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the state is an institutional ensemble of forms of representation, internal organization, and intervention.

This impies that state forms and regime types can e distinguished in terms of the differentiated articulation of political representation, internal organization, and state intervention. jessop the capitalist state 228 (this approach) it provides a means to examine the linkages among the state, economy, and civil society in terms of the form-determined mediation of demands and support as well as the states form-determined role in maintaining political domination, capital accumulation, and private, non-economic forms of domination. This will prove particularly useful min examining the social bases of support for and resistance to the state. jessop the capitalist state229 1-Forms of representation: clientilism (a forn of representation absed on the exchange of political support in return for the allocation of politically-mediated resources and involing a hierarchical relationship between dependent client(s) and superordinate patron(s). Corporatism (political representation on the basis of function within the division of labour, characterized by the formal equivalence of corporations Parliamentarism (a form of representation based on the indirect participation of individual citizens in policy-making through their exercise of voting and accompanying rights inr elation to an elected legislature and/or political executive.. pluralism (a form of representation based on isntitutionalised channels of access to the state apparatuses for political forces representing interests and/or causes rooted in civil society jessop the capitalist state229-230 2-It is also necessary to consider how the relative dominance of partixular departments (or branches) or ministries can udenrwite the hegemonjy of a given class fraction. Treasury ank in England, ministry of injtrnational trade and industry in japan en hegemomic hangisijessop the capitalist state232.. yada relative dominance of different parts of the state system (military, ciivl bureuarcy, political police, fascist party) jessop the capitalist state233 3-The third aspedct of institutional structure: the nature of state intervention. Formal facilitation (when the state maintains the general external conditions of capitalist production: formally rational monetary system, formally rational legal system, formally rational system of administration) to ensure cap prod operates in a self-expanding, self-equilibrating manner free competition and laissez-faire. Bunlar olmayinca substantioce facilitation gelior the state reproduces certain general conditions of prod, mesela labour-power, supply of means of prod like infrastructure energy supplies transport asic research and dev, economic statistics OYSA FORMAL DA EXTERNAL CONDITIONS I SET EDER FORMAL SUPPORT RATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK UGRUNA THROUGH THE MEDIATION OF LAW, MONEY AND ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES, competition policy, company law, inbestment allowances.. MAA SUSTANTIVE FACILITAION INVOLVES THE DIREXT ALLOCATION OF PARTICULAR CONSITIONS OF PROD licences monopolies, state credit, state sponsorhipBI DE DIRECTION VAR: the state overrides the formal freedom of eco agents and directs that they either act or refrain from acting in particular ways. Salt facilitate or support market forces diil ayni zamanda intervenes to support facilitate counteract modify through restriction of formal authority or autonomy freedom of the agents, concertation polciies yada labour-capital collaboration I cooperatism altinda! jessop the capitalist state 233-234

Social base de onemli: how is support mobilized behind particular policies, programmes, and hegemonic projects and how resistance is organised and/or overcome in pursuing such policies, programmes, and projects? jessop the capitalist state 242

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