal:
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: Technology Systems Objective D: Develop systematic roadmaps for Technology acquisition, security and disaster recovery.

Action Target
2. D. 1 Develop and Maintain standards for computer replacement and disposal. Evaluate hardware delivery systems for maintenance and upgrading capabilities. 2. D.2 Evaluate and maintain the classroom technology model based on input form stakeholder groups

Target Start and End Date


E-Rate reference
Criteria 3, 4

Responsible Party
Chief Information Officer and Central Services Work Group

Performance Measures
Review policy and practices yearly

10/1/08 - ongoing

Criteria 3,4

Chief Information Officer, Stakeholder committee, building technology coordinators and Central Services Work Group Chief Information Officer and Central Services Work Group Chief Information Officer and Central Services work Group

Technology Inventory System, Advisory committee and project lead council.

2. D.3 Review and update policy for safeguarding and sharing of student data 2. D.4 Maintain regular updates in virus protection, firewall software, spy ware, spam detection and elimination.


Criteria 1

Building Technology Coordinators Committee


Criteria 3


2. D. 5 Maintain Internet firewalls capabilities.



Question #5

Are assistive technologies available to students with special needs as well as to other students, such as English language learners, who might benefit from the use of those devices and software? The plan does include goals and objectives for students with special needs and English Language Learners.
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 3. Technology Literacy Objective B: Support learners with special needs (cultural, language, socio-economic, etc)

Action Target
3. B.1 Maintain and expand options for increasing access to technology in low income schools

Target Start and End Date


E-Rate Reference

Responsible Party

Performance Measures

3. B.2 Develop and Support programs that provide technology proficiency with under represented and multicultural students

9/1/08 - ongoing

Professional Development Administrator, Title I Supervisor, ELL specialists, Curriculum Supervisor and Chief Information Officer

ELL Academy Program, International Magnate School, Dual Immersion Program

3. B.3 Provide professional development for teachers to meet these objectives


Criteria 2

Title I Supervisor, ELL specialists, Curriculum Supervisor and Chief Information Officer

Title I program, ELLL Academy Program, International Magnate School, Dual Immersion Program


Question #6
What replacement cycle has been built into the plan? Will adequate funding be set aside for replacements? The goals and objectives for the technology systems indicate there is a replacement cycle built in. There is also money allocated in the technology funding source breakdown which is included in the plan.
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: Technology Systems Objective D: Develop systematic roadmaps for Technology acquisition, security and disaster recovery. Action Target
2. D. 1 Develop and Maintain standards for computer replacement and disposal. Evaluate hardware delivery systems for maintenance and upgrading capabilities. 2. D.2 Evaluate and maintain the classroom technology model based on input form stakeholder groups

Target Start and End Date


E-Rate reference
Criteria 3, 4

Responsible Party
Chief Information Officer and Central Services Work Group

Performance Measures
Review policy and practices yearly

10/1/08 - ongoing

Criteria 3, 4

Chief Information Officer, Stakeholder committee, building technology coordinators and Central Services Work Group Chief Information Officer and Central Services Work Group Chief Information Officer and Central Services work Group

Technology Inventory System, Advisory committee and project lead council.

2. D.3 Review and update policy for safeguarding and sharing of student data 2. D.4 Maintain regular updates in virus protection, firewall software, spy ware, spam detection and elimination. 2. D. 5 Maintain Internet firewalls capabilities.


Criteria 1

Building Technology Coordinators Committee


Criteria 3



Independent School District of Boise City Technology Funding Source Breakdown Technology Plan 2008 2008-2009 Total Expenditures: Bldg Service Upgrades Internet Access Internet Circuits Network Upgrades Coordinator Stipends PC Replacements District Tech Support Staff Software Licensing (Novell, Cisco, Etc) Library Software Supplies Integration Training Maintenance Costs $ $ $ $ $ 331,400.00 52,000.00 701,000.00 462,656.00 250,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 701,000.00 462656.00 250000.00 1, 010,599.00 1328321.00 250,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 25,184.00 85,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 88,500.00 $ 443,000.00 $ 331,400.00 $ 520,000.00 District General 2008-2009 State/ICTL

$ 1,010,599.00 $ 1,771,321.00 $ 250,000.00

$ 1,285,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ $ 40,184.00 85,000.00

Total Expenditures





Question # 7 How does the tech plan address technology proficiencies and information literacy skills?

