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Intro to Sociology Quiz 1

Answer any 12 0f the 14 T/F and multiple choice questions by circling the correct answer. Answer one essay in 4-5 sentences.

1. Karl Marx argued that religious differences led to economic differences. True False

2. Emile Durkheim said that solidarity in the modern world was helped along by a specialized division of labor. True False

3. Ferdinand Tönnies suggested that, compared to earlier times, people in modern society were more likely to treat one another as
means-to-ends. True False

4. The kinds of questions appropriate for sociologists to ask

A. should have nothing to do with religion.
B. should not be controversial.
C. should be ones that can be answered empirically.
D. should be ones that only concern academics, not laypeople.
E. All of the choices are correct
5. The notions that human societies evolve and that social competition inevitably results in social progress, was promoted by
A. W.I. Thomas.
B. Emile Durkheim.
C. Herbert Spencer.
D. Auguste Comte.
E. James Addams.
6. Sociology is best understood as the study of
A. how people's psychological problems create social problems.
B. how biological factors influence people's social behavior.
C. the likes and dislikes of individuals in groups.
D. what nineteenth century social theorists thought about society.
E. interactions and relations between human beings.
7. Ferdinand Tönnies would have said that the relationship between parents and children will most likely be
A. Gemeinschaft.
B. Gesellschaft.
C. instinctual.
D. rooted in psychological drives.
E. All of the choices are correct
8. W.E.B. DuBois
A. was a founding member of the Ku Klux Klan.
B. said that Marx had made a mistake when he overlooked the role of race in promoting social conflict.
C. nominated Booker T. Washington for President of the United States in 1903.
D. organized Hull House in Chicago.
E. believed that African Americans ought to lower their expectations about success.
9. For sociologists, skepticism
A. is a tendency they must strive to overcome in order to do good work.
B. is crucial because most people lie to social researchers.
C. is best thought of as a "personal trouble."
D. is a "social issue."
E. is important because commonly accepted explanations are frequently incorrect.
10. Chagnon's account of his work with the Yanomamö teaches important lessons about
A. the nature of ethnocentrism and culture shock.
B. the importance of understanding a society's economic system.
C. the functionalist and symbolic interactionist paradigms.
D. the latent dysfunctions of the modern educational system.
E. the nature of what Weber called "inconvenient facts."
11. Which of the following ideas is most characteristic of the functional point of view or paradigm?
A. There is a great deal of consensus about values and beliefs within society.
B. Society is made up of integrated parts.
C. Conflict is dysfunctional and something to be avoided.
D. Major subgroups within society coexist in relative harmony.
E. All of the choices are correct
12. Emile Durkheim viewed modern society as
A. based on organic solidarity.
B. based on a solidarity that arose through people's interdependence.
C. having a smaller collective conscience than premodern society.
D. one in which people are held together by their differences.
E. All of the choices are correct

13. Which of the following ideas is not a characteristic of symbolic interactionism?

A. How people act depends on how they see reality.
B. People independently arrive at their own peculiar understanding of social reality.
C. Humans work to interpret the meaning of their own behavior.
D. Humans work to interpret the meaning of other people's behavior.
E. People work together to construct social reality.
14. According to Max Weber, when people engage in nonrational behavior, they
A. are acting irrationally.
B. may be engaging in a behavior simply because they enjoy it.
C. are wasting their time.
D. are being anti-social.
E. None of the choices are correct
15. In "Code of the Streets," which sociological paradigm does Elijah Anderson seem to be employing? Give examples from the
reading that help make your case.

16. In "Handling the Stigma of Handling the Dead," which sociological paradigm does Thompson seem to employ? Use examples
from the reading to make your case.

Symbolic Interaction would have been the most appropriate answer to either
essay question. In both readings, the authors emphasize the way in which
individuals use symbols (e.g., language, clothing, eye contact, etc.) to
communicate information about who they are and to define their situations.

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