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The Life of Muhammad

(Llist of All the topics in the handout with relevant page nos.)

Topic Page
The woman who offered herself in Marriage to Abdullah 68
What was said to Amina when she had conceived the Apostle 69
The birth of the Apostle and his suckling 69
Amina dies and the Apostle lives with his Grandfather 73
Abu Talib becomes the guardian of the Apostle 79
The story of Bahira 79
The Apostle of God marries Khadija 82
The Prophet’s Mission 104
Khadija, daughter of Khuwaylid, Accepts Islam 111
The prescription of Prayer 112
Ali B.Abul Talib The first male to accept Islam 114
The companions who accepted Islam at the invitation of Abu Bakr 115
The Apostle’s public preaching and the response 117
The first one who pronounced the Koran Loudly 141
The Quraish listen to the Prophet’s reading 142
Umar accepts Islam 155
The night journey and the Ascent to heaven 181
Ascent to heaven 184
Death of Abu Talib and Khadija 191

Those who migrated to Medina 213

Umar migrates to Medina. Ayash and his story 216
The Hijra of the Prophet 221
The covenant between the muslims and Medinians and with the Jews 231
Brotherhood between emigrants and Helpers 234

Battle of Badr 289

Quraish prepare to go to Badr 291

Battle of Uhud 370

Passages in the Koran, which deal with Uhud 391
Muslims martyred in Uhud 401

The battle of the ditch in 5 A.H. 450

The affair of Al-Hudaybia 499

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The life of Muhammad

The Expedition to Khyber in 7 A.H. 510

The rest of the Khyber affair 515
The affair of Al-aswad The Shephard 519
The affair of Al-Hajjaj 519
Division of the spoil of Khyber 521

The capture of Al-Taif 587

The raid on Tabuk 602
The Opposition Mosque 609
Three men who abstained from Tabuk expedition 610

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