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Water Filtration Using NanoMembranes

Innovative Proposal by Connie Alvarado

Why Water?

- Water is an important neccessity for any living being. It carries out many important bodily functions.

-Nearly 800 million people do not have access to clean water.

-1 in 9 people dont have access to clean water -2.5 billion don't have access to a toilet.

-2.53 percent of water on Earth is freshwater

-3.4 people die due to water sanitation issues

No Clean Water means: Fecal matter goes into water supply since only 10 percent of water is treated. Death due to Illness from drinking contaminated water -Diarrhea caused by fecal matter in water which causes death

Other diseases caused by impure water

Arsenicosis: Caused by arsenic which can lead to cancer in different parts of the body Flurosis: An epidemic in 25 countries. This is caused by fluoride in the water which occurs naturally. It is a bone disease. Intesitinal Worms: found in dirt and feces, these parasites lead to malnutrition, anemia, and retarded growth.

How can Nano-tech help?

Nano Technology is believed to have the potential to solve many of the world's problems.

My Proposal

To use a carbon nanotube membrane in order to purify water from it's impurities.

What are Carbon Nanotubes?

Carbon molecules arranged in a hexagonal design in order to create a cyndrilical shape. 10,000x thinner than human hair. Is able to carry out size exclusion- able to let water molecules only pass through.

Carbon Nanotube Membrane

Water Filtration Membranes have been used before -Zeolite Membrane Like a cell's membrane, it allows some substances to enter and excludes others. Since carbon nanotube are smaller than human hair, it can perform size exclusion much more effieciently.

Use two empty gallons of bottled water and place them one on top of each other to form an hourglass shape.

Place sheet of Carbon Nanofiber at the mouth of the gallons. Less Carbon Nanofiber Membrane used

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