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Building Your Resume- Practice Sheet

Personal Data:

Phone: ( )___________________________

Objective: (short term, long term) (what type of job are you looking for now or in the
next 5 months) (what are you career/education goals for the next four years)


(School, years, advanced courses, vo-tech, special training, class rank or GPA,

Honor Society)

Extra-Curricular Activities: (what, where, when)


Employment History:

(job title, duties, employer, dates, awards)(list current or most recent


Employer Dates
Volunteer Experience: (nature of work, location, dates)

Awards and special accomplishments:

Special Skills: (work related)

Interests, Hobbies: (use good judgment)


Personal Qualities:
References: (adults-teachers, coaches, family friends, employers, not peers or close
relatives) (Name, Relationship, Phone or means of contact))


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