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Course Name: PHYSICS - II Course Code: PY 201 Pre-requisite: PY 101 Lecture-wise breakup


L T P:

4 0 0

(No. of Lectures)

1. QUANTUM MECHANICS & ATOMS Quantum theory of light, X-rays production, spectrum & diffraction (Braggs law), photoelectric effect, Compton effect, pair production, photons & gravity, black holes, deBroglie hypothesis, particle diffraction, uncertainty principle and applications (7) Postulates of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger theory, time-dependent and timeindependent Schrodinger equation, wave function, Born interpretation and normalization, expectation values (3) Particle in a box (infinite potential well), finite potential step and barrier problems, tunneling, linear harmonic oscillator (one-dimensional) (4) Hydrogen atom, radiative transitions and selection rules, electron spin, Stern-Gerlach experiment, Spin-orbit coupling, exclusion principle, symmetric and antisymmetric wavefunctions (6) ADDITIONAL TOPICS FOR HONOURS STUDENTS: -decay, Zeeman effect, Correspondence Principle, Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics 2. NUCLEAR PHYSICS Natural radioactivity, successive radioactive transformations, radioactive equilibrium, radioactive series, radiometric dating (3) Nuclear force and its characteristics, Elementary description of shell model, explanation of magic numbers, liquid drop model and semi-empirical binding energy formula (3) Nuclear fission, fission products, mass and energy distribution of fission products, neutron emission and energy distribution of neutrons emitted in fission, theory of fission process, nuclear reactors classification, neutron cycle in thermal reactors and fourfactor formula for neutron reproduction, nuclear fusion controlled thermonuclear reactions. (5) ADDITIONAL TOPICS FOR HONOURS STUDENTS: Artificial radioactivity and its applications, -decay (energy spectrum & discovery of neutrino), Fusion Reactions in stars 3. STATISTICAL PHYSICS Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, molecular energies in an ideal gas, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, black body radiation, Rayleigh-Jeans and Plancks radiation laws, free electrons in a metal, electron-energy distribution, Fermi energy, electronic specific heat, conduction in metals, thermionic emission (9) ADDITIONAL TOPICS FOR HONOURS STUDENTS: Specific heat of solids, Bose-Einstein condensation

4. SOLIDS AND SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS Band theory of solids, Kronig-Penney Model (qualitative), conductors, insulators and semiconductors, p-type and n-type semiconductors, statistics of electrons and holes, Hall effect (for single as well as both type of charge carriers) (5) ADDITIONAL TOPICS FOR HONOURS STUDENTS: p-n junction, rectifier, LED, tunnel diode 5. SUPER CONDUCTIVITY Occurrence, destruction of super conductivity, Meissner effect, type I and type II Super-conductors; heat capacity, isotope effect, thermodynamical considerations, London equations & penetration depth, coherence length, BCS theory (elementary description), applications of superconductors. (5) ADDITIONAL TOPICS FOR HONOURS STUDENTS: High temperature superconductivity, Josephson junctions TEXT BOOK: Concepts of Modern Physics, by Arthur Beiser (McGraw-Hill)

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Nuclear Physics, by I. Kaplan (Addison-Wesley) 2. Solid State Physics, by C. Kittel (Wiley Eastern) 3. Solid State Physics, by S.O. Pillai (New Age International) 4. Introduction to Modern Physics, by Richtmyer, Kennard & Cooper ( McGraw Hill) 5. Introduction to Modern Physics, by Mani & Mehta (East West Press) Modern Physics, by Bernstein, Fishbane & Gasiorowicz (Pearson Education)

Course Name: Course Code: Pre-requisite:

PHYSICS LAB PY 202 None Credits: 2 L T P: 0 0 3


(No. of Lectures)

1. Familiarization with various measuring instruments Vernier calipers, screw gauge, spherometer, spectrometer etc. 2. To find the wavelength of sodium light using Fresnels biprism. 3. (i) To determine the wavelength of He-Ne laser using transmission grating. (ii) To determine the slit width using the diffraction pattern. 4. To determine the wave length of sodium light by Newtons rings method. (3)

