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Foamy polymer

history Polymer foams were first made in the 1930's and -40's, with foamed polystyrene being the first polymer foam in 1931.Polyurethane was in ented by !r."tto #ayer at the start ofthe se$ond %orld%ar.&t was first used as a repla$ement for rubber and also used as a $oatingto prote$t other $ommonmaterials at the time su$h as metalsand wood. ' few years afterthe war, the fle(ible polyurethane foam was in ented and it was first thenthat it started beingused for $ushioning in furnitureand automoti e industry. )hetwo de$ades followingmade polymer foams more widelyused as new te$hnologiesde eloped, introdu$ing methods su$h as in*e$tion molding, twin s$rew for foam and se eral e(trusion te$hni+ues. Page 4,-

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