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Task Sequence Scenario Process Procurement Goods Receipt In oice Receipt Pa"ment to !

endor Production Order Creation Goods Issue to production Order Production order Confirmation Goods Receipt from Production Order *IP Calculation

MM Module Purchase Order GR I!

PP Module From planning for Make to Stock

SD Module From Sales/marketing for Make to Order

FI Module

CO Module

Stock Account Dr Gr/Ir Account Cr Gr/Ir Account Dr !endor Account Cr !endor A/c Dr #ank A/c Cr Production order Created Production order status GMPS $CO%%&' Production order status changed C&F Status change in production order D)! / PD)! *IP calculated on production order + no posting + information a aila(le in Prod, Order Calculate !ariance for production order Stock Account Cr Consumption A/c Dr Consumption in production order Acti it" cost De(ited to Production Order and credited to Cost Center GR Posting in production order *IP calculated on production order + no posting + information a aila(le in Prod, Order + posting at the time of settlement !ariance calculated on production order + no posting + information a aila( le on production order + posting at the time of settlement Posting



Stock Account Dr COGM A/c Cr

!ariance Calculation


Production order status changed

-ither *IP or ariance is posted + a' if *IP +

*IP $P/)' Cr *IP $#/S' Dr (' if ariance + COGM/Prod!ar Dr Prod!ar/COGM Cr Sales Deli er" Stock change Sales Order Post goods Issue COGS A/c Dr Stock Account Cr If COPA is acti e + no posting $ alues flo. to COPA at the time of SD #illing' If COPA is not acti e + posting to cost center

In oice to Customer Pa"ment receipt from Customer Posting &o Posting

SD #illing

Customer A/c Dr Sales A/c Cr Customer A/c Cr #ank A/c Dr

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