Combined Divisibility: Number Divisible by 12? Yes or NO Prove by Explanation or Example

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Combined Divisibility

Reminder: For a number to be divisible by six, the number has to be divisible by 2 and 3. This means if you use the divisibility rule for 2 and 3 and they both work, then 6 will go into that number. xam!le: "#62 $ivisible by 2, be%ause it ends in a 2 $ivisible by 3, be%ause " & # & 6 & 2 ' 2( and 2( is divisible by 3 Thus "#62 is divisible by 6 be%ause 2 )*$ 3 both worked. +ou %an a!!ly this rule to other numbers, for exam!le ,2. -f the rule for 3 and ( work, then the number will be divisible by ,2 xam!le: "#2. $ivisible by ( be%ause / x ( ' 2. whi%h are the last two digits of "#2.. $ivisible by 3 be%ause " & # & 2 & . ',0, whi%h is divisible by 3 Thus, sin%e the rules for 3 and ( both worked "#2. is divisible by ,2. 1. Can each of the following numbers of eggs be packed in cartons that each contain exactly one dozen eggs with none left over? Prove your answer is correct using the combined divisibility rule. Number Divisible by 12? Yes or NO Prove by Explanation or Example

5824 7416 12 !54 428 676

2. Can armer !rown"s #$%2 eggs be packed in cartons that each contain exactly one half dozen &%' eggs with none left over? Prove by explanation or example. (. )s each of the following numbers divisible by 1*. Prove by explanation or example. Number Divisible by 18? Yes or NO Prove by Explanation or Example

"72 8"46 "!81 15 !18 +. ,escribe a divisibility test for 1-. Prove it works by showing an example.

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