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How to Install JDK??? 1.

Click on the Core Java that is present in the cd

2. Double Click on SDK

3. Double Click on dk!1"#"$"$3

%. Click on I accept the ter&s and then 'e(t

#. 'e(t

). It starts Installin*

+.Click on 'e(t

,. Select the browser and click on 'e(t

-. .unti&e /nviron&ent is installin*

1$. Click on 0inish

11. 1o to Control 2anel and Click on S3ste&

12. Click on 4dvance 5ariables and 6hen /nviron&ent 5ariables

13. 1o to C !7 2ro*ra& 0iles !7 Java !7 dk1.#.$"$3

1%. 4nd then to bin and cop3 the path

1#. In /nviron&ent 5ariables8 *o to S3ste& 5ariable9s 2ath and Click on /dit

1). 5ariable na&e is 2ath and :or 5ariable 5alue paste the path copied i.e C;<2ro*ra& 0iles<Java< dk1.#.$"$3<bin and click on ok.

1+. 6hen Click on =ser 5ariable9s 'ew and 1ive 5ariable na&e ava"ho&e and :or 5ariable 5alue cop3 the sa&e path but e(cludin* bin i.e C;<2ro*ra& 0iles<Java< dk1.#.$"$3 and click ok :or all

1,. 6o check whether the dk is installed properl3 or not8 *o to Co&&and 2ro&pt and *ive avac8 i: 3ou can the list o: options8 then its installed correctl3.

1-. 1o to C and create a :older

2$. In that :older8 create two new :olders o: na&e Classes and Source. Source is :or the source code where 3ou save the pro*ra& and Classes is :or the ava class

21. 1o to 6e(t2ad and write the pro*ra&

22. 4nd save the pro*ra& in C ! 7 :older 3ou created ! 7 Source in Java :or&at

23. 6o co&pile8 *o to Co&&and 2ro&pt8 and chan*e the :older to where the :ile is stored i.e C;<0older 3ou created<source

2%. 4:ter chan*in* the :older8 to co&pile *ive the co&&and avac >d ..?classes 2ro*ra&'a&e. ava. 6he class :ile will *et stored in Classes :older.

2#. 4:ter success co&pletion o: co&pilin*8 chan*e the :older to classes. 0irst co&e out o: source usin* cd.. co&&and and then chan*e to classes

2). 6o run the pro*ra&8 *ive ava >cp . 2ro*ra&'a&e and enter

2+. 4nd the output is seen

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