(3) (3)


5. To determine the wave length of sodium light using a diffraction grating. (3) 6. To find the specific rotation of sugar solution using a Bi-quartz Polarimeter. (3) 7. To find the energy band gap of the given semiconductor by four probe method. (3) 8. To find the angle of prism and the angle of minimum deviation with the help of a spectrometer, and hence to determine the refractive index of the material of the prism. (3) 9. To design a method to draw equipotential lines with various geometries of electrodes kept at different potentials. (3) 10. To study the Hall effect of a given semiconductor. 11. To determine the dielectric constant of the given materials. 12. To study the photoelectric effect. 13. To study the B-H curve of the ferromagnetic materials. (3) (3) (3) (3)

14. To design a hollow prism and used it find the refractive index of a given liquid. (3) TEXT BOOKS: 1. Practical Physics, by Gupta & Kumar (Pragati Prakashan) 2. B.Sc. Practical Physics, by C.L.Arora (S. Chand)

Course Name: Course Code: Pre Req :

MATHEMATICS III MA201 Credits :4 LTP :4 0 0

Lecture wise breakup 1. COMPLEX VARIABLES

No. of Lectures

(25) Demoivres theorem with applications, Functions of a complex variable, Separation into real and imaginary parts, Limit, Continuity and Differentiability, Analytic functions, CauchyRiemann equations, Laplaces equation, Harmonic functions, Integration in the complex plane, Cauchys theorem, Cauchys integral formula, Moreras theorem, Liouvilles theorem, Taylors series, Laurents series, Zeros, Singular points, Residues, Residue theorem , Evaluation of real integrals.



Formation and solution of first order partial differential equations, .Linear equations of higher order with constant coefficients, Classification and solution of second order partial differential equations, Applications to Engineering problems. 3. FOURIER SERIES (10) Periodic functions, Trigonometric series, Fourier Series, Eulers formulae, Conditions for existence of Fourier series, Even and odd functions, Half range expansions, Complex Fourier series, Applications of Fourier series, Parsevals identity, Harmonic analysis. TEXT BOOK: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wylie and Barrett, Mc Graw Hill. 2. Complex Variables with Applications, Brown and Churchill, McGraw Hill. 3. Elements of Partial differential equations, Sneddon, Mc Graw Hill. MA 201H Mathematics III with honours In addition to the contents of MA 201 the additional topics: Conformal Mappings Mapping, Conformal mapping, Transformation by exponential, Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Power & logarithmic functions, Bilinear transformations.

Course Name : ELECTRO-METALLURGY AND CORROSION Course Code: MT231 Credits :04 LTP :4 0 0 Pre Req. : Lecture wise break-up No. of lectures 1. ELECTROLYTIC CONDUCTANCE (08) Electrolytic conductance of Aqueous Electrolytic and Fused Salt Solutions its Measurement, Transport numbers. Electrochemical cells Types of electrochemical cells formed during corrosion. Electrodes potential of half cell, Standard electrodes potential, Electrochemical series, Nernst equation, Galvanic series, Potential-pH diagrams. 2. ELECTROLYTIC CELL AND ELECTRODEPOSITION (09) Faradays law, Current efficiency, Over voltage, Decomposition voltage, Cell voltage, Electro deposition of metals-throwing power, structure of deposited metals. Electrodeposition of Alloys: Control of properties of Electrodeposits e.g. Brightness of electrodeposit, Hydrogen absorption, Mechanical properties, Adhesion and Porosity. Electrodeposition of metal powder and Electrocrystallisation. 3. ELECTRODE KINETICS AND PASSIVITY (07) Electrical double layer, Exchange current density, mixed potential theory. Different types of Polarization, Evan diagrams, Passivityits curve. 4. CORROSION (11)

