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GTA V (GTA 5) PS3 Cheats and Hints

Below here all he GTA five Cheats for Playstaion 3 which are now available. When there are new cheats we will post them. Good luck playin and don!t for et to save the ame before you use them. Lower wanted level When playin GTA" press #$%& times'" Circle" #&" #i ht" (eft" #i ht" (eft" #i ht" (eft. Raise wanted level When playin GTA" press #$%& times'" Circle" #&" (eft" #i ht" (eft" #i ht" (eft" #i ht. Recharge abilit When playin GTA" press )%& times'" *+uare" #$" ($" )" #i ht" (eft" ). !aster r"n When playin GTA" press Trian le" (eft" #i ht%& times'" (&" ($" *+uare. #$%losive a&&o ro"nds When playin GTA" press #i ht" *+uare" )" (eft" #$" #&" (eft" #i ht%& times'" ($%3 times'. #$%losive &elee attac's When playin GTA" press #i ht" (eft" )" Trian le" #$" Circle%3 times'" (&. Slow &otion ai& When playin GTA" press *+uare" (&" #$" Trian le" (eft" *+uare" (&" #i ht" ). The ,se it four times and it will still work" the fifth time the aim will be normal a ain. Slide cars When playin GTA" press Trian le" #$%& times'" (eft" #$" ($" #&" ($. S%awn ("))ard When playin GTA" press Circle%& times'" ($" Circle%3 times'" ($" (&" #$" Trian le" Circle" Trian le. This helicopter is very bi and needs a lot of space to spawn. S%awn Cadd When playin GTA" press Circle" ($" (eft" #$" (&" )" #$" ($" Circle" ). S%awn Co&et When playin GTA" press #$" Circle" #&" #i ht" ($" (&" )%& times'" *+uare" #$.

S%awn *"ster When playin GTA" press #i ht" (eft" #$%3 times'" (eft" Trian le%& times'" )" Circle" ($%& times'. S%awn Li&o When playin GTA" press #&" #i ht" (&" (eft%& times'" #$" ($" Circle" #i ht. S%awn %arach"te When playin GTA" press (eft" #i ht" ($" (&" #$" #&%& times'" (eft%& times'" #i ht" ($. S%awn Ra%id GT When playin GTA" press #&" ($" Circle" #i ht" ($" #$" #i ht" (eft" Circle" #&. S%awn Sanche) When playin GTA" press Circle" )" ($" Circle%& times'" ($" Circle" #$" #&" (&" ($%& times'. S%awn St"nt Plane When playin GTA" press Circle" #i ht" ($" (&" (eft" #$" ($%& times'" (eft%& times'" )" Trian le. S%awn Trash&aster When playin GTA" press Circle" #$" Circle" #$" (eft%& times'" #$" ($" Circle" #i ht. *r"n' &ode When playin GTA" press Trian le" #i ht%& times'" (eft" #i ht" *+uare" Circle" (eft. Slow &otion &ode When playin GTA" press Trian le" (eft" #i ht%& times'" *+uare" #&" #$. The code can be entered up to four times to increase its effect. -nter it a fifth time to disable the code.

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