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Game modes and matchmaking[edit]

League of Legends is a session-based game. Matchmaking creates teams with even average MMR (Matchmaking Rating) of the constituent players. MMR uses the Elo formula with proprietary [9] adjustments. Tutorial mode is a set of two introductory games that teach the basics. It is intended to help new players learn important concepts, which might not otherwise be obvious. Custom mode allows players to create games that players opt into rather than relying on matchmaking to create the teams. In custom matches, the teams can be uneven (for example, 3v4 or 2v5) and may include a mix of players and bots, which are computer-controlled champions. Co-op vs. AI mode matches players against a team of bots. Similar to the Tutorial mode, it is also intended mainly as a way for inexperienced players to learn, but it also used by more experienced players as a way of experimenting with new ideas or getting an easy First Win of the Day. Normal matches are player vs player, and has either Blind Pick where both teams can pick whatever champions they want all at the same time, or Draft Pick where a randomly assigned team captain chooses three bans to disallow the enemy from playing those champions, and then players choose their champions in an ordered format. After champions are all chosen, players may trade with each other, allowing for players to pick for each other for strategic effect. Ranked mode is available to players that are level 30. Ranked uses the Draft Pick system exclusively, and players are seeded into a League system based on the outcome of their matches. ARAM (All Random All Mid) mode randomly picks champions that the players are able to play, allowing up to 2 re-rolls if the player is unsatisfied with their pick, and also may trade with others if both parties own the champions to be traded. One for All is a limited time game mode, first available during the Harrowing 2013. The champion selection works similar to Draft Pick where a randomly selected team captain picks three bans. The difference is that each team member votes for one champion that the entire team will play as. Showdown is also a limited time game mode, first available during the Snowdown Showdown 2013. Each team (either composed of 1 or 2 players) fight to be the first to reach a certain goal, such as taking down the first turret or achieving First Blood.

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