The plan has a goal of technology integration for the grades K-12 and it also has goals and objectives for Technology Literacy to ensure delivery of technology education in conformance with State and District Standards.
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 4. Technology Integration Objective A: Provide comprehensive technology integration plan for K-12 Action Target
4. A. 1 Review K-8 Technology Scope and Sequence documents, correlate to State Standards 4. A. 2 Integrate Technology Integration Project (TIP 2008) with District K-8 web-based curriculum guides. Have teachers review document and provide sample applications for classroom and lab applications. 4. A.3 Review TIP 2008 project material and plan phase II.

Target Start and End Date

10/01/2008-6/1/2 009

E-Rate Reference

Responsible Party
Chief Information Officer and Administrator of Instruction

Performance Measures
Updated TIP 2008 document

10/1/2008 6/1/2009

Chief Information Officer and Administrator of Instruction

Updated curriculum guides posted on the web.

10/1/2008 6/1/2009

Chief Information Officer, Administrator of Instruction and TIP 2008 core committee

Project phase II plan.


4A. 4 Review grade 9-12 curriculum for specific curricular technology application and advanced discipline based technology opportunities

10/1/2008 6/1/2009

Core Area Supervisors, Administrator of Instruction and Chief Operating Officer

9-12 application planning document.

Goal: 3. Technology Literacy Objective A: Ensure delivery of technology education in conformance with State and District Standards. Action Target Target Start and end date E-Rate R e s p o n si bl e P ar ty
Chief Information Officer, building Technology coordinators and Curriculum Core Committee

Performance Measures

3. A.1 Create and maintain a systemic process for the integration of technology standards within District curriculum structure. 3. A.2 Maintain curriculum committee made up of CORE supervisors, classroom teachers.


TIP 2008 initiative - project


Chief Information Officer, Administrator of Curriculum

Continual Meetings


3. A.3 Evaluate hardware delivery systems for maintenance and upgrading capabilities.


Criteria 4

Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-committee, Assessment Rubric Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-committee, Annual Report to Board Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators and Central Services Work Group

Inventory system, Technology Acquisition List

3. A.4 Maintain and update a list of technology tools (hardware & software) to address classroom curricular Ongoing 3. A.5 Develop capabilities for faculty to support the instructional environment of students through the use of and access to web-based technology Support.


Inventory system, Technology Acquisition List


Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators and Project Lead

District Education Server (DES), Zophia web-based tool, Infinite Campus student/parent Portal


Question # 8

How will the school district know whether implementation of this plan has made a positive impact on teaching and learning? The plan has assessment and evaluation as a goal they will evaluate annually the use of technology to ensure that the use of technology is enhancing the students learning and achievement. The results will also be published and available in the annual technology report to the school board.
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 5. Assessment and Evaluation Objective A: Provide an annual assessment and evaluation of the use of technology to enhance student learning and achievement Action Target Target Start and End Date
01/09 ongoing

E-Rate Refere nce

Criteria 5

Responsible Party
Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-committee,

Performance Measures

5. A.1 Use technology stakeholder Committees to provide information on the effectiveness of District efforts to use technology to enhance student learning and achievement. 1/1/09Ongoing 5. A.2 Establish yearly goals for the assessment of the use of technology to enhance student learning. 5. A.3 Re-evaluate the process make changes as needed

01/09 ongoing

Criteria 5

Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation SubChief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation Sub-

Assessment Rubric

01/09 ongoing

Criteria g

Annual Report to Board


Goal 5: Assessment and Evaluation Objective B: Publicize student use of technology and its effect on student learning and achievement. Action Target Target Start and End Date
12/20/08 - Yearly

E-Rate Reference

Responsible Party

Performance Measures

5. B.1 Gather data from buildings and evaluate.

Building Technology Coordinators, Technology Advisory Committee Chief Information Officer Criteria 5 Chief Information Officer, Building Technology Coordinators, Assessment & Evaluation SubAnnual Technology Report to the Board Annual Technology Report to the Board

5. B.2 Provide results to the stakeholders 5. B.3 Re-evaluate the process make changes as needed

3/1/2009 - Yearly

3/1/2009 - yearly


Question #9
Does the plan address a time frame by which the district proposes to implement the various components of the plan? Yes, the plan does address a time frame each goal has a start and end date for the various components. The time frame referenced is usually ongoing.

