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Bungee Apparatus Experiment

Day 1: Bungee Cord Experiment The distance that a bungee jumper falls before bouncing back upward seems likely to depend on the jumper s weight! "n designing the apparatus# it is necessary to know how far the elastic cord will stretch for different weights! "t makes sense to do some testing before anyone takes a real jump! $CT"%"T& Directions: 1' (athering )aterials "n your group make and test a bungee apparatus# using a measuring tape# rubber bands# a paper clamp# and washers! &ou will need 1 measuring tape# * rubber bands# 1 paper clamp# and 1+ washers! *' ,ill in the following table:

Bungee Apparatus Test

-umber of .ashers 1 2 3 1* 1+ 1' -ow graph the data using the ordered pairs 0-umber of washers# $mount of stretch'! Do not connect the points! $mount of /tretch 0in cm'

$mount of /tretch in Centimeters

-umber of .ashers 0.eight'

Bungee Apparatus Experiment

4' 5uestions a' -ow study the data in your table and write a short summary explaining# as carefully as possible# how the weight relates to the amount of stretch of the rubber bands! .hat happens to the amount of stretch as the weight changes6

b' -ow look at your graph! Explain any patterns you see as carefully as you can!

c' .hat are the important 7ariables in the design of the bungee apparatus6

d' .hen change in one 7ariable is related to change in another 7ariable# the pattern of that relation can be described in words# with a table# or with a graph! .hat are the ad7antages and disad7antages of describing patterns of change using each of these methods6

+' 8ine of Best ,it Draw a line of best fit on your graph! 09emember# the line does not ha7e to hit all of the points! "t is supposed to come close to as many points as possible!' a' :sing your line of best fit# estimate the amount of stretch that would happen if we had a weight of 1; washers! Explain how you found your estimate!

b' Estimate the amount of stretch that would happen if you used 1< washers! .hat do you need to do to your graph in order to answer this =uestion6

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