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1091 ‘ Ee O PY CRIMINAL COMPLAINT i UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BECKER 1. MICHAEL DAVID BARRETT saGrsTAAGE's CASE HO. peer 09227 0M Complaint fr violation of 18 U.S.C. §2261A@\(A) (Interstate Staking). ‘NAME OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE. UNITED STATES Locarion MAGISTRATE JUDGE Hon. Alicia 0. Rosenberg Los Angeles County, CA DATES OF OFFENSE PIACE OF OFFENSE TASERESS OP ACCUSED (EP KNOWN) Berween on or about July. | Los Angeles County and 28,2009, and on or about_| elsewhere ily 22, 2009, SEE ATTACHMENT BASIS OF COMPLAINANT'S CHARGE AGAINST THE ACCUSED: (Sex ata fide which ie cmported apr of hs Complain) Sooo, asticae Tanith Rodgers Federal Bureau of Investigation Sworn to before me and subscribed in wy pr ALICIA 6 ROSE Oct. 2, 2009 Tae Ran aes map ATTACHMENT (8 v.8.c. § 2262(A) (2) (a)] Between on or about July 28, 2008, and on or about July 22, 2009, in Los Angeles County, within the Central District of California, and elsewhere, defendant MICHAEL DAVID BARRSTT, with fhe intent to aarass, to place under surveillance with intent to harass and intimidate, and to cause substantial enotional @istress to a person in another state, nanely, £.A., used facilities of interstate commerce, including cellular telephone networks, electronic mail, and Internet websites, to engage in a Course of condict that caused substantial emotional distress to BA. APPIDAVIT I, Tanith Rogers, being duly sworn, hereby state as follows: | I am employed as a Special Agent ("SAY") of the Federal | Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") and have been enployed by the FBI since March 2098. I am currently assigned to the Cyber Squad in the tos Angeles, California field office. In that assignment, T am reoponsible for investigating computer and high-technology crimes, and I am trained and authorized to investigate the offenses alleged herein. Pricr to becoming an FBI agent, I completed the 21-week FBI Basic Agent Training Course in Quantico, Virginia, which included training from the FBI regarding computer technology, computer fraud, intellectual property crimes, and white collar crine, I graduated from the | university of Washington where I conpleted a degree in Politics and Valu Prior to my work in the FBI, T was a Narcotics Detective for the city of Federal May Police Department in Washington state. During the eight and a half yeara I worked for the police department, I investigated a plethora of crimes included but not Limited to, computer sex crimes, drug crimes and violent exines. 2. This affidavit is nade in support of a criminal complaint and arrest warrant for Michael D. Barrett of Westmont, F1linois, also known as ‘Mark Bennett,” ("BARRETT") for interstate stalking, in violation of Title 18, United states code, Section 2263A(2) (A)

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