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One Difference Between the Quick and the Dead

One measure of organizational effectiveness is the shelf-life of problems. Weak organizations suffer from unsolved problems long after theyve been identified. A corollary would be speed to implementation. Everybody has good ideas. he best implement those ideas !uickly. A good e"ample of this is the #olden$ %olorado-based burger chain #ood imes &urgers ' (rozen %ustard. )n *une +,,-$ industry giant .c/onalds got a clue and announced it would phase out the purchase of beef containing antibiotics and growth stimulants. hey would do this by the end of +,,0. (or consumers that meant only 12 more months of consuming dubious beef. )n contrast$ #ood imes had replaced all its meat with all-natural$ antibiotic free beef by the end of that same month - *une +,,-. One advantage to being small is the ability to act !uickly. #ood imes leadership recognized the power of being nimble and !uick and trumped .c/onalds slug-like speed to implementation. 3ow !uick are you4

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