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Newtons laws

Newtons laws
Big Idea

Forces cause changes in motion.

What is a Force?

What is a Force?
A force is an interaction between two (material) objects involving a push or a pull


Newtons First Law

Law 1

Newtons First Law

Law 1
the Law of Inertia

The Law of Inertia

Law 1

The Law of Inertia

Law 1
!An object at
rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Newtons First Law

Law 1

Objects at Rest
Law 1

Objects at Rest
Law 1
!Tend to stay at rest

Objects at Rest
Law 1
!Tend to stay at rest

Objects at Rest
Law 1
!Tend to stay at rest

objects in motion
Law 1

objects in motion
Law 1
!Tend to stay in motion with the same speed
and direction

Newtons Second Law

Law 2

Newtons Second Law

the Law of acceleration

Law 2

Newtons Second Law

the Law of acceleration

Law 2
!The acceleration of
an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Law 2

Newtons Second Law

Newtons Second Law

Law 2

Newtons Second Law

Law 2 force acceleration= mass

Newtons Second Law

Law 2 force acceleration= mass

F a= m

Newtons Second Law

Law 2

F a= m

Newtons Second Law

Law 2

F a= m

Newtons Second Law

Law 2

F a= m

F = ma

Newtons Third Law

Law 3

Newtons Third Law

Law 3
the Law of action-reaction

Newtons Third Law

Law 3
the Law of action-reaction

!For every action there is an equal and

opposite reaction.

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