Question #10
Do you think this plan has addressed issues such as equity for all students? Please explain your thinking. The plan does include the goals for special needs and ELL students. This is addressing some of the issues of equity.
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 3. Technology Literacy Objective B: Support learners with special needs (cultural, language, socio-economic, etc) Action Target
3. B.1 Maintain and expand options for increasing access to technology in low income schools

Target Start and End Date


E-Rate Reference

Responsible Party

Performance Measures

3. B.2 Develop and Support programs that provide technology proficiency with under represented and multicultural students

9/1/08 - ongoing

Professional Development Administrator, Title I Supervisor, ELL specialists, Curriculum Supervisor and Chief Information Officer

ELL Academy Program, International Magnate School, Dual Immersion Program

3. B.3 Provide professional development for teachers to meet these objectives


Criteria 2

Title I Supervisor, ELL specialists, Curriculum Supervisor and Chief Information Officer

Title I program, ELLL Academy Program, International Magnate School, Dual Immersion Program



Question #11 Does this plan provide tools to help lower the achievement gap? Please explain your thinking. The plan does provide tools to help lower the achievement gap. The goal of technology integration includes a review of the technology scope and sequence documents. The sequence documents must correlate to the state standards. The achievement each student is assessed by the state standards; the goal is for all students ages K-12 to meet the state standards.
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 4 Technology Integration Objective A: Provide comprehensive technology integration plan for K-12 Action Target Target Start and End Date
10/01/2008-6/ 1/2009

E-Rate Reference

Responsible Party
Chief Information Officer and Administrator of Instruction

Performance Measures
Updated TIP 2008 document

4. A. Review K-8 Technology Scope and Sequence documents, correlate to State Standards 4. A. 2 Integrate Technology Integration Project (TIP 2008) with District K-8 web-based curriculum guides. Have teachers review document and provide sample applications for classroom and lab applications. 4. A.3 Review TIP 2008 project material and plan phase II.

10/1/2008 6/1/2009

Chief Information Officer and Administrator of Instruction

Updated curriculum guides posted on the web.

10/1/2008 6/1/2009

Chief Information Officer, Administrator of Instruction and TIP 2008 core committee

Project phase II plan.


4A. 4 Review grade 9-12 curriculum for specific curricular technology application and advanced discipline based technology opportunities

10/1/2008 6/1/2009

Core Area Supervisors, Administrator of Instruction and Chief Operating Officer

9-12 application planning document.


Question #12 If you could recommend some improvements to your districts technology team regarding this plan, what would they be and why? It is difficult to find fault with the Boise School District Technology plan. The plan has an objective and goal for each of the eleven questions poised by the survey. This indicates that the team has given consideration to the most important issues involved in educational technology. The plan lists a time frame and accountability it is a well designed plan with the goals and objectives clearly stated. The plan is also in alignment with the state wide goals and objectives. One of the goals and objectives I was most impressed with was the first goal of the plan which was collaboration.
Boise School District Technology Plan Goal: 1. Collaboration Objective A: Collaboration between teachers, schools, districts, libraries, private and charter schools. Action Target Start and End Date

E-Rate Reference

Responsible Party
Administrator of Instruction/IDLA coordinator

Performance Measures

1. A.1 Support collaboration with public educational virtual learning environments to provide technology focused education. 1. A.2 Explore collaboration with postsecondary institutions to provide technology focus on specialized areas such as software engineering and faculty technology development

5/1/08 - 6/1/09

Executive Director of Curriculum, Technology Administrator, supervisor of Professional Technical Education and IESA

Collaborate with BSU department of Computer Science


1. A.3 Continue to collaborate and support of state and regional technology associations. 1. A.4 Provide resources to connect libraries and schools and promote sharing of services such as regional networks, ILL, virtual references, etc.


Technology Department and IETA

Attend region 3 meeting and state ICTL meetings.


Technology Administrator and Library Supervisor

The recommendations I have for the Plan are to improve the accessibility and to clearly state the time frame the plan is in effect for. The plan is accessible from the Boise School District web site, however the link does not exist and it produces an error when accessed from the web page. The plan does not clearly state the date ranges that the plan is in effect for. The dates are implied in the time frame elements of the plan. It would also be useful to have the E-Rate reference defined to understand what the plan is cross-referencing.


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