7.3.3 Exercise 3

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With the hypotheses of the preceding problem, }0(z) }(z) }(u) = _(z u) + _(z + u) 2_(z) Proof.

For z 6= u+M, we can choose a branch of the logarithm holomorphic in a neighborhood of }(z) }(u). Taking the derivative of the log of both sides and using the chain rule, }0(z) }(z) }(u) = @ @z _ log( _(z u)) + log(_(z u)) log(_(u)2_(z)2) _ = _0(z u) _(z u) + _0(z + u) _(z + u) 2_0(z) _(z) = _(z u) + _(z + u) 2_(z) where we've used _0(w) _(w) = _(w) 8w 2 C (Ahlfors p. 274).

7.3.3 Exercise 3
With the same hypotheses as above, for z 6= u +M, _(z + u) = _(z) + _(u) + 1 2 }0(z) }0(u) }(z) }(u) Proof. Since the last term has a removable singularity at z = u+M, by continuity, we may also assume that z 6= u+M. First, observe that by replacing switching u and z in the argument for the last identity, we have that }0(u) }(z) }(u) = [_(u z) + _(z + u) 2_(u)] = _(z u) _(z + u) + 2_(u) 30 where we've used the fact that _(z) is odd and therefore _(z) = _0(z) _(z) is also odd. Hence, }0(z) }0u }(z) }(u) = (_(z u) + _(z + u) 2_(z)) (_(z u) _(z + u) + 2_(u)) = 2_(z + u) 2_(z) 2_(u) The stated identity follows immediately.

7.3.3 Exercise 4
By Ahlfors Section 7.3.3 Exercise 3, _(z + u) = _(z) + _(u) + 1 2 _ }0(z) }0(u) }(z) }(u)

_ Di_erentiating both sides with respect to z and using }(z + u) = }(z) + 1 2 _ }00(z) }(z) }(u) (}0(z) }0(u))}0(z) (}(z) }(u))2 _

_0(w) = }(w) 8w 2 C nM, we obtain

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