Its relevance, classification of corrosion processes e.g. Intergranular corrosion, Pitting, Stress corrosion etc. Their characteristics, metallurgical and other factors influencing them. Mechanism involved for each of these corrosion types. 5. PROTECTION AGAINST CORROSION (06) Protection by design and fabrication procedure, Control of environment, Protective coatings, Heat treatment, Cathodic and Anodic protection, Chromising, Phosphatizing, Zinc and Tin coatings. High temperature oxidation, Introduction of corrosion resistant materials. 6. BRIEF IDEA REGARDING INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION OF ELECTROCHEMICAL CORROSION PROCESSES IN INDUSTRY (08) Electropolishing, Electrolytic cutting, Machining and Grinding, Electrocleaning, Electroforming, Electromining Electrorefining Electromelting and Electroetching. Decorative applications: Rhodium, Platinum and Gold plating. BOOKS: 1. Fontana : 2. Glasstone: REFERENCES: 1. KIVASU,

Corrosion Engineering Principles of Electro Metallurgy Coatings Tata McGraw Hill

Course Name : ELECTRO-METALLURGY AND CORROSION Course Code: MT231H Credits :04 LTP

:4 0 0

A review assignment, a case study, one project work on Bio-corosion and atleast 20 numerical problems. Course Name : MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS Course Code: MT232 Credits:04 Design Points: 02 L T P :4 0 0 Pre Req: __ Lecture wise break-up No. of lectures 1. CONCEPTS OF STRESS AND TYPES OF STRESS (02) Concepts of Strain and types of Strain, Units, Strength of Materials, Failure of Materials 2. STRESS (03) Strain Relationships for Elastic Behaviour. Elastic Stress Strain relations, Calculation of Stresses from Elastic Strains, Strain Energy, Anisotropy, of Elastic Behaviour, Stress Concentration, Finite, Element Method. 3. PLASTICITY OF MATERIALS (03) The Flow Curve, True Stress and True Strain, Yielding Criterion for ductile metals, Octahedral Shear Stress and Shear Strain, Plastic Stress Strain relationship, Two Dimensional Plastic Flow Slip line field Theory. 4. PLASTIC DEFORMATION OF SINGLE CRYSTAL (06) Review of Crystal Geometry, Lattice defects Introduction, Deformation by Slip, Slip in a perfect Crystal, Slip by Dislocation Movement, CRSS, Deformations of Single

Crystal Deformation of FCC Crystals, Twinning, Stacking Faults, Deformation Bands and Kink Bands


MICROSTRAIN BEHAVIOUR, STRAIN HARDENING OF SINGLE CRYSTAL (05) 6. DISLOCATION THEORY (12) Dislocation during growth of crystals; Theoretical and observed yield stress, geometry of dislocations. Burgers Vector, Right hand convention - Types of dislocations loops and motion out of crystals strain energy of mixed dislocation two hard particles; simple relationship for forces between dislocation vector notation of dislocation in crystal systems; combination of dislocation stacking fault energy; motion of extended dislocation; construction Frank dislocation; Cross slip; double jump; Geometrical characteristics of dislocation; Interaction of dislocations (simple cases); Motion of kinked and Jogged dislocation; Non conservation method Motion creation of vacancies, Frank Read source, Sessile dislocations Lomer-Cotrell, stair-rod; width of dislocation; Pile up of dislocation, solid solution strengthening anti-phase boundary; Yield unit; Luder bands; strain ageing; static dynamic 7. COLD WORKED STRUCTURE (03) Recovery, Recrystallizations and Grain Growth 8. STRENGTHENING MECHANISM (07) Grain boundaries and deformation, Strengthening from Grain Boundaries, Yield Point Phenomenon, Strain Ageing, Solid Solution Strengthening, Cold Worked Structure, Strain Hardening of Polycrystalline Materials, annealing of Cold Worked Metals, Bauschinger Effect, Preferred Orientation. 9. FRACTURE (07) Types of fracture; Theoretical fracture stress, Griffith theory, Orowan Theory, Comparison with equation based on stress concentration Crack velocities; Inglis equation; Dislocation model of crack nucleation Zener model, Cotrell-Hull model in BCC metals, propagation of crack, surface energy and strain energy criterion, Effect of temperature on the type of fracture and the transition temperature. BOOKS: 1. Reed-Hill: REFERENCES: 1. Dieter:

