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Chihuly Video Questions and Responses

Name Date _____________ ________ Block

Questions and Notes 1. What does hihul!"s work look like#

Respond to two of the following prompts using a five-sentence paragraph form. 1. Descri$e hihul!"s sculptures% $e specific.

&. ' reative (rocess) *ow does hihul! approach a pro+ect#

&. ,-plain hihul!"s creative process.

.. ' olla$oration) *ow does hihul! work with others#

.. Discuss how hihul! colla$orates 'works with others).

/. '0avorites) What were !our favorite pieces#

/. Descri$e !our favorite piece and e-plain wh! !ou like it.

Vocabulary Quiz: Color Intro

Name___________________________________________ Date_____________________________ Block_________ Directions1 0ill in the missing letters to spell each voca$ular! word for this week. 2 hint is given to !ou ne-t to the word. Vocabulary Words 1. a __ __ l __ g __ __ __ &. c __ l __ r s __ __ e __ e .. c __m __ l _ m __ n __ __ r __ /. m __ n __ __ __ r__ m __ t__ c 7. __ e r __ i a __ __ 9. p __ __ m __ r __ :. s __ c __ n d __ __ ! <. t __ p __ r __ __ =. __ __ e __ 1>. __ p e __ t __ __m Hints 3reen% $lue% violet. (lan for organi4ing colors. 5pposites. 6ints and shades of one color. 8i-ture of primar! with secondar!. Blue% red and !ellow. (rimar! mi-ed with a primar! ; # hihul!"s sculptures are ____. 2nother word for la!er. ?ight passing through prism creates a color _________.

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