Physical Metallurgy Principles Mechanical Metallurgy

Course Name : MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS Course Code: MT232H Credits:04 Design Points: 02 L T P :4 0 0 In addition to the contents of MT 232 the additional topics: Additional work material in this course for the students will include: Providing Extra reading materials, Review Assignments of relevant research Papers, Project/ Case study

Course Name : METAL CASTING Course Code: MT233 Credits:04 Design Points: 02 Pre Req.: __ Lecture wise break-up I.

L T P: 4 0 0 No. of lectures

INTRODUCTION (04) Casting a process of shaping, Casting as a process vis a vis other manufacturing processes, Properties of cast products vis a vis properties of products of other processes, History of casting practices, History of product development, Basic steps involved in the making of sand casting, Process chart of casting, Lay out of a foundry. 2. PATTERNS & CORE BOXES (03) Types, allowances, functions, materials used for pattern/core making 3. MOLDING PROCESSES & MATERIALS (03) Types & materials used 4. MOLDING MACHINES, EQUIPMENTS & MECHANIZATION (03) 5. MOLDING SANDS (04) General properties of molding sands, basic ingredients, additives, testing of molding sands-moisture, strength/GCS, permeability, clay content, mold hardness, clay content, AFS No., 6. CORES & CORE MATERIALS (05) Core making & machine used, various core making processes, venting, core assembly, core setting, core prints & chaplets, Chills, core knock out & disposal, testing of core sand & core coatings, cores & casting defects. 7. SOLIDIFICATION OF METALS (06) Freezing of pure metals, nucleation & growth, shrinkage, freezing of alloys, fluidity & spiral test, hot tearing & hot cracking, inoculation, metal filtration 8. POURING & FEEDING OF CASTING (06) Pouring ladles, gating system, progressive & directional solidification, types of gates, Design of gating system, fluid flow, factors involved in gating design, pouring time, choke area, sprue design, sprue-runner- gate ratios, Riser theoretical considerations, function, shape, location, types, calculations/problems. 9. MELTING OF METALS (06) Coupla furnace - construction & operation, coke bed height, Various types of couplas cold/hot/divided blast, coke bed & stack gases, Melting rate, combustion & melt temp., Rotary, Induction & Arc furnaces, 10. CASTING DESIGN (04) Factors affecting casting design, Common design rules 11. SHAKE OUT, FETTLING, CLEANING & INSPECTION OF CASTING(02) 12. CASTING DEFECTS & DIAGNOSIS BY NDT (05) Inclusions, blow holes, pin holes & porosity, Shrinkage, misrun, cold shut & cold lap, metal penetration , scab & rat tails, parting line shift & mismatch, sand drops & mold brake, Defect diagnosis by radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic methods & Eddy Current Techniques. 13. ENERGY CONSERVATION & ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION (02) 14. USE OF COMPUTERS IN FOUNDRIES, APPLICATIONS OF CAD/CAM, SOFTWARE PACKAGES (02)

BOOKS: 1. Heine, Loper & Rosenthal : Principles of Metal Casting 2. A. K Chakrabarti : Casting Technology & Cast Alloys REFERENCES: 1. P L Jain : Principles of Foundry Technology Course Name : METAL CASTING Course Code: MT233H Credits:04 Design Points: 02

L T P: 4 0 0

Students shall study in details the Metallurgy of Gray Cast Iron, Gating & Risering Design, Charge & Heat Balance of Coupla Furnace, Recent Developments in the field of Metal Casting and few home assignments. Course Name : EXTRACTIVE MAKING Course Code: MT234 Credits Pre Req.: __ Lecture wise break-up 1. METALLURGY :04 FERROUS LTP IRON :4 0 0

No. Of lectures

INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS DETAILS (06) Iron ores-classification its type and characteristics. Scope of iron and steel industry in India and nature of the indigenous raw materials. 2. CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS (08) Design and description of various parts of B.F. and their function. Refractories at different locations of Blast furnace 3. RECENT ADVANCES IN PROCESS AND ITS CONTROL (10) Recent improvements in the b.f. Design, operation i.e high top pressure, humidity control, oxygen enrichment and fuel and lime injection through tuyeres. Irregularities in the b.f. And their prevention. Advances to the control of the process. 4. FUEL FEED FOR BLAST FURNACE AND TESTING (05) Classification of fuels (solid, liquid and gas), their processing and their importance in blast furnace. Testing of coke properties for blast furnace. Problems of metallurgical grade coke in India and recent developments in coke making and blending. Principles of theory of combustion, combustion calculation, waste heat utilization. 5. AGGLOMERATION OF FEED FOR BLAST FURNACE (04) Agglomeration of charge, its types, mechanism and processing variable to be controlled.


PHYSIO CHEMICAL CHANGES IN BLAST FURNACE (08) Smelting of Iron Ore in the B.F., various reactions. The analysis of Solid-Gas and Slag-Metal Reactions on the basis of Physio Chemical Principles. Mechanism and rates of these reactions. The behaviour of impurities and the nature of B.F. Slags. 7. DETAILS OF ONE OF THE RUNNING BLAST FURNACE (02) Process, Technology and Case study of a running Blast furnace and the challenge that it is facing and discussion for its remedy 7. ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR IRON MAKING (04) BOOKS: 1. The manufacture of iron and steel (Vol. I & II) 2. Principles of Blast Furnace (Iron Making) REFERANCES 1. The Physical Chemistry of Iron Steel 2. Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel 3. Ferrous Production Metallurgy 4. Physical Chemistry of Steel Making 5. The Manufacture of Iron and Steel 6. Basic open hearth steel making 7. Physical Chemistry of Iron & Steel Manufacture 8. Physical Chemistry of Steel Making 9. Making, Shaping & Treating of Steel Course Name : EXTRACTIVE MAKING Course Code: MT234H Credits

Bashforth, R.G A.K. Biswas.

Bodsworth, GR Manufacture USS Publication Bray Biswas and Bashforth Bashforth A.I.M.F.E. Bodsworth, C. Ward, R.G. U.S.S. Publications FERROUS LTP IRON :4 0 0


Project work will be assigned for the cost analysis of the production of steel by different processes. Assignments involving secondary processes for production of steel. Course Name: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LAB. Course Code: MT281 Credits:02 Design Points: 02 LTP :004 Pre Req.: __ Experiment No. 1: Tool of Metallurgist. a. To impart knowledge about the design, principle and application of basic tools of wide use to a metallurgist such as A metallurgical microscope, A hardness tester, A furnace, Thermocouple, Image analyzer, Scanning Electron Microscope. Experiment No. 2: Solidification of metal and alloys a. To understand the difference between solidification behavior of pure metal and an alloy.


To observe the segregation of solute rich phase in the casting and its removal by the homogenization annealing.

Experiment No. 3: Qualitative and Quantitative metallographic analysis and establishing correlation with phase diagram of the given Alloy system a. Recognition of the phase in the microstructures recognition of sate of material from the microstructure. b. Finding out the wt % of carbon in ferrous alloys from the microstructure w.r.t. Hypo-, hyper-phases and their morphologies. Experiment No. 4: Alloy Development a. To study the effect on microstructure and mechanical property. b. To study the solidification defects such as Segregation, Porosity etc. Experiment No. 5: Defects in crystal: (a) Line Defects (b) Surface Defects, (c) Volume Defects. Metallographic observation of Dislocations Grain boundaries, twin boundaries, inclusion and precipitates. Experiment No. 6: Microplasticity in metals a. To observe and understand the micro plasticity mechanism such as slipping and twinning phenomenon in metals during plastic deformation. Experiment No. 7: a. Strengthening Mechanisms

To develop correlation of thermal and mechanical processing such as age hardening, cold working, and recovery and recrystallization of alloys with the resulting